Did you play your Christmas demos? What did you think? Did they change your mind at all about the games or change your purchasing decisions? Which one did you like more?
Did you play your Christmas demos? What did you think...
I'm not playing demo of games want to buy.
Remember there's a Gravity Rush animu coming out tomorrow too.
Gravity Rush 2 demo was good. Seemed like more of the first but prettier and with more polished combat, which is all i want from it.
Nier demo impressed me a lot though. Pushed it up to a day one buy for me.
Will wait for Gravity Rush to reduce in price, enjoyed it enough to want to play it but don't want to pay full price for what seems like 2 new forms.
Nier was alright, will get day 1.
yeah I really liked the new forms
Gravity Rush 2 was short but sweet. If it's anything like the first game it will amazing.
Nier was just downright incredible. The atmosphere, the gameplay, the music. Everything feels so right.
Both will be day 1 purchases.
Nier was amazin. GR2 was kinda jank, like the first game I suppose but I was expecting it to be much more polished than the first.
Very good overall and I will be purchasing both.
>Gravity Rush 2 was short but sweet
if you ignore and stay away from the objective markers you can actually explore at your own leisure
>GR2 was kinda jank,
Yeah, it was pretty buggy. I actually got stuck inside the level geometry and had to restart the demo. It's an old build so I hope it's better in the final game
I canceled my preorder on both of them after playing the demos. Nier looks so fucking boring and the gameplay is so button mashy that I don't want to pay full price for it. It also looks really horrible, probably because they were aiming at 60 fps but even the PS4 should be able to handle more than whatever they showed off.
Gravity Rush 2 was overall just a fucking mess. Framedrops out of the ass, really bad pop ins and just a worse version of gravity rush 1.
Ultra hype for both. Can't wait.
lunar is a ton of fun.
>lunar is a ton of fun.
totally, but I could never get my horizontal lunar jump to go that far like in your webm
Nier is a definitive yes. Camera needs some work though. lowering the camera pursuit option also makes the camera move slow with the right stick, which is unusable.
GR2 needs polish on camera, controls, and needs style switching on the dpad instead of touchpad.
>Did you play your Christmas demos?
>What did you think?
Loved it
>Did they change your mind at all about the games or change your purchasing decisions?
No, still hyped for both
>Which one did you like more?
Gravity rush, probably because I enjoyed the first one a lot, and just falling around again felt amazing. Nier demo is new and unfamiliar stuff that still hasn't completely grown on me
Need more time with Automata. Gotta git gud for official release.
GR2 feels amazing. Glad they made the object grabbing simpler this time.
The webm is from a trailer.
It is possible that it's a leveled up lunar mode that gives you a higher trajectory on the jump.
GR 2 demo was good. I like the new powers and happy to see the townspeople and environment seems more alive. Wish we got a more update version of it though. Hopefully the big slowdown that happens when a lot of things are breaking apart on-screen is fixed.
Nier Automata was great. I enjoyed the combat and the music was good. 2B has a very nice ass too.
Getting both games day 1
Can't till tomorrow. Getting a PS4 Pro for Christmas.
Nier Automata's demo was great. Very fun to experiment with, bosses and music were top notch, and overall performance was impressive.
Gravity Rush 2's demo was significantly shorter, felt restrictive at times with how far out you could explore, but looks like an overall great improvement to an already charming game. Getting both day 1.
Neir sold me, I liked the demo and will actually buy it. Felt great hope there's more platforming in the game. And 2B IS CUTE!!!
Nier is fucking amazing , day 1 buy for sure
>tfw ordered Nier collector's edition from SE website.
It will be worth the border fees.
Nier was cool, gonna have to play the full game on hard if the combat stays the same tho. Didn't really know what the hell I was doing but everything around me died.
2B has a nice ass
>play Gravity Rush demo
>pick beginner course because I thought they were going to teach me new shit, plus i could use a refresher on the controls
>"demos over already? short as shit."
>find out a day later that experienced course has more
>mfw those 2 extra styles
>My beautiful Raven in HD
Demo was still too short though.
Nier bosses were a little boring and combat overall seems a bit easy, still interested in it though. Guess I'll try it on hard mode.
if you avoid the objectives you can explore the town and some of the nearby islands and mess around with your powers more
like you can travel to the pic related island with the tall building
but I need more, user. I want to explore everywhere, not just the boundaries set for me. and I'd like more enemies to fight.