Look who came out of their cave!
Look who came out of their cave!
Other urls found in this thread:
*long sigh*
All those people are ugly. It's only embarrassing when you have hot cousins.
Who are you and why do you people show up every holiday?
>90% of Sup Forums relates
every time i get shit for coming out of my room i just go straight back
Joke's on them, I'm home alone playing Final Fantasy this Christmas
>go to dinner table
>see Steve Stifler sitting beside your mom
What do
I don't know
Personally I'd bang the girl with glasses
>tfw small family
Can't ever relate to the weird uncles and shit, never had that
>white people
Who the fuck are you people and where the hell am I
I don't have to put up with anyone's bullshit if I'm in my "cave".
Life's too short to be annoyed.
>White """"" people """""
I bet that food is all bland garbage anyways.
That shorty to the right looks tight!
shes one of the ugliest lolis i've seen
>Yo wanna play some Madden NFL? I just bought the new PS Quad
>white people make bland food
this meme, it bores me. please make another one
>white people
Merry Christmas to all of you, hope you all are having a good family dinner. Talk with them, get to know them better!
Alright but I'm white so I'm afraid the meme will be dry and overcooked
>getting caught
fuck you don't tell me what to do
>din dins ready
I never got this. Do hollywood execs think that women don't masturbate just as much as men?
I wouldn't mind if that's really you. And look at that, having a top tier husbando while being a hot guy himself. Fuck man.
anyone else only going to a dinner for the presents? I need dem gift cards for vidya since neet life
>can you put away your gameboy for a day user?
He's not wrong. Yet, eating jalapenos and then driving three hours one-way would be torture.
Merry Christmas to you as well, user.
Nice grey webm, you have there.
Like eww.
>doing it durign the middle of the day when home with family
okay that kids just retarded
>"user stop playing with your game boy"
>not now mom I cant save!
kek that dad looks like he hates his son but tolerates it because he's the only child he'll ever have.
What kind of reaction is this? The one time my mom caught me fapping she just laughed her ass off and made jokes about it for a couple of days.
He is wrong.
Who would in their right mind be playing in a totally different context?
>eww why is the video all choppy?
>its hurting my eyes
>lol why have you just been walking around for 2 hours?
>isn't there anything to do in this game?
This is why I don't visit for the holidays.
That and my parents are both dead and my relatives cut off all ties with me because "lol ur mum and dad are ded"
Anyone else going to contemplate suicide at the table today?
Fuck Christmas and fuck you.
>Are you still playing with the Nintendo user? Aren't you too old for that?
It's not a gameboy you fucking cunt!
>Having a long, drawn-out stare instead of looking away immediately
You just know.
I did it in the same room while they were watching TV, gotta be sneaky
>Family gathering at the dinner table then fireplace then the rooms with the cousins
I know that festive feeling, it's like our celebration too. With Chinese New Year, Diwali, Eid and all.
>im going to go check on the dog
Every woman I've dated never masturbates (or very rarely) and get mad if I do. I'm sure it varies a lot just like it does with men but I'm sure men do masturbate more in general.
Anyone got the pasta about the user who taught himself to throw up so he could get back at his mother whenever she embarrassed him in public?
Nigger I've masturbated in a class before learn how to stealth that shit. Nothing better than a stealth jerk.
no he doesn't
>Every woman I've dated never masturbates
they do it in the shower.
They're lying. And if they're not stop dating WASPs
mommy wants the d
Are there any more edits of the source image like this one? I need them for whatever.
>ignore family everyday
>ask for the receipt if they give me something shit
>one of them starts talking shit
>fight happens
Im working for 12 hours in the electronics section of a retail store
>He's not wrong.
>>My shit family can't cook, everyone must be like this.
>Every woman I've dated never masturbates
>he actually believes this
Make seasoned food first.
What's your xbox live name bro? Let's play some CoD together sometime!
confirmed for never having a real relationship. women always bate. but they are the most vain creatures in existence so they will deny it.
I would just flat out stop giving you gifts at that point.
Ok i can kind of understand the staring, i'd be pretty shocked to see someone spazzing against their couch too but
why the fuck does she start crying?
>Tfw your parents are cool and you enjoy spending time with them during the holidays
>grandparents have a dog
>always walk her during the holidays because I just wanna get away for awhile
I hate having this autism.
get a job first.
filthy fucking nigger
Someone photoshop this so everyone has the dude on the left's face expression
that's the kinda shit people used to do
That's lovely to hear.
Men on avg. have a higher libido, yes. But when you consider that your avg. teenage boy faps several times a day, it's not entirely outside of the realm of possibility to consider that your avg. girl masturbates at least a few times a week.
>tfw black sheep of the family
xXxKiritoxXx420, that's three x'es on each side.
ok reddit i will get right on that!
she's laughing bruh.
>Every woman I've dated never masturbates
>tfw your parents aren't very interesting but you enjoy keeping them company during the holidays anyway because you know how much they appreciate it
at what age do you not get gifts anymore?
why tho? im a good boy, did literally nothing wrong
I would be angry at you, but it's the fault of your shitty parents for turning you into such a spoiled autist unaware of his own actions.
Choose your fighter
You sound like a family member I'd rather not spend christmas with.
I've seen the title and I have a request and that is for me to die tonight.
Please and thank you satan.
>synchronized eating at a cramped table
ur a piece of shit
Brownies entering white society is literally the reason it all went to shit.
Just look at the south. And detroit.
>"Being a gamer is MY choice! Why should I care what other's think? Guess what, I don't. Hahaha!"
huh? i'm not posting frogs or donald trump, how could i possibly be from reddit?
> Hey user, look who's here, remember your really hot cousin? You used to be such great friends as kids, even took baths together!
>Genuinely try my best to hang out with family so they aren't disappointed in me
>I make fun of my little bro for "never leaving his cave" all the time with them
He's only 13 and already is worse than me when it comes to being a recluse. It's kindof sad
She's laughing.
She tells her husband about it, they have a good laugh at it.
Conner is the worst character.