>started today
>reached first lamp
>trying to find 2nd one
>encounter shitton of enemies
>i mean for real how many mobs are there
>fucking ganksquads evreywhere
>kill million of peasants, crows, wolfdudes, rats and big guys
>still no lamp
b-but hey at least i have epic shortcut
i only need to kill like thousand mobs to reach it
epic level design :')
Started today
>tfw still only found 1st lamp
>found my way to some boss with a gun in a grave yard
>leveled up once
You can run past them retard
i dont even know how to level up
You're shitposting about a stupid thing that's your own fault but I really did hate this fucking game and more than that, I hate all of the bottomfeeders who act like it's a masterpiece.
Fuck Bloodborne. I got exponentially MORE playtime out of even Dark Souls 2 and enjoyed it.
I think when you reach any boss go back to the lamp and teleport. Talk to that doll bitch to level up.
That's how I found out user
im 100% serious
It is, how many lamps do you need for fuck's sake?
I've started yestarday too, I'd say the level design is pretty great, in the Cathedral Ward now.
yes it's complete ass we know this, the only people who unironically like it don't have another games to play
>I'm a scrub who can't dodge or parry
The first lamp is right next to both of the first two bosses. Why do you need another one?
> Game ditches shields and blocking for "innovative" stagger shot mechanic
> Most bosses are immune to being shot countered
t. PC cuck that finally got to play bloodborne
Wrong. Bloodborne is not hard. These games were never fucking hard. I hate the soundtrack, I hate the regurgitated aesthetic all over the place, some of the bosses are worthless shit like Emissary, I hate that the weapon count was halved in favor of switch shit, I hate that there's no armor, I hate that tanky playstyles were altogether taken out, I hate all of the stupid pretentious symbolism revolving around birth and shit, I HATE that I thought this was gonna be a fantasy Castlevania/Van Hellsing-esque game and Miyazaki copped out with DUDE ALIENS LMAO. I hate the shit netcode and I hate retarded gimmicks like Frenzy.
Fuck Bloodborne and the shit-slurping drones who think it's some flawless gem of a game. If development hadn't addled Miyazaki's brain, maybe DaS3 wouldn't have followed in its footsteps and turned out as a mediocre pile of garbage too.
Most of the bosses also can be staggered from repeated hits and then hiy for a visceral to compensate.
You could only properly parry Gwen in Dark Souls you fucking idiot.
I know that, but I am talking about the timed shots that were supposed to replace not having a shield. At least I remember that being the purpose
Nobody even talked about parrying. But at least you had shields to mitigate damage in DS series. BS ditched shields and as stated tanky builds in general but didnt replace it with anything.
Instead there is shitty item farming, shitty dodges (not even possible to quickshot while making a backstep, top kek) and less choice of builds in general
>I hate
>I hate
>I hate
No actual arguments. It's okay to hate it user but don't act like it's objectively bad. It's just bad to you and probably people similar to you.
>I dislike all the things that I subjectively dislike!
Why did you bother with picking up the game in the first game?
It has plenty Castlevania-inspired locations and ayylmao stuff comprises just 1/4 of the game.
What armor did you fucking expect in the game the whole premise of which is to be fast and fiercful which was plenty discussed by the devs prior to its release?
You're noone to blame but yourself.
Nice pasta
Anons, some of the things are personal gripes. For instance I think choirs are overused in the soundtrack, and similarly I think the cobblestone roads and cathedrals being 90% of the setpieces gets old really quick, but don't you at least think that some of the things like scrapping armor and shields are a shitty deal? You can memepost all day about how they're for scrubs or whatever but the fact is that the game took AWAY features of its predecessors, playstyles that were viable and that some people enjoyed. Less features are never a good thing, especially when this game has less build variety (and imo far less replayability) as a result already. Couple that with the non-functioning online (at least when I played at launch), and some other things such as the weapon count being lowered and I think you have some legitimate problems with this game that set it apart. And sure switch weapons were okay, you technically get two weps in one but they're always tied together by nature. Again, it has a sense of stifling variety and I think the game drops the ball hard in the respect. If I could sum up Bloodborne in a sentence, from the music to the aesthetic to the weapons and builds and playstyles: there's no variety. That's one of the reasons I liked the games before it so much.
ok OP here i just killed first boss
why the fuck was he so easy???
that big guy with axe was harder than him
>people pretend BloodBorne is hard
I played every Souls game by grinding and Greatshield strafing, literally the most scrubby way possible and even I thought it was next to impossible to die in the Bloodborne main game.
The DLC is kicking my ass though.