>Boss enemy becomes normal enemy later on
Boss enemy becomes normal enemy later on
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The funny thing is that actually does apply to Tao Pai Pai.
Fuck dark souls 2. Literally in the next area.
>General tao
so is he a general or a mercenary
I remember a game that does this but I can't remember the name, anyway, it was retarded.
I think he got him confused with general tso, which is a chicken dish often served at chinese takeout restaurants
>boss weapon is a perfect fit for your current build
Dark Souls 1: Taurus demon, Moonlight butterfly, Capra demon, Gargoyles, Pinwheel.
I hope I got all of them.
>slightly buffed version of a normal enemy functions like a boss
Shin Megoomi Tensay games, at least with Nocturne and IV.
>the boss is another player
>enemy becomes more powerful after you disarm them
>every enemy is a boss
Shadow of the Colossus.
>Beat Metatron
>Metatron Horde appears
>Pretty hard
>Metatron and Hordes are basic enemies in the next fucking room, just as strong as they are as a boss
>fighting boss
>boss can gank you
>players can also invade you
>you get ganked by the boss and other players at the same time
>literal 8v1
what game? That sounds absolutely horrifying
>boss just lets you kill them
His name is Tao Pai Pai, get your shit straight.
Dark Souls 1
there was a boss called Four Kings, but it was actually something like Seven Kings, and during the Seven Kings players can invade you.
its horrifying
>boss is a door
Dragon ball is faggot weeb shit
>to beat the boss you have to become a door
>I think he got him confused with general tso, which is a chicken dish often served at chinese takeout restaurants
Nah, it's just that the Dragon Ball series has been dubbed and re-dubbed so many times that many characters ended up changing names.
>Goku was once called "Zero" a very long time ago
>Piccolo was "Big Green" at one point
>Piccolo was renamed to "Satan" in the French dub
>Mr. Satan was changed to what I believe was "Hercule" in the French dub to avoid confusion with Piccolo's name change
>Mr. Satan was changed to "Hercule" in the English dub because muh christian chillunz, then he was changed back to Mr. Satan because it turns out most people don't give a shit
>Tenshinhan was changed to Tien, then changed so that his full name is Tien Shinhan
>No one really knows how to spell Chaozu/Chiaotsu/Jiaozi/etc.
>Muten Roshi/Kame-sennin was changed to Master Roshi, which is actually a very gross mistranslation
>Cyborgs are androids now
>Tao Pai Pai became General Tao, Mercenary Tao, then Tao Pai Pai again
>boss is pregnant
Name one game. FTL doesn't count
>you were the final door all along.
That's wrong though.
You can get 5 kings max IIRC and you can't get invaded during any boss fight in DS1.
DS2 has Mirror Knight where you can invade the boss battle.
holy shit his mouth rips apart thats fucking metal
That is strangely fitting for the Dragon Ball franchise, where most characters are named after food.
>Boss is a wall
>It is a smug wall
Onimusha did this a lot
>Boss enemy becomes normal enemy later on
>Normal enemy that used to be boss enemy changes color and is re-used again as a harder normal enemy that used to be a boss enemy
>boss offers you cheetos puffs
>he punches you in the nose if you reach for them
>That's wrong though.
>You can get 5 kings max IIRC and you can't get invaded during any boss fight in DS1.
>he doesn't know
You're the one that's wrong, user. It's a glitch that was never patched and works on ps3.
>boss forces you to work christmas day
I think some of the older Final Fantasy games did this, too.
When you go down to hell in Ninja Gaiden 2 and start seeing those big fucking spider ninjas slowly romping up at you, one at a time.
And then later they start mixing them into the explosive-shuriken ninja fights.
>Boss is the President Of The United States
>normal enemy becomes boss enemy later on
Flash movie by zone
>boss becomes CEO later on
>boss is immediately followed by another boss that resurrects the previous boss
modifuckers my zone
>Boss becomes normal enemy
>Happens throughout the entire game, only one unique boss at the end of the game
>boss can cheat and hit through your block or dodge
Every mmo nowadays. It's not even about skill anymore. It's just about memorizing the fight and facerolling the boss everyday.
>boss leads off with instant death skill
>last save point is 30 minutes away
>it's your child
>boss has a move set equally or more powerful after you disarm them
>boss can disarm you
>boss gives you the option to snuggle with it instead
>games mega boss is just a regular enemy but in gold and does a fuckton of damage
>boss stops trying to hit you when it sees you're low on health
>boss knocks you unconscious, gets annoyed that you're not fighting back and gives you a health potion
>boss is trying to trick you into killing it so you'll fall and lose your powers
>Can recruit boss
>They aren't nearly as good as they were during the boss fight
>Boss is your squadmate
New Destroymen?
>boss begins limping when he's low on health
>boss is a normal enemy with 10x health and theres 3 of them
those fat fucks
>it's a boss level
>boss is the level
>boss has a thick tail
Name THREE (3) bosses that do this
>post more thick dragons
Honestly I like when games do this.
I cheated. I don't even care.
>boss gives you the option to snuggle with instead
>instant game over, boss laughs at you
abstract daddy from SH2
>throughout the entire game you can pause combat to execute special moves safely
>there's a boss that will execute their own special moves during your paused time
Battlelord and Overlord from Duke Nukem 3D
I really wish he actually said that.
>Boss does more damage the lower its health
>Boss can one shot the player if health is low enough and player isn't protecting from melee attacks.
>Losing internet connection at Dharoks tomb with 12 prayer left
I always think of the queen ant first boss biddy from Suikoden
is this...?
>gameplay consists in spamming a special attack in certain moments to counterattack, but you need to refill it to keep doing it
>there's enemies that act as your rival/lookalike with similar attacks to yours
>they also have said special
>they can also counterattackthey can do it infinitely
>do the Temple of Ikov quest
>have to kill that fire dude with the ice arrows
>pretty weak so the guy hits me lots and I keep missing him
>we're both nearly dead when the connection dies
>won't let me log back in for 2 minutes because my character was still in combat and then has to wait an extra minute to log out
>in constant fear of not only logging in back in Lumbridge but with all my items disappearing by the time I'm even able to log back in
>finally log back in
>I won
OR just has 10000x more HP
>enemy gains new attacks after you break a certain body part
>game doesn't tell you about this beforehand
>final boss uses regular boss fight music
What game has the most disappointing final boss?
It's pretty hard to beat Shadow of Mordor's, but Space Marine's was also bad. Uncharted 1 left me the most disappointed
>final boss the the protagonist of the last game
>he gets defeated by the BBC meme
shut up tranny
>Final boss is a quick time event
>the final boss has his own qtes on screen
>He fails them as the fight goes on
>Normal enemy becomes boss enemy later on
>get the bosses health down low enough
>boss gets angry
That was LISA for the most part.
>best boss music in the entire game
>only plays during one scripted encounter
>song doesn't loop, defaults to regular boss music after finishing
>the boss is called The Boss
Sam will fuck you in the ass without his sword.
>the other boss is not the Boss
>the other the Boss is not a boss
I laughed, Merry Christmas fast food/retail slave
>you shrink down to tiny size
>boss fight against a normal-sized common enemy
I'm stealing this idea, thanks.