E3 2017
What are your hopes?
Your dreams?
And your nightmares at next year's event?
E3 2017
I will post this everyday until E3
I will cling to hope in possibility that a new Devil Survivor and Zero Escape game will be announced
I will post this everyday until E3. I will cling to the possibility that iDOLM@STER will be localized.
I will post this everyday until E3
I will cling to hope in possibility that a new metroid game will be announced
Kadokawa is gonna be hype
Halo 3 on PC with full modding support.
Merry Christmas hope thread!
Rare post...?
I'll tell ya what, ya'll have a dang ol' Merry Christmas ya hear
>forgot my image
I wish Santa would bring me a new brain for Christmas
I post whenever I remember to in these threads.
Well you're always welcome here halo dude, ur a pretty cool guy.
Thank you senpai.
T-thanks Idol and Jaen.
Open your gift now Metrid.
Merry christmas/birthday junko(fag)!
I will post this everyday until E3.
If any of these things happen, I'll eat my shoe.
I was going to put santa hats on everyone but I haven't seen a santa thread on Sup Forums in a while and I'm really lazy
So just act like they have santa hats
Thanks for the gift Dess, I'll try to give you the best Truxton streamu I can when I get back.
Happy Holidays, you're still going to eat that shoe though!
Metrid did you get what I sent you? I didn't get an email confirmation.
wtf we're all brouzoufs now
What was it Idoru, is it through steam?
I'm sorry idol, I'm not seeing it here.
Fug, this is where I was having trouble with my card last night. I'll have to buy it again then.
Ah you dont have to buy me anything senpai, I dont want to be a bother like this.
I will post this every day until Persona 5s delay becomes a ruse I will cling to the possibility it comes out before April 2017.
Happy Holidays.
I've already bought it for everyone else, i'm not leaving you out, don't be silly.
>E3 2017
Better than last year but not by much
>What are your hopes?
That it's not all spoiled and that actual surprises exist
>Your dreams?
Everything isn't shit
>And your nightmares at next year's event?
We live this every year
wow it's really cool how you put santa hats on all of them
Who's the cutest boat between these three Sup Forums?
None of those.
Thanks man I know
How about now?
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