Just bought this game, it is very fun. Why did the internet discourage me from buying it for so long?

Just bought this game, it is very fun. Why did the internet discourage me from buying it for so long?

It says more about you if "the internet" put you off of buying it

it's overhyped. it's a really good game, just not the best. really good music, mediocre gameplay.
>inb4 "you haven't played the game" argument
beat it twice, so it held my attention for at least that long.
btw, i also think it is fun, OP

Which part of the internet discouraged you, exactly?

Wait until you see what the True Pacifist ending is like, it's the gayest shit.

kek, yeah it's pretty gay

No one is saying it's the best, besides literal elementary school children who haven't been exposed to better games. If your only exposure to video games, besides Undertale, was Call of Duty, Battlefield, Assassin's Creed, Just Dance, Minecraft, and Angry Birds, of course you would end up thinking Undertale was the best. Aside from early Battlefield, CoD, and AssCreed, all of those are 5/10 at best. Meanwhile, Undertale is easily 7/10.

idk, just say so much hate surrounding it, didn't realize it was mostly the fandom. Also I used to be a huge tumblr fanboy, so I try to avoid anything tumblr likes now.

Honestly, I think the neutral ending is better. Its got the better final boss.

thanks for replying, and i think that is a perfect way of saying it. it's ok, but there are a lot of better games.

It's good.

It was okay, for sure.

What a lot of people are misunderstanding about the hype is that normies haven't been getting many good games. Undertale is probably the best game to break into the spotlight in the past 4 years. If all you've known is the garbage that gets spewed out by EA, Activision, and Ubisoft, then you'd obviously respond favorably to the first good game you came across.

When you're thirsty, even dirty water looks good.

Asgore is the better fight anyway, I get it, Toby wants his own Giygas and Masked Man fight, but it's such a deal breaker, especially since Flowey is not present in the game at all outside of cameos.

Asgore's build up throughout the entire game was great. Toby's really good at misdirection.

kek, well said.

Undertale is legitimately great. At least, great by indie standards. Of course there are better games out there, but that should go without saying. Unfortunately I have to include it in order to not get bombarded by lists of games that are supposedly "better".

The fanbase and hatebase are two sides of the same obnoxious coin. It's completely retarded and prevents any legitimate discussion from happening.

normies kek haha us gamers lmao

I palyed plenty of games and Undertale is in my top 10, alongside Heroes of Might and Magic 3, Final Fantasy 5, Portal 1,2, Bastion, Bayonetta, Civilization 5, SimCity 4, Gunstar Heroes and The Stanley Parable.

Normies GTFO

Mostly because Tumblr got a hold of it and got their jizz all over it, making it harder for normal people to enjoy it because the other fans are so cringe

it got popular and some fags who like to exploit the insecurities of other fags on the internet targeted the fans of it for a little while

It's in my top 25. My top 10 are
>Xenoblade Chronicles
>Xenoblade Chronicles X
>Super Metroid
>Metroid Prime
>Civ V
>Rabi Ribi
>Cave Story
>Super Mario World
>A Link to the Past

Undertale is right behind Guacamelee and Bunny Must Die, and right ahead of Touhou 8 and 11.

that anime sucked

This is why

I wouldn't call it ''great'', but it most definately isn't terrible as the good outweighs the bad, it's good if you think you haven't had enough of the EarthBound asthetic, and if you want something that's more or less creative, but the story and characters take a very sharp nosedive towards the end, and the stuff that is there to ''appeal'' to people that like seeing lgbt shit in games is about as subtle as a brick.

It was great. No super powers, no harem, the characters didn't act like infuriating idiots, and it had the best sound track of any anime since the original Dragon Ball.

Just a nice slice of life about a bunch of art students, set to a beautiful soundtrack. It's the Cave Story of anime.

Undertale is an amazing game that is shitposted on Sup Forums because of false reasons, popularity, and an annoying fan base.

I wish everyone could experience undertale with a clean slate like I did.

Let the trips be your guide, OP. Believe in yourself. Undertale was hyped on Sup Forums when the demo came out, and vilified once they realized it was going to be a hit.



Dr.Pavel, I'm CIA.

Colette is best girl. I hope she never gets a love interest, unless it's Imari.

For a second there I thought you posted a page from that Undyne comic with Donald Trump in the first page shaking hands with Asgore

False flagging is the best way to describe Sup Forums for the past year and a half.

I think "great by indie standards" was the kicker there. Indie games tend to be mostly dogshit, but the few gems (Cave Story, Undertale, OFF, that kind of thing) make up for it.

teehee memes lolz


jesus you and i have half the same top 10.
>Xenoblade Chronicles
>Metroid Prime
>Civ V
>Cave Story
>Paper Mario TTYD
>Twilight Princess

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, you fuck.


Seriously nigger?

Also, Wind Waker > Twilight Princess

lmlo (laughing my lol off)