So if DMC5 isn't announced by the end of 2017 we can offically say it's over right?

So if DMC5 isn't announced by the end of 2017 we can offically say it's over right?

If an IP exists there's always a chance it'll pop up again no matter how dead it is. You just need someone to make a profitable spectacle brawler and suddenly Capcom will have the insight to bring back DMC

It was over a decade a ago

DmC 2 when?
mainline dmc is literally finished after the complete story fuck up dmc4 was

Fuckin star wars got revived 10 years after the prequel trilogy

Ghostbusters got revived and murdered horribly 25 years after its last movie

There's always a chance that someone gonna buy Capcom or some shareholder gonna suggest DMC

Yeah but, we're talking if a new DMC is in development right NOW.

It'll be announced. Itsuno's been working on it for over a year at this point, they should have something to show fairly soon.

>Being in charge of reviving dead franchises NOT named Resident Evil


That said, I'm real salty that Nier Automata won't be taking DMC4's throne as the top action game of the decade though just because it would piss off a bunch of people. I mean MGRR managed to be its own thing despite being everything completely opposite to the main series, and was only bogged down by an extremely short development cycle.

source: your ass

The devs really wanted the fans of the first (trash at action games) to be able to get in Automata without much trouble.

We'll see how the full game is when it drops, I hope it does well.

Really user? So you can tell me what his unannounced project is?

forgot webm

Overlord by Codemasters was good as dead but then they hint shit and everyone was screaming Overlord 3 and we got a 4player coop top down view game with minions being good just for the puzzles purposes.

Check his Twitter.

Based on this fact and info from Capcom's reports, his next game should be announced between E3 and PSX.

>Being in charge of reviving dead franchises NOT named Resident Evil

They just announced a new Marvel VS Capcom a few weeks ago.

Most would say MvC had a smaller chance of coming back than DMC, yet here we are.

This. I'm still holding out.

>E3 2014
Capcom learned their lesson. We might expect DMC5

>E3 2015
Uncle Dantay is back bois... It would be the best time to announce the game amidst DMC4SE hype

Surely this time bois. Look at Reuben Langdon the cuhrayzee conspiracy theorist and Dan Southworth twitter! Look at this obselete resume of a washed up VA who put DMC5 rather than DmC on his resume


You do realize that this pic right here basically confirms it right?

"fiscal years 2013-2017" fiscal 2017 ends March 2018, and were is DMC on that list? At the very end.

So basically: New DMC January-March 2018, which would be about 2.5 years after DMC4SE.

I agree that previous years were pretty much taken out of everyone's asses, but this year actually has chances for rational reasons
>DMC actually mentioned in and is the only mentioned series to be yet released
>Capcom's 2.5 years development plan, which also focuses on releasing new installment in the series every 2.5 years
>Capcom announces plans to focus on releasing "dormant" franchises
>if we go by new installment every 2.5 years, next DMC should be released late 2017/early 2018, as DMC4SE was released June 2015
>Itsuno is working on a project at least almost a year (might or might not be DMC), so by 2.5 development plan his game should be released before the end of summer holidays 2018

I'm still mad that Capcom announced or released shit related to everything in that pipeline except DMC. I know it says 2016 and beyond, but holy shit,even fucking Breath of Fire got a new game in 2016, and DMC didn't.

>Itsuno is working on a project at least almost a year (might or might not be DMC), so by 2.5 development plan his game should be released before the end of summer holidays 2018

I think he's been working on a potential DMC5 longer than that. If you think about DMC4SE, and what Itsuno has said around it, it's all VERY weird if DMC5 wasn't planned.

Itsuno has said that DMC4SE had a 1.5 year dev time, that's pretty fucking long for a remaster. DMC4SE has brand new cutscenes with all the actors returning, it has new mo-cap, just brand new content made by the original team, along with Access games.

Now, consider the following: Itsuno said he made DMC4SE because he wanted to get a new DMC into fans hands "as soon as possible", and that he wanted to ensure fans the series wasn't over. Access Games, which helped develop DMC4SE, hasn't announced a new project since DMC4SE. Which was like 1.5 years ago. Itsuno said on twitter that the project was "under way" already at the start of the year.

If you ask me DMC4SE was just something they decided to do in-between as a testrun, and they were already in the concept stages for DMC5 before DMC4SE was out. After DMC4SE they could go into full-blown production right away.

If Capcom announce a MM or MH game for the Switch or a Power Stone HD collection, DMC5 is also confirmed for 2017.

>I'm still mad that Capcom announced or released shit related to everything in that pipeline except DMC.

According to that timeline a new DMC wouldn't be out until 2018 so yeah it makes sense an announcent hasn't happened.

So guys, hear me out ...

What if it sucks?

It's modern Capcom after all

So how likely would this hypothetical DMC5 to feature Nero, or is he gonna get Lucia'd

Extremely likely. The Vergil/Nero plot is the best story thread they have right now.

Vergil is dead and should stay dead.

It would utterly ruin DMC3's story (which is as close to perfect action game as possible) if Vergil is suddenly resurrected

>What if it sucks?

I'm literally prepared for anything.


If Itsuno is at the helm, it will be at least decent. Hell I even bought DmC on release and enjoyed it.

The thirst is real and I'll take what I can get.

Literally who? That pigeon bitch?

Literally not possible

Also literally not possible

RE:Rev2 came out great. Literally nothing wrong with episodic, in fact it helps the pacing in games with weak story arcs like DMC


There's no way he's not coming back user. Arguably Vergil is more popular than Dante.

There are a lot of good excuses for it too. They could easily say that Nelo Angelo in 1 was his corrupted soul trapped in the armor while his body was in the underworld or something like that. It lines up with all the Angelos in 4 being empty suits filled with human and demon souls.

He'll come back in DMC5SE as lol overpowered broken character like he's always been in a campaign with no story. Vergil literally is too cool for vanilla game, as he's introduced in DMC3SE, DMC4SE and UMVC3

If DMC5 happens it's gonna be another soft-reboot like DMC3.

Nero may return, but the game's story will be easy for newcomers. No way DMC5 just picks up straight after DMC4. Hell you could argue DMC4 was also sort of a new start because of Nero.

DMC3, DMC4 and DmC were all designed to be accessible for new players. So it's safe to assume a potential DMC5 would be aswell.

That's why DMC5SE will make Nelo Angelo playable, even stronger than base game Vergil.

>Call it DMCV
>Set it post DMC2 in hell
>Start the game with corrupt Vergil

There, DmC players now think it's a DmC sequel starting off from where the DLC for that game ended.

DMC, similar to Metroid is a series that rely on a single, main charismatic MC to carry the series. Also similar to Metroid there's really no room to grow anymore for Dante/Samus as characters because they both became the best that ever was in the earlier games.

People got upset when Samus had to relearn the missiles and ice beams. How many fucking time can you pay the divinity statue to reteach Dante how to Stinger.

Souls DMC could very much happen.

It wouldn't have Souls combat, but Capcom could look at the sales of Dark Souls and say "KIDS LIKE THESE ARPGS" and make DMC5 have much more Souls elements like bloodstains, Souls level design, Stat based Gear.

I'm absolutely not saying they should, but Souls is the biggest new Japanese IP to come out in years and Capcom will no doubt take that into account; hell just look at Ni-Oh, the Ninja Gaiden DNA is very obvious.

You people are setting yourselves up to be disappointed when the new dmc is revealed to be mobile card shit

Psh.. literally not possible, as there's not enough characters to make a collectible card game out of

at least's it's gonna be fruit ninja style hack n' slash mobile game

This, DMC1 Dante is already practically God since he killed the highest ranking demon in the series, Mundus, the Demon King, and surprassed his father.
In DMC4 he doesn't even have to try anymore.
In 2 he's matured (or maybe something tragic happened to him?) but he absolutely doesn't care about what he faces, since he's so powerful he could probably kill a million Mundus' easily without getting tired.

I think that's why they moved towards other playable characters first. If you offer a complexity curve with characters that aren't Dante, you can expand his moveset without having to start from absolute zero.

>In DMC4 he doesn't even have to try anymore.
Civilians in Fortuna died because he didn't try
Credo is kill because he didn't try

Lady was right. Things wouldn't have escalated if Dante & co didn't bring Sparda into the spotlight for absolutely no reason other than being bored out of their minds

If nothing poses a challenge to you and you could kill everything on the planet with extreme ease, you'd get bored out of your mind too, since you'd be a demon hunter and would want some kind of challenge, right?
Eitherway, he still saved the day, because he isn't that much of a jackass (and because he most likely cares deeply for his brother and father, so he wouldn't let relics like that go to some old dick).

To be fair, that was Trish.

>a new Overlord
Woah wait what the fuck? Is it... Is it good?

Why do people always say Dante is some kind of god?

He didn't even kill Mundus, he sealed him away again, just like his dad did; who wasn't some kind of demon god either, he perished as far as we know. Dante is by no means established as being indestructible and capable of anything. He is just really skilled and takes a beating extremely well. It's not even established if he could survive decapitation or regrow limbs.

Dante is basically a really strong demon, but he's never been canonically established as something greater.

>Three playable characters: Dante, Vergil and Nero
>Give Dante more weapons and a better moveset
>18 missions, you change playable character every 6 missions, that way you keep the same length as previous games, but you trick players into thinking that it's better than 4 by playing unique levels all the way through
>Let players play the same levels as different people after they beat the game
>Must Style mode
>More costumes
>Secret Trish character with Lucia and Lady skins

It's been over since Kamiya was taken off the series after the first game.

I'd rather have just one character with a really great campaign.

Other characters can be extras or included in expansions seperate from the main game.

Sparda died because he gave up the vast majority of his power. In DMC1 he wasn't good enough to beat Mundus on his own, but as he got older he started getting exponentially more powerful. By DMC2 he was able to beat Mundus again without Sparda, alone, and in the demon world without breaking much of a sweat.

Even if he isn't infallibly perfect, there's nothing else in the DMC universe that's been established as stronger than him.

I love Plat games too, but Kamiya is just a meme as the series peaked without him

>Even if he isn't infallibly perfect, there's nothing else in the DMC universe that's been established as stronger than him.
True, but it also doesn't establish his power as being godlike either. No being in DMC has anything close to divine levels of power, infact it's sort of a running joke that such a thing doesn't exist. The whole "absolute power doesn't exist" is basically the recurring theme of the series.

Dante is really strong, but nothing suggests he's unbeatable, not even the ending of DMC2.

>Dante is basically a really strong demon
That's an understatement, he killed Argosax, who Mundus + a huge army + Sparda were needed in order to just seal away, whereas Dante utterly stomped him. Dante would crush Mundus with his little finger (by the time of the 2nd game at least).
The only weak-ish Dante is the one from 3, by the time of 1 he's stronger by an insane amount.
Also, Mundus alone is a huge threat to the universe itself, now imagine where Dante would fit.

You guys shouldn't really consider DMC2 as anything but non canon

Not an argument, in fact, it's false, because DMC2 is very much canon, and Capcom knows this, and they hate the fact that it is because they actively try to ignore it. That doesn't change the fact that it is though unless explicitly stated otherwise (which hasn't happened).
Stop lowballing Dante.

It's the same tier of Canon as Gilver and the DMC supplementary novel

They could've easily said that "oh DMC2 was in universe videogame depicting Dantey, that's why his character is different because he's supposed to be Dante the legend everyone knows the videogame"

You say that, but the original argument was that DMC2 Dante is practically like a God, and that since defeating Mundus he's proven to be the most powerful being in the DMC universe, so you went off to derail the whole thing and saying it's ''not canon'', which is simply not true.

I mean, Mundus basically has divine powers.

He's sorta right though.

DMC2 was made before the DMC canon was very established, it keeps getting pushed back to the end of the timeline. And the reason why Itsuno made DMÇ3 and 4 prequels to begin with is because he wanted to distance himself from DMC2.

DMC2 is pretty much "canon" like MGS portable ops at this point. It was mainly made by a guy who didn't understand DMC at all.

Everything in that novel is canon EXCEPT Gilver.

And DMC2 is still more canon than that.

Mundus is very much ''divine'', more so in power, than in grace.

I just wanna know.
They can say that they are done with Devil May Cry, I just want a closure. I don't care, announce DmC2 if nothing else, those daily threads shitting on it were fun.

It's a shame. I like Nero, and the banter between him and Dante is one of the things I loved the most.

>DMC2 was made before the DMC canon was very established, it keeps getting pushed back to the end of the timeline. And the reason why Itsuno made DMÇ3 and 4 prequels to begin with is because he wanted to distance himself from DMC2.
Yes, but ''hated by the fans'' and ''ignored by Capcom'' doesn't make it non canon, if they push it to the end of the timeline as much as possible then it doesn't render it obsolete, and again, there was no indication given that it's supposed to be considered non canon.

No, Mundus doesn't have Divine powers, that's the whole point.

He very much likes to act as if he does, which is why he likes to dress up hell like heaven; but he is not divine. Nothing in DMC is divine or almighty. Not even Dante, and Dante knows this. Mundus wants absolute power, so does Vergil, Arkham and Sanctus, everyone wants to play gods and angels, everyone wants to play perfect.

Dante doesn't, which is why he does his whole "BELIEEEVE IN YOSELF" preaching. Don't go chasing the power of gods or legends, they don't exist.

Fuck you, user.

Am I the only one who doesn't care much about DMC canon?

They could come up with just another Demon that happens to be more powerful than Dante and I'd be happy. I just want to see new enemies to fight, cool weapons for Dante, unique levels with good design and maybe an option to play as other characters but that's not necessary.

sometimes, user, it's just best to let go.

there will never be a new, non-mobile Mega Man.
Breath of Fire is nothing but a shell of it's former self.
Onimusha has been long forgotten
Dino Crisis is extinct at this point
Darkstalkers got sucked into limbo
Studio Clover has wilted away & never coming back with another Okami or Viewtiful Joe
DMCs gone.

it's all SF, RE, MH, and the occasional Ace Attorney from now on. If we're lucky, we get the rare Vs. game once or twice a gen.

giving up may even do you good. if under some sort of miracle they do deliver, it'll at least be a great surprise. as long as they don't pull an MML3

But that's wrong. Mundus could create life from nothing and generate dimensions at will.

In DMC demons really are divine beings, because no godly analog exists, it's just them and normal reality.

Dante's thing about humanity sounds nice, but in reality the only reason he's able to stand up to almighty demons is his own demonic blood. Throughout the series it's shown time and again that humankind is incapable of beating the demons, and they need a demon to do it for them.

I don't exactly know what you consider as divine, Mundus himself may or may not be directly a divine being, but his power is Universe shattering, he is the Demon King and he can create life at the twist of a finger.

>RE:Rev2 came out great. Literally nothing wrong with episodic
Yes, because the whole game was done before they split it into episodes, just for the tension.

Is there anyone who would like to see Mundus return as the main villain again? The boss fight was alright, but he is not particularly interesting.

I have so many years of hopeless/depression built up in me from the number of times I got hype each year for a DMC5 that when it happens I'm really going to cry like a little baby.

>Throughout the series it's shown time and again that humankind is incapable of beating the demons, and they need a demon to do it for them.

There I just made Mundus a 200% better antagonist.

>This argument when there is literally a boss fight in which Dante beats her ass and tells her straight to her face that she can't do it

Lady is weak as shit and doesn't do anything of value.

>In DMC demons really are divine beings, because no godly analog exists, it's just them and normal reality.

...which is the whole point.

Demons like to think of themselves as hot shit because they got all these fancy power. But they CAN be beaten, by Dante, by Nero, by anyone.

DMC is a series about overcoming the odds, Dante isn't invincible, he kicks ass because YOU kick ass. Which is why Dante loves to speak about human strength and all that jazz.

It's cheesy but this is DMC we're talking about.

I say if Lady can do all that she does then there's another human out there who can do better.

>But they CAN be beaten, by Dante, by Nero, by anyone.

But that's wrong. Compared to humans, demons really are godlike. Non-demons don't stand a chance against them, which is why every single hero is a demonic character and 3/4ths of the series villains are actually humans on a demonic powertrip.

But Lady does almost nothing. She couldn't even beat her own father hopped up on a little demonic power.

Humans in the DMC universe are absolutely worthless.

There is no human who can defeat basic demons of the weakest kind, just like lady does. She does so at an excellent degree (since they are weak), but she would never be able to defeat someone like Cerberus, neither would any other human.

>But that's wrong. Compared to humans, demons really are godlike. Non-demons don't stand a chance against them, which is why every single hero is a demonic character and 3/4ths of the series villains are actually humans on a demonic powertrip.

In that context the speech Dante gives to Agnus about human strength makes no sense though.

You as the player is human, and you as the player beat Agnus and all those other dudes. Which is why Dante says "Don't assume humans are weak". He's indirectly referring to you, because you just beat him.

You're a bad enough dude, and you're just human.

>In that context the speech Dante gives to Agnus about human strength makes no sense though.

Yes. It doesn't. Resident Evil makes a better case for his argument than DMC.

>You as the player is human, and you as the player beat Agnus and all those other dudes. Which is why Dante says "Don't assume humans are weak". He's indirectly referring to you, because you just beat him.

>You're a bad enough dude, and you're just human.

Oh shut up with this forth wall bullshit.

Argosax appeared long after Mundus was sealed by Sparda, so I don't know why you put him in the equation.
And if by huge army you mean Matier's demon hunting clan, we were never told the size of it, or what is true about them and what is just part of white lie Matier told Lucia.

This thread is boring.

How the fuck are you going to have a DMC thread without any sick combos? GET TO IT BOYS.

>Oh shut up with this forth wall bullshit.

Explain what the fuck Dante is talking about then, because as far as I see it there is no other exploration.

He's just talking about his human side, the will not to give up, loyalty, love, all that bullshit.

The problem is while that stuff helps make HIM stronger compared to other demons, it doesn't make humans capable of resisting them on their own.

Argosax was the previous Demon King, Mundus was not sealed yet, he conquered first. Sparda was still a general, and Mundus' army was only stated to be have been ''huge'', so it definitely wasn't of an insignificant size.
Mundus + his army + Sparda sealed away Argosax, after that Mundus wanted more power and began plotting his attack on the human world, Sparda didn't like that and rebelled against him, he single handedly defeated him and his demon army, and sealed the main gate within the Underworld, Mundus plotted revenge and sent out some demons to hunt down Sparda's family after that.



Fuck off then.

He specifically refers to "humans" though.

There's nothing that suggests a human couldn't just as well beat all the enemies and Dante himself in DMC lore. In fact Dante himself implies it is very much possible. Demon blood isn't all its cracked up to be.

The canon is a bit fuzzy, courtesy of a game guide written by someone who was not really close to game production, but i'm pretty sure it was said that Sparda and Matier, with her clan, fought against Argosax when he tried to appear in human world, and that's when they sealed him.
Yes, Argosax once did rule Demon world, but people only presume it was before Mundus, except when Mundus is sealed the throne can be taken by anyone strong enough, hence why anime very briefly mentions a war going on there at the moment.

Dante is part human.

>There's nothing that suggests a human couldn't just as well beat all the enemies and Dante himself in DMC lore.

Yes, there is. How the hell do you think a human being could beat Berial or Cerberus or Phantom, nevermind all the really big dick top tier demons that can warp reality and level cities?

Hell Trish and Lady together couldn't even scratch Abigail in the anime, which had enough power to rule over the entire earth and summon thousands of demons at will.

>Takes place post-DMC2
>Nero is going into Hell to rescue Dante at the request of Lady+Trish+Lucia
>Dante is wandering through Hell instead of escaping because he's seeing visions of Vergil randomlt
>Vergil has managed to retain the integrity of his soul and is plotting his escape, the visions Dante sees are a result of the ritual he's setting up which is meant to bridge the gap between worlds via their blood connection so he can summon himself to Earth - which won't work unless Dante returns
>The living can leave Hell freely if they reach the gates to it, only pure-demons and the dead require such rituals to escape.

You play them in succession.
When Nero reaches Dante and you take over him from then on to look for Vergil after forcefully getting Nero back out of Hell.
When Dante reaches Vergil you take over him, and he "rescues" Dante from Hell so he can reach Earth again.
By the end all three are back on Earth, with Dante and Vergil parting on strained and uncertain terms - neither enemies nor friends.

Base the level structure on Hell as portrayed in Dante's inferno and make one of Satan's generals from Paradise Lost the final boss.

Capcom is just busy with Resident Evil right now. Once RE7 and the CG movie are out, then they can focus on DMC5.

I hope.

I'm not a fan of Vergil being revived but that sounds pretty good, user.
>tfw even if DMC5 happens it won't have a coop bloody palace where you and a bro can play as Vergil/Dante/Nero/Lady/Trish/Lucia

Wasn't it said in the meaning of retaining your humanity whole possessing great power? It's something Order of the Sword were doing - turning themselves into demons/half demons and growing arrogant, having delusions of superiority and attempting to rule the world with their "Savior".

It's more like a spiritual power instead of an actual power.

>Yes, there is. How the hell do you think a human being could beat Berial or Cerberus or Phantom, nevermind all the really big dick top tier demons that can warp reality and level cities?

By that logic Dante shouldn't be able to beat Mundus either, because he has powers Dante hasn't.

So supernatural abilities doesn't really mean jack shit in DMC.