>mag fags in a nutshell

I can relate lol


what the fuck are these hands

>Replay Thief 1&2
>It's the best thing I played this year
Yeah, "nostalgia".

Merry Christmas everyone





What if you put a dildo in the cupboard?
Does it become a sentient dick?

Is it too early to start posting Dobson comics?

I try not to get worked up over LOL threads, but this is the first time I've wanted to actually punch Dobson.

I just beat Quake, and it was a phenominal experience.

I love to hate Dobbers, I feel bad about it but I really do

It's like he's some sort of project to weaponize antisocial dweebiness gone rogue

Dobson is such an obnoxious dimwitted fanboy. Jesus, like Pokemon anime if you want, just don't pretend it's some deep drama.

why are girls with missing limbs attractive?


Go to bed ShindoL

How the fuck do you "get bad" at video games outside of just getting older and reaction times slowing down? Shits like riding a bicycle. Sure the first few hours after a long break may be rocky since you have to get reused to the pace and tempo of the game but thats it.

>Absolute submissiveness

I Ii



Combination of
1. Not caring
2. You've already proven yourself of what youre capable of
3. Old age, slower reactions and adrenaline levels
4. You rather get pleasure from achieving something real like cooking a meal/cleaning your home.

who drew this

how are all of these webcomics so poorly drawn

How long until TGT?

That's a very 2016 way to draw loss

Owlturd is my favorite


Dobson is every single low IQ Nintendo/Shantae/MLP/Pokemon fan. Except now he has a comic to spout his stupid opinions. I can't stress how much of an abject moron he really is.

It turns into Brianna Wu

So yes, it becomes a sentient dick

I ask myself the same thing. I can't draw, I feel ashamed when I look at my drawings so I don't post it online or show it to anyone, yet I see some of those and they're at the same level or even worse. How do they do it? How do they look at those and think "good enough" and then spit it out for everyone to see? moreover who the fuck likes it

This is probably the cringiest thing I ever saw in the past two days

It's amazing how much concentrated faggotry he is


I said girls with missing limbs, not the sounds of souls dying



>so fat pokemons make you see fried butter

really makes you think




I don't get it

one of ShindoL's most vanilla and heartwarming doujin is about an amputee

or is it the one with the cripple in a wheelchair. is that the same one?

>that guy
>"kill me pete"

This comic degenerates into faggotry at the end but I actually agree with the point he was trying to make.

Kind of like how "adult" humor is usually more immature and unfunny than jokes you find in many kid's shows.

Haha jokes!
I don't get it




This is actually funny.


unironically sauce


back to with you and you offtopic comic

you don't want it

they turn into cheetahs

The guy who did this was the same one how did Boxer Hockey and now is working on Diesel.

It was just a quick sketch he made.

Last panel needs some people fawning over e-celebs.


oh that one, ye that's good
It saddens me that shindol can produce such love yet instead makes such pain



that's fine


It's fucking unavoidable isn't it?





source is mypetgf

LOL I can relate so much. My silly boyfriend >,


>"Life never get better than this!"


LOL threads are secret Dobson threads anyway, post away

What pain? Are you talking about that one with the drugs? Because that ended happy. She got what she wanted.

Haha my life ain't that bad



I liked...

what's going on here?

Why is that a reason to cry?




I love this comic.


>that genuine awkward adjusting to being part of a dom/sub
>that cute not over the top domming
>that blush
>that size difference
>wasted on tf
wake me up (wake me up inside)
can't wake up (wake me up inside)
save me


it always starts good


Can't push me off like 3d girls



Wouldn't be cool if Sup Forums actually posted some great comics instead of keep posting these shit strips?


Isn't there an edit of this where the guy removes her eyes or something and then goes insane? I actually liked that one
