This is Gladiolus

This is Gladiolus.
Say something nice about him.

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He's got a nice Boi Pucci

what's with the character names in this game? Gladiolus? Prompto?

those are the only two I know of, what the fuck were they thinking?

>Fantasy game
>Has non-traditional names

It'll forever be a mystery I suppose...

Why is every picture/screenshot of this game so damn blurry

why isnt there ff15 orgy porn yet? fucking consoles

>You're no king, you're a coward

I kind of look like Gladiolus.

He has a cool voice but turns into a total asshole towards Noct midway through the game for no reason and never recovers.

This game sucks.

Looks like that dude that left one direction

I'm ok with the main party name, I can get used to it even if they are really in-your-face symbolism. My main problem is Lunafreya.
Seriously, what the fuck? Who the hell in Square thought that was a good idea? That's something a weaboo/chuuni would name their online character in a random shit anime MMO, not something ypu should call the main love interest of a game.

His sister is fuckable

Has a good sister

>"Off my chair, jester. The king sits there."

Lose the Jacket


Since there are no girls in the party, I have over 80 saved pics with Gladio. I think this game is making me gay




>has great body
>covers it up with tats
>can't see the skin or muscle definition

Fucking hate tats.

How much pussy do you think Gladi has destroyed?

Shit taste, desu. Post-punk is delicious.

He even hit up Sania so pretty much all the girls

He was easily 2nd best after Ignis

Are you all just barafags?

About as many as the number of cup noodles he's dined on. Which would be 0 because I don't let him near any.


These are very tame names for FF actually.

Gladio, Aranea, Iris, Cor, Noct, Regis, Luna, Cidney, Cid, Dave, Ignis, Ravus, Holly, Clarus, Jared etc.

You have robust eyebrows

In the time skip he mentions he's going to marry his girlfriend and that he slayed a ton of pussy in 10 years

Uhmmm... you seem strong, despite looking like some "bro" idiot from a random frat.

My exact thoughts when I started this game

At least they can pass for names.

Better than fucking Lightning, Snow and Hope.

I didn't quite understand their relationship
Gladio is obviously his bodyguard, but sometimes they seem close and then spontaneously they hate each other


fuck off Ignis


oh yeah? what is it? Duscae Orange Juice?

I'm actually a big fan of ignis and lunafreya as names.

Hope is a real name in my language, user (Haдeждa).

>but a recipe book
>"that's it!"
>"I've discovered a new recipe"
No you didn't, you fucking shit. I bought that recipe for you.

That's a big cup!