Merry Christmas, Senpai!!
Merry Christmas, Senpai!!
Wow! You gonna be a legend!
>Kill everyone in ikegara for conditional quest rewards
>nothing happens everytime I try
What am I doing wrong? Did I miss one somehow? Do I have to kill the Jackal?
Everyone includes yourself.
99% of the time its a hater killing any random enemy preventing you from killing all enemies in said floors (floors named in the quest description are included)
You better run through the level if you aim to complete those quests.
Yeah I've never gotten that shit to work. I know the Hater didn't kill shit, either, since he was still in the spawn point and hadn't moved an inch.
That's for the "don't dodge/don't wear armor and climb from X to X killing everyone" though, the "kill everyone in X with Y" works.
I'm just gonna give up and say it's fucking bugged.
Good character stuck in a shit game.
It started off bad, real bad, but at floor 13 and it's grown on me.
thanks uncle death
"Yeah, man! Two hats is twice the "Merry Christmas"! Let me go get you one! I'll even grab you two, Senpai, we can match."
thanks uncle death!!!
Game is good senpai, especially for a free to play
That's exactly how I feel about this game. The post apocalyptic dirty dystopian future(?) setting turned me off at the beginning along side even sloppier controls and combat, but the characters and the atmosphere keep pulling me back in. Love the shit out of the game now.
I feel so empty now that I beat the game.
New floors when?
The fact that you can finish it says enough.
"No problem! Cause y'know, Senpai... I've always sort of kind of liked you.... Really like you"
If i had to guess, I would say we'll get some more stuff in Feb when the game launches in Japan.
>post apocalyptic dirty dystopian future
I think the implication is that the Earth Rage is an isolated event and there's just a bunch of crazy people who are trying to climb this tower.
if you want to do those levels get a lvl 1 hater their by killing one of your new guys their works everytime for me since they replace the hater
>Released in a lot of countries but not entirely world wide
What's the fucking point? Seriously. Fuck you Suda51 you cunt I ain't buying your games again. I was loyal and this is what I get.
>Didn't knew that Death Metals could be used to expand your storage until I spend them all
Where the hell do you live? It is retarded as hell. Not even JAPAN got this game
why don't you just make a usa psn account for it, Unless you care about achievements
What's the best way to get heat? I'm trying to save up for freezer expansion and killing haters doesn't seem to give all that much
Developer doesn't control publishing when it's not self-published.
Yeah tough break, buddy. I burned half my tokens on a single midboss because I was drunk.
Raids, nigga. 2k a pop.
>Japan didn't
>But Australia did
Consider yourself lucky. This game is garbage.
haha le epic pol meme haha yes *sharts while screeching*
If any of the enemies accidentally damage each other, or take environmental damage, the quest is unwinnable, too. You don't get credit for a kill unless you, personally, did ALL the damage.
Merry Christamas faggot
Wow that's fucking dumb.
It's Ikegara, though, there are no hazards apart from the Hater and that dude didn't move an inch from the spawn.
I should know, I've gotten BTFO'd often enough by that fucking hiding behind the trailer when a Level 49 Hater spawns in on my Level 1.
the entire setting is a video game
only the arcade is 'real' and even that's some sort of undead soul realm that Death is keeping you in so he can force your soul to play video games for his amusement.
>the entire setting is a video game
Well that's the case with most videogames.
I know what you mean, but in the context of the videogame within the arcade, the Earth Rage is implied to just be an isolated event.
d-do you like me sexually?
"I- I don't know about that, Senpai. Y-you're really putting me on the spot here, man... It's just you seem to be all I think about, you wouldn't be able to tell anyway but whenever I think of you I catch myself smiling. I think of you a lot, Senpai... So I guess maybe one or two of those thoughts were a bit raunchy, man, I won't lie... I hope this wasn't weird, yeah? Are we still cool, man?"
>"Naomi and Meijin aren't home, m-maybe I can be your skeleton for tonight, Senpai."
Haters return to their spawn after the kill
"Yeah we can hang out, play the new game I got! It's wicked crazy, Senpai, real bad ass! I have my games in my room, we can sit together and share a controller, man! You can just sleep at my house in my bed with me, we're both guys, it's not weird, if you don't have any Pajamas you can just sleep in one of my shirts"
>this mad over a simple meme
Swedan still proving to consist of nothing of faggot. Eat shit, cunt.
>Ramen with a fork
I'll never go back
>Being this defensive
>you will never have a qt spanish sounding bf who wants to play vidya, skateboard, and cuddle.
>You will never have him in the afterlife either so no skelly
Merry Christmas to you too, Nepu!!!
All I want for Christmas is dat bone dick
There weren't any piles of Kill Coins around him, I was dashing through the level, and I mean I did get the "kill every enemy in Ikegara with the hammer" achievement, just not the no dodge or no armour ones.
Which is odd.
Merry Christmas!
I'm gonna make some Let It Die fanart.
Will that win your nerd love?
Uncle Death and Mushroom Chan kissing the body of the player is lewd or weird areas.
I got a composition in mind but that's honestly not that far off.
I'm also voting for rule34. We can do an art trade or something, I warn you though my art is only weirdly cute and shit so I can't do much
I've also been told I'm good at greentext stories so if you wanna request one I'll do it
Does Uncle Death have a tongue?
If not he can just grope while mushroom chan has her mask slightly off for crotch kisses.
Post lewds of uncle death
...tongue would be kinda hot
Yes to this
Man you're all going to be really disappointed when you see just how non-lewd my art is.
Can only do dumb full composition type deals.
I will appreciate seeing any TTP with the player Character, Mushroom Chan, and UD.
Just open his shirt or something
Does it have Multiplayer?
Here, I finished a drawing of Best Girl.
Would seriously be okay with anything even slightly lewd with Uncle Death
Y-Y'know for a friend
if you want
Does Uncle Death have eyes?
Yes actually, and a mouth. You can see under the mask if you fuck with the brightness. It makes no sense, he is literally Death according to the ending, or at least it is alluded that he is
The arm hanging in front of her triggers my autism
Also her legs look wonky af senpai
He does but I really refuse to see him not actually being a skeleton
In my defense I'm drawing with a mouse
And that's the only defense I have
It's a known issue, caused mainly because a Hater fucks things up off screen or somebody in a group smacks another one in the crossfire.
They aren't impossible, but you need to be a bit lucky. Also I think the description is unclear as you usually have to clear both floors
tips for 16f jindie boss?
Has there been any word on there being new floors or even a second tower being added at some point?
iron rage attack
upgrade your shit
the current ending directly leads into the next set of floors (which don't exist yet).
Speaking of Stingshrooms, can I eat one and then eat a Crushroom to get +150% damage?
Here's that shitty cutesy art shit I mentioned, I like drawing spit
I draw with a mouse pad on my laptop, I totally get the struggles of drawing with it.
However unlike my art yours is actually not shitty and I couldn't even tell you didn't draw it with a tablet
you look better equipped to draw sans fanart senpai
>Admitting to yourself that you would one hundred percent bone uncle death
Merry Christmas everybody.
how to upgrade gold cap?
Would go gay for skelebro
Also where is the iron blueprint?
Talk to scary puppet man > waiting room > buy equipment.
Blueprints are fucking random dude good luck FUCKO.
Try killing Frogs or Critters AND watch out for Haters killing your NPC's.
That reminds me that this whole picture was done by looking off of an older one I did of Mushroom-chan. I think you guys would want this shitty doodle more than that last shitty doodle.
I can probably doodle up some more, any requests in particular or...?
>game says sempai
>it's senpai
He's an undead spanish weirdo, give him a break.
Why hasnt there been any sweating towel guy of him yet?
Anything in particular or just sexy Uncle Death pics?
Like I said, all my shit ends up looking cutesy and chibi but this is all I can do right now
He's Finnish retard
He says senpai though
Cutesy, chibi, and with a spit fetish.