Thoughts? I've only played the original Deus Ex.
Thoughts? I've only played the original Deus Ex
Maybe start with human revolution?
Play Human Revolution Director's Cut. It's cheaper, better and offers more content.
Just refunded it, glad I was able to with 3 hours. The game was pretty ok, but it fucking guzzled on my PC and loading time were
Better get the console version, if at all.
HR was terrible and this one is okay
I'll take the bait, explain.
is your PC 9 years old?
Buy it and HR with these big discounts
Human Revolution is better, cheaper, and has more content to it.
Nah made it about 2 years ago, i5-4690k, R9 280, 8GB, runs everything just about fine, need to run some newer games on medium/low and get 60FPS most of the time.
a shittier version of human revolution. doesn't mean it's bad it's just worse
Not user, but look on the steam forums, apparently even if you're using some newer hardware, there can be framerate issues in relation to tessellation and shadows. I switched both off and got better performance. Not much though.
It's half a game and it shows. The ending is so fucking abrupt and you can be sure it was so that they could put the other half of the story into either DLC or another sequel. Nice game otherwise.
why ;(
kill yourself imbecile
It's a good game.
But play Human Revolution first. HR is also a good game.
Mankind Divided is better in some aspects (gameplay, polish, hub design) but HR has better writing for the main plot. At least until the end where they clearly ran out of money and time and just slapped that shit together.
For not having a top of the line computer? I had the game on low and it ran like shit.
I've got similar specs to yours down to the exact same model of CPU and my game runs bretty good. No frame rate issues at least. Did you install it on an SSD or a hard drive?
Hardrive, SSD is almost full, it's not really frames, runs at 40-50 most of the time which I can handle, but insane loading times, stutters, freezing and slow down.
The loading times would be massively helped by the SSD at least. I think mine loads in 10-30 seconds depending on if it's a quick load or an entirely new area.
Play HR first yo.
ez game for babies. Latest run i just shot everyone and gave up mid game.
Buy the game