ITT: Worst dungeons/sections in their respective games
Seriously, what the fuck were they thinking?
ITT: Worst dungeons/sections in their respective games
Seriously, what the fuck were they thinking?
That thing? That was fucking fine, one of the few areas that actually made you use the abilities properly.
The carrying Rottytops and especially the awful temple stealth section were so much worse.
Act 2 fucking blows. It's a toss up between the whole of act 2 or the stupid Aztec jungle parts in act 3 with the swarms of dickhead fetish shaman.
Makna Forest fucking blows and is the reason most dudes never finish Xenoblade.
Prove me wrong. You can't.
This thing before the internet was hell
The Fade in Dragon age: Origins is incredibly cool and interesting on your first playthrough.
Every playthrough after that it's absolute shit though.
Also deep roads
Whats wrong with Makana forest? I just finished it like 2 days ago.
I was thinking about reinstalling Origins the other day but the more I thought about it every area is an awful slog that I really don't want to experience ever again.
But there's literally only one path from the top right corner to the end if you look at it in reverse.
>huge as shit
>easy to get lost
>shitty green everywhere, no cool visuals except the cliff area which is admittedly bitchin
>Frontier Village is a bitch to navigate
>Leone Telethia introduces a level spike that turns a lot of players off
The promise of Prison Island finally got me through Makna, but I did take a week or two off before attempting again.
What's wrong with this one?
All you had to do was line up two of them, and jump over the one that was impossible to line up right?
That's what I did, at least. I felt like a retard for even TRYING to get them lined up.
i'm still mad
I loved this, if the hitboxes on the fucking lasers weren't so dreadful though
I never made it past Chapter 6 because of how shit it was getting. Is 13 really that much worse?
well it's pretty much a linear hallway where you constantly backtrack to press buttons so doors open, and your only weapon is a weak ring that can barely kill anything.
it's much, much worse than Chapter 8
Welp, that does sound pretty terrible. Can't say I regret dropping it early.
yeah, it's so bad they actually had to patch it make it less worse.
if you're gonna finish it at some point i would a wait year when it's out of early access
Just finished this game a few hours ago. Man did Chapter 13 suck. The whole game was kind of lackluster, but this ruined any kind of punch the game had left.
Act 2 is fine. You just have to go faster.