Which was the better Trails games, Sky or Cold Steel?
Legend of Heroes
They're both shit. Legend of Heroes was never good.
Cold Steel is the better video game.
Sky has the better story and characters.
get a load of this bait
zero is the best
I dunno, I thought the quartz system in Sky was a lot better.
I've yet to play Sky but I've recently got Cold Steel and I'm having a great time with it (currently in the Nord Highlands). Did I fuck up by playing Cold Steel first?
kinda yeah, some parts in the ending wont make much sense to you, but at least your on board lol
Tonfa girl a cute!
oh and your correct about towa
even tho i went forEmma
>mfw zero was supposed to be translated by December (of this year) and the main guy bailed out
Where are my Fiebros at?
>p5's interface
every time
I like images like these, I like to go through them and imagine what each character is thinking or what they're saying or feeling or how they might interact in the certain scene.
There are some references, but nothing significant. It definitely is worth going back to play Sky whenever you have a chance though.
No offense but that's kinda autistic
At least it was picked up again, this time by ppl competent and faithful to the terminology.
Well at least my overall experience won't be hit too bad. Definetely on board for the ride though. I absolutely love the world and how much has gone into it.
W-wait I can romance the party members? Please tell me I can romance Towa
Zero/Ao > Sora > Sen
Your affection carry's over to CS2
Thats when the real romance happendes
Nice. I've had Sky for a few weeks now but didn't feel like starting it since I knew it'd be a long game and I wanted to clear up my backlog a bit. I'll start Sky once I finish Cold Steel though.
I was the one who picked it up so you'll never see it again (^:
Fantastic. Thanks user! I have Cold Steel II, got it a day after the first so I could get straight into it
I've seen this bait reply before
Hello again.
Looks more like Cyber Sleuth interface with Trails traditional turn order bar
calvard when
and is objectively the correct answer
>when fags kept saying persona would use 3D portraits because it was ''the future'' to defend sen
compared to evofied 2D portraits, 3D suddenly doesn't look too bad.
i just imagined her being sacked and executed by caroline and justine, it was pretty hot desu
Pardon me but those updated portraits don't look that bad. Mind I suppose the updatdd ones look somewhat more generic
Wasn't a problem in zero, suddenly it is (^;
left is a long necked abomination only acceptable in the 90s, right is a qt
i mean wtf mate, if you want to play the game with portraits in high res, there's kai for that
how could you justify a whole new release with already reused assets of a game that has been released countless times already?
Do you have the rest of the evo portraits?
Yeah cause when you play Sky you won't be able to handle the old game mechanics
Nah I'm sure I'll be fine. Is the combat at all similar to Cold Steel?
Sure, just open paint and change hairstyle and color.
non-expressive garbage
Its the exact same formula
Excellent. Thanks.
Cold Steel is actually a shit game because they removed features from Ao and Zero and 3rd
Man I'm far too excited about the idea of the West getting a simultaneous release of CS3.
You spoiled one of the major plot points of SC by playing Cold Steel first
You won't have any idea what's going on in the intermission of CS2 if you play it first
You don't have any idea how orbments work or anything about the history of the world outside Erebonia if you play CS first
You won't understand why Osborne is a villain if you play CS first
However, since you started with CS, you won't have to worry about being upset that they switched out the god tier magic system in the previous games with the shitty not-materia garbage in CS, which is the literal only advantage of playing CS first.
Combat is pretty much entirely the same, except with 2D sprites instead of 3D models. Quartz system is completely different though.
How about you do ones for the other characters that actually got better in Evo like Renne, Kevin, Reis, Loewe, etc. But I guess its easier to cherry pick Estelle and Joshua and let's not forget the old art style everybody had those disgusting sausage fingers.
>non-expressive garbage
Good thing the game is entirely voiced now which conveys more than the portraits.
>Man I'm far too excited about the idea of the West getting a simultaneous release of CS3.
Others are debatable but Loewe? fuck no. Also fuck no to that Olivier.
For voices, too bad I'll never understand moon, but I agree otherwise.
It still doesn't excuse having almost half as many portraits as the originals, especially considering they cheaped out and got a shitty artist to do the art for the evo games.
The voice acting makes the evo games worth playing, but don't start defending the shitty portraits/unnecessary gameplay changes just because of that.
Renne doesn't look much better than her original art and on top of that they removed half her portraits, including some of her most memorable faces. You should have mentioned the addition of CGs which actually look good and improve the game but again, no matter how much they add the new artist looks worse than every other artist they've ever had (even the guy who did the original art for the initial release has improved vastly since). There's no reason they couldn't have used the artist who did Cold Steel/Ys vs. Sora no Kiseki/etc. for the Evo games. Renne looks far better in every other game she's appeared in than she does in Evo or the originals.
t. Renne waifufag
it never gets not funny when they say this
i remember fags saying p5 wouldn't take more than 4 months for localization and that simultaneous release was likely
Honestly I love Sky so much that I haven't played Cold Steel because I'm afraid it will be a disappointment.
Will there ever be a character as great as Estelle?
Fuck off with this shit nigger, if Falcom made yet ANOTHER release of sky with just voices and re-using Kai assets the backlash of the Asian fanbase wouldn't stop when they've been already facing criticism from hell and back about that.
Cold Steel will be a disappointment but it's not the worst game ever made.
None of the protagonists after Kevin stack up to Estelle at all. None of the characters in the series come close to Estelle, Kevin, and Renne IMO in overall quality of writing/characterization/development. That said, you'll probably enjoy the side cast of Cold Steel because they end up a lot more fleshed out than side characters in FC and SC did.
>muh portraits
I didn't say to reuse the portaits dumbass, I said that they should have remade every portrait at the very least, especially since they cheaped out and got an artist that's only a tiny improvement over the originals and only for a few characters, or they should have had a more talented artist do the art for the remakes.
>it's okay to remove content in a remake
>I said that they should have remade every portrait at the very least
They did that. You didn't like it. Move on with life.
he's talking about the expressions they removed senpai
just let the retard whine, he's probably a pleb
>They did that.
They literally didn't. Renne has more portraits in fucking Ao where she makes a bit appearance than she has in SC Evo.
Keep fanboying, faggot.
if you played it, all your frustrations would've gone away the moment you heard Estelle saying "leeettss gooo"
shame you can't do that ;/
What's wrong with Oliver exactly? It's similar to the one in Ao.
W-whats happening on the top mid portrait? Is she taking a piss in public?
>it's okay to remove content from a remake because they delivered properly on other aspects
Why the fuck would I have the artbook that came with the LE if I hadn't bought the game? Just because they added voices doesn't mean it's okay to literally remove content from the game otherwise.
It's the evo artist failing to copy pic related's expression
Seems like a cheap price to pay for a remake I've been wanting since about 7 years ago.
If we had a ballot "Remake trilogy with full voice and sacrifice some portraits or no remake"
You'd probably be the only one who would've voted for the latter like a fucking autist.
Also this
>that peanut mouth
every time
just shut the fuck up you literal retard and understand falcom is a midtier AA company that cant afford all the shit you want
they had to sacrifice somewhere to be able to remake all the shit fully voiced while still dodging criticism of reusing assets
now stop being a fucking child for christ's sake
The Master Quartz system reminds me of Materia
>If we had a ballot "Remake trilogy with full voice and sacrifice some portraits or no remake"
Thing is, we didn't. What actually happened was they half-assed the remake because they knew it would still sell because of voices, and people defended them for it because the remake had voices like it was supposed to.
A mid-tier AA company can afford a handful of portraits or a fucking artist that's worked on every single one of the series' games for over half a decade, you fucking retard.
Id rather have the almost full voice and new event images than muh portraits, thats for sure.
Pretty much the reason Xseed should localize the Evo versions of Zero/Ao or dont bother at all.
>didnt like portraits thus its half assed
kill yourself pleb
That's because they butchered it in CS so that it's just a shitty version of materia instead of having the unique system that the last 5 games had.
>I can't read
>that feel when those threads that announced they're actually putting enough effort into Cold Steel 3 that they're not going to bother with versions for ancient hardware
>I can't read moonrunes
fixed that 4 u ;)
Cold Steel by far.
Fuck anyone who said Sky was good. That was dogshit.
Not even japs whined about the portraits as much as people here, sheiss
Not him, but Ao and Akatsuki used Master Quartz and the good system together
they'll probably never achieve greater perfection
Yeah, because fuck comfy 90s JRPG charm. I want my action light novel high schooler stereotypes going on field trips.
It was better when they announced that they weren't releasing a PSP game in 2017 and people went fucking apeshit over it.
That's what I mean
People think CS' system is an improvement, when all they did was remove features from the previous games and put nothing in its place except for replacing combo crafts with gamebreaking link attacks.
Good, since falcom sucks at multi platform titles
After a couple threads ago, whenever I see people liking Cold Steel over Sky equivalent to the people who liked The Phantom Menace over the original trilogy made so much sense I had to stop lurking Sup Forums for awhile
>when Sup Forums gets too real you have to stop
People have been comparing Cold Steel to the PT ever since it released in Japan and now that I've actually played it they're incredibly similar. Still, seems like CS is a lot more well-liked than the PT is relatively, it's amazing what throwing some school uniforms into your game can do for its popularity.
I think people are forgetting Falcom wasn't the ones who made the Evo versions that was done by Chara ani and would explain why they couldn't get back artist to do work. Look at the Zero/Ao evo version which included some new scenes which looks out of place.
Just wait until Sen III where they announce the Epstein foundation created Enigma 3 which is part of Rean's visit in Crossbell.
>replacing combo crafts
fuck, don't remind me
even worse is that we'll probably never get them back, even in the next arc after CS3
But at least the fact that Akatsuki exists gives me a tiny tinge of hope that Falcom at least realizes which system their fanbase prefers
even if they do keep the dumbed-down system forever, it's reassuring to know that at least they acknowledge what they've done
NO user DON'T
if you say shit like that, the disappointment's just going to hit even harder
I've started FC after going through CS1+2, and I definitely preferred how CS did it. FC's skill system is just silly design, especially if the player doesn't look at a guide. How are you supposed to know that you need some gold mixed in with your earth quartz to get the AOE earth moves? Or that you need certain amounts of wind and gold in your orbal lines to get AOE water?
>ow are you supposed to know that you need some gold mixed in with your earth quartz to get the AOE earth moves?
By reading the fucking magic section of the notebook in-game that tells you exactly how to get every single spell?
The new system is fucking garbage and people only like it beause they're retards that can't do arithmetic.
...you do know your bracer booklet includes every combination and every spell, right? The bracer booklet that you get at the very start of the game, that you carry with you the entire game.
>How are you supposed to know that you need some gold mixed in with your earth quartz to get the AOE earth moves? Or that you need certain amounts of wind and gold in your orbal lines to get AOE water?
By opening the Bracer Notebook?
So I'm on Chapter 4 of SC. Just wondering when does the main shit start happening?
am I the only one who likes FC?
Sen III will start with a mock battle against Arios who out cold steels Rean and after the match Arios tells Rean to come to the Bracer guild where he hands the newly developed Enigma 3 to Rean. Trust me, my Uncle works at Falcom.
Guess I suck cocks, sure as hell fooled me for 3 chapters.