Cloud Imperium Games announced today that its Star Citizen and Squadron 42 games will use the Amazon Lumberyard game engine. These are two of the most ambitious games being built today, and the switch from other engines is a coup for Amazon.

Previously, Cloud Imperium Games indicated it was using the CryEngine, from Crytek. But Crytek has been having financial troubles, and the Lumberyard engine is a derivative of the CryEngine, as Amazon paid $50 million to license it so that the company could modify and build Lumberyard.

By switching to Lumberyard, Cloud Imperium Games will get the benefits of the new engine, which includes deep integration with Amazon Web Services (AWS) online infrastructure and Twitch livestreaming. And since Star Citizen is an online space simulation game (it’s from Chris Roberts, the driving force behind the original Wing Commander space combat sims), it could benefit from any engine that works well with AWS.

Amazon probably views its game engine as a loss leader. It gives it away for free, but it gains high profile customers for its web services and other businesses.

Cloud Imperium Games said it has raised $139 million in crowdfunding for its space simulation games. Star Citizen was announced in October 2012, but it hasn’t released yet — and no launch date is imminent.

Amazon describes Lumberyard as a free triple-A (industry term for blockbuster), cross-platform 3D game engine that empowers game developers to create the highest-quality experiences, connect their games to the vast compute and storage of the AWS Cloud, and engage fans on Twitch.

Other urls found in this thread:

“We’ve been working with Amazon for more than a year, as we have been looking for a technology leader to partner with for the long term future of Star Citizen and Squadron 42,” said Roberts, Cloud Imperium Games’ CEO and creative director, in a statement. “Lumberyard provides ground breaking technology features for online games, including deep back-end cloud integration on AWS and its social component with Twitch that enables us to easily and instantly connect to millions of global gamers. Because we share a common technical vision, it has been a very smooth and easy transition to Lumberyard. In fact, we are excited to announce that our upcoming 2.6 Alpha release for Star Citizen is running on Lumberyard and AWS.”

And Amazon is happy to have showcase games on its young game engine.

star citizen squadron 42

“Star Citizen and Squadron 42 are incredibly ambitious projects which are only possible with great engine technology paired with the transformative power of the cloud. We love how CIG’s bold vision has already inspired a massive community, and we’re thrilled to see what they create with Lumberyard, AWS, and the Twitch community,” said Dan Winters, head of business development for Amazon Games. “We’re excited that they’ve chosen Lumberyard and AWS to provide the performance and scalability they need to bring their games to a massive audience.”

Added Roberts, “We are delighted to be working with a partner with the strength, vision, and resources of Amazon Web Services. We are looking forward to developing our relationship with AWS and the Lumberyard community in the future.”

did you even read your clickbait? It's going from a fork of cryengine to another, and it's already done.

Umm, isn't Lumberyard basically just Cryengine with built in twitch and amazon integration?

Nothing has stopped? Just a switch to a based form?
How much did you pay for this?

> Lumberyard engine is a derivative of the CryEngine

You dummyyyyy. In the end, pretty much nothing has changed.

Good, Cryengine is fucking garbage and the reason why Crytek is going under. Maybe now the game will run at something above 20 FPS on modern hardware.

It is still CryEngine, but I don't think that Amazon would be able to unfuck it

Amazons Lumberyard IS cryengine you fucking inbread retard

I work for Amazon and have never once thought star citizen would succeed.

Mark my word, the switch probably means they will actually release a game. Partnering with lumberyard is interesting too. If any company is willing to sink massive amounts of money for a huge payoff, it's amazon

At least the servers will probably not be shit this way.

Don't they already have servers?

>industry term for blockbuster
Correct me if I'm wrong, but a blockbuster is something you call once it HAS been successful at the box office and is already a proven thing, while these whole AAA things are basically mostly indications of the production budget.

I legitimately do not know. All I know is that amazon web services sells pretty good servers that most indie devs are way too cheap to get.

Yes, is basically a fork of CryEngine because Crytek is about to fucking die.

Holy shit that sounds cancerous

Amazon integration just means its built to easily work with AWS cloud servers.

Twitch integration is retarded though but hey that's where the money is.

Lumberyard is a modified Cryengine, dummy
>troubles, and the Lumberyard engine is a derivative of the CryEngine
I was ready to laugh at it too until I actually read the article.

On one hand I wish it was a totally different engine so I could have yet another reason to laugh at Star Citizen backers, but on the other hand, I'm glad it's not so the game actually has a chance at coming out.

they have 8 shit servers and only host in north america

That's why it's free. No, not just for personal use, just free. You can even not use Twitch integration of AWS if you want

ITT: OP and shitposters got BTFO in the other thread so hard they had to make another one to save face.

Shitposters just don't put any effort into it nowadays, it takes like two minutes to read enough of the article to understand this is actually a good change and its not resetting any progress.

Calm down. It's not a game engine switch such as Unreal to Unity.

Amazon Lumberyard IS CryEngine, but with additional features. It's essentially the same engine with some tweaks to it. Not much is changing.

They're going to work with Lumberyard since CryTek is dying in order to ensure continued engine support from the team working at Amazon.

>Lumberyard IS CryEngine
so basically theyre just making an excuse to delay their game?

Oh wow. Not even UE4? It's literally the easiest engine to work with.

Basically, you're a fucking retard. You've been told multiple times why they've done it, yet you still ignore that information in order to satisfy your agenda. That's it.

No they are announcing it to quell anyone worried about Crytek going under spelling doom for Cryengine games you retard.

Amazon's engine is a modified version of the CryEngine.

>it is based on Crytek’s famous CryEngine, and can be used to develop games for both PC and consoles. It’s also free to download, and comes with “no seat fees, subscription fees, or requirements to share revenue.”

possibly but it is actually a better version of the engine.

No, they switched because Amazon's engine is free, and because there's chances that Crytek might go under.

AWS integration what this game needs to feasibly making a persistent online world.

>your agenda

oh no
my dog poster agenda has been revealed!

Hey Star Citizen fans, can you do me a favor?

Take a look at these images of procedurally generated planets and tell me which one was made by:

1) the 268 employee company with $140 million US dollars of funding, over the course of four years

2) the 58 year old Russian astronomer, over the course of six months, in his free time away from his 10-hour job

Budget: $90 million USD
Development team: 80
Development time: 3 years

Budget: $130 million USD
Development team: 268 + outsourcing for animations, voice acting
Development time: 4 years
State: 3+ years remaining until release

tell me which one has gameplay outside of just looking at pretty planets

Star Citizen has a max players per server of 32, and only 10 of them can spawn ships at a time, due to network restraints. Or less, if the ships that are spawned are big ones.

Star Citizen is not an MMO and I'd appreciate if it wouldn't be referred to as such.

I'm normally pessimistic about Star Citizen and consider the money I gave them as flushed down the toilet, but this is actually good news. Lumberyard is just a derivative of Cryengine, so it's not a total new engine, but Amazon backing means they'll get much needed support on the netcode. Amazon can't let it be a failure, especially on the netcode side. This means it may actually work in two or three years.

The aws support teams are second to none

what game made this russian you are talking about?


CIG has already made its own fork of CryEngine with 64 bit support and many more features that will get scraped if they switch to Lumberyard.

The whole point of a bigger budget is to pay more people for more time.

And Skyrim was completely unfinished, broken on release, and was made up 80% of procedurally generated quests with the exact same dungeon structure.
3 years of development, and it shows.

Space Engine

he's talking about space engine, which is not exactly a game


the worst bug in skyrim on release was chickens reporting crimes

it was really quite polished, certainly a more full game than star citizen will ever be

The Amazon engine is just updated CryEngine

That said, Scam Citizen will be shit

>he fell for eve mememe
enjoy ur 1% tidi LMOA

Yes, it was completely fine.

>it was really quite polished

>I can't read the thread the post.

Try to keep up dumbass, the game is already on the updated engine with no progress lost.

As someone who works for Amazon, please understand this is a trap.

We generally make a very cheap marketplace and build an infrastructure that is so reliable that people and companies need it to survive after a time. Once market is saturated, prices and income will follow

Performance wise, CryEngine is one of the worst out there. I don't know why anyone uses it.

Why do people get so much out of trash talking this game?

It's amazing how many games journalism sites have written articles about something as minor as this.

The last 3 threads about this have been 300+ post self-gratifying circle jerks about how the game is going to crash and burn. This has been going on for the 4-5 years it's been in development and all it's done has improved, albeit slowly.

I mean the whole "engine switch" is such non-news I'm amazed people are even talking about it.

Good thing I wasn't wearing my glasses and spent all that time reading the text at the bottom

reaction images are not a substitute for an argument

Cryengine was never good. Why do you think Crytek is going bankrupt?

Cryengine was good until it stopped being a deluxe PC-exclusive engine and started being just another console engine.

This is what CryEngine looked like a decade ago, when other games were struggling with baked lighting.

Oh boy, if I started posting how broken Skyrim was we would run out of 2016.

Then again, Reddit revisionism is what's cool on Sup Forumseddit now, isn't it?
The neckbeards in here are now unironically going to pretend Skyrim was polished.
My fucking ass.

The first game really made you feel like Predator.

"Dude graphics lmao!"

Amazon integration basically just means easy to implement good netcode.

>post your face when you didn't back SC

It's mostly just laughing at the people who have wasted thousands of dollars funding this for nothing in return. I could see if they were getting dividends or something, but all they get in return are digital spaceships that don't exist yet. What a joke.

Don't get me wrong, if the game is good I'll totally play it. But why the hell would anyone spend money on a game before it's even released, let ALONE hundreds of dollars or more? It's laughable, and that's what everyone makes fun of. That's why everyone makes fun of Star Citizen. And seeing it crash and burn and never release would be the ultimate schadenfreude to go with that.

There's also the fact that Star Citizen backers are EXTREMELY sensitive, they can't handle any provocation or they'll go ballistic into full defense mode, so it's fun and easy for people to troll them. The sunk-costs fallacy/post-purchase rationalization they experience compels them to blindly defend their "investment" (donation), even when a normal person would realize they're just being baited.

So to sum it up, the fanbase is pretty dimwitted and a prime target for trolling, and they can't handle the trolling either. This means that laughing at Star Citizen is lots of fun for everyone involved - except the backers who get baited into damage control mode.

>will get the benefits of the new engine
>and Twitch livestreaming
>since Star Citizen is an online game it could benefit from Twitch livestreaming.

Was star citizen always supposed to be nothing but PvP? I thought it was more space exploration and stuff.

Lumberyard = Fox Engine = more sensible Cryengine

Nothing is scrapped.

It's low hanging fruit. They've missed every deadline they've ever set, their budget is way beyond what they've ever asked for and yet they're still struggling, their fans are rabid furries, etc, etc. And still a lot of people secretly hope that they somehow pull it off in the end against all odds, but can't find it realistically happening, so it's difficult to just ignore it.

You guys are ignoring the best part about all of this. Crytek might fucking die. Maybe this will show other devs not to fucking go after the console market if you don't need to. Crysis 1 gameplay still blows 2 and 3 out of the water.

>By switching to Lumberyard, Cloud Imperium Games will get the benefits of the new engine, which includes deep integration with Amazon Web Services (AWS) online infrastructure and Twitch livestreaming.

I said this 5 years ago

AWS is good you degenerate.

Just give me a fucking completed Infinity: Quest for Earth or something and stop hypetraining and shilling for unfinished products.

Come on Sup Forums, I just want to play EV:Nova like I play Elite, but with actual content and player driven, sandbox experience. Like EVE, but with actual gameplay and not just point and click + excel sheets.

I just want a good game...

No, the PvP is because they are so behind schedule they still don't have much of anything else for you do besides dick around with other people. It's faster to get that up and running than actua PvE content.

I'd say "worst bug" was the savefile on PS3 or bucket hats.

The game was a technical mess.

go take a nap grandpa

>Maybe this will show other devs how to go completely bankrupt in one development cycle by cutting out an entire market with millions of thousands of potential customers for no reason

AWS isn't really related to the digital store at all. It's a server provider.

>Streaming is the f-f-f-future! who cares about gameplay?

Goddamn children

Star marine is pretty fun, if they fleshed it out and optimized it better i'd buy just that game

rip shattered horizons

Lumberyard is still Crytech just modified a bit for slightly better performance. if anything this just revealed that Amazon is now funneling money into it

>muh twitch
Trying *playing* a game some time.

>ignoring the fact amazon's hand in this means first hand netcode and server support for the game
>m-m-muh twitch
who gives a shit about twitch we might actually see good netcode become a thing.

epic livestreaming, more games should be solely built around this feature

Isn't star shitizen an MMO? having AWS servers would be great since they don't shit themselves

>you make explosions in space
>you don't get sent flying backwards


You're retarded.
AWS is literally the king right now.

omg this is actually brilliant news you guys, switching engines so late in development always works out for the best

Suit compensates

You can fucking max out Crysis 3 with a 290x and maintain 60 FPS. And the game looks very good. I wish the entire Sup Forums would be gassed before you get older and even more cancerous.


Good post fampai

really activated my almonds

>delay their game
It should be an easy port. It's unlikely it would cause a delay.

Lumberyard is cryengine. It's a fork and between CIG and AWS there's actually more original cryengine staff than at Crytek.

The real story is that they are committing to AWS over Google solutions.

>You can fucking max out Crysis 3 with a 290x and maintain 60 FPS.
At what, 720p?

>silly console peasants, don't you know you'll miss out on star citizen???

>so we switch mainstream cryengine to cryengine fork to save time doing networking
i dont even know what is this game about, but /v is fucking retarded

It made me feel like I just drank a gallon of sleepy time tea.

>i dont even know what is this game about
>I'm literally Chris Roberts.

As someone who likes star citizen and wants it to succeed I don't know if I'd even be mad if they actually did just drop the cry engine entirely

It seems like the entirety of this development has been spent just trying to make it work well