The Walking Dead

>tfw you kill your boss daughter and wound his cheating wife

How fucked is he? Also a The Walking Dead thread since I just finished it yesterday.

You forgot gassed and killed a settlement for no good reason against orders

Nah. Somehow Telltale will spin it so it's all your fault.

Its so retarded, why waste so many people over stupid misunderstanding. The game feels to unrealistic like people there have no self preservation instincts and do the stupidest shit just because.

Fucker literally killed a little unarmed girl for no reason
The fuck?

Nah I think this will show that the New Frontier isn't all bad and he will get properly punished. Your group will join and everything is well until Javi's brother starts getting jealous again (whether it's for good reason or not doesn't matter) and then it will be up to Javi and friends to pull a coup and change the group for the better again.

I bet that bandit with a heart from the junkyard will end up one of your best friends.

>Nah I think this will show that the New Frontier isn't all bad and he will get properly punished

But proper punishment for that kind of behavior is hanging, that guy is totally fucked

>Your group will join and everything is well until Javi's brother starts getting jealous again (whether it's for good reason or not doesn't matter) and then it will be up to Javi and friends to pull a coup and change the group for the better again

Yes, another chimout will happen for no fucking reason just because Telltale writes this shit like that. How do human settlements even survive if this shit keeps happening constantly?

They don't really survive. Nothing fucking survives. Everyone knows this by now so I find it really annoying having to play a character that doesn't fit with being all tough and cold.

this was written by 50 autistic chimps - no wonder the story is all over the place (bipolar characters)

Think it might depend on how hard you cuck your brother to

Watch David be evil as fuck and not give a fuck about his daughter.

They're making him look as bad as possible in the intro/flashbacks and that always translates to evil in these games.

I think that (webm) is the best scene in the game so far.

That's not how Telltale works. Even if you don't cuck your brother he's going to do the exact same thing as when you're fucking her in front of him in public. Just with a different line of dialogue.

The only good thing that came out of S3 is proving that Janefags were irreversibly wrong. Otherwise S1 is still GOAT and telltale should stop making games

Nobody likes a nostalgiafag, user.

>they're making him look as bad as possible
How exactly? He punches Javi for not being there when his father died and Javi deserved it. Even with the glass, he brushes it off and says it was an accident.

>Clem kills kenny in a horrible way if you didn't kill him in s2 and stuck with him like an obsessed puppy
Staying in wellington only right choice. And they clearly put most effort both in the ending and aftermatch than any other shitty ending

Being Clem is suffering.

Not really, David got anger issues but he still says he love Javi etc.

Are you also saying that Javi's mother is an evil bitch for slapping him in the intro?

they're setting him up to be an abusive husband/jealous bully
either the New Frontier will be the game's version of the saviors and will turn out to be too harsh (Clem has alluded to as much), forcing our "group" to flee
or they'll be decent and David will become bent out of shape as Javi becomes more and more liked/respected; culminating in a blowout where Kate is either struck by David or proclaims her love for Javi

Is he our guy?

>truck of four zombies crashes in town and one gas grenade is thrown
>suddenly entire town is full of zombies and gas everywhere

I gotta agree with him
I remember the most important characters of season 1 better than of season 2 just because it was written better. No one gives a fuck what Luke was or that nigger that leaves you with that DLC woman.

I totally agree. Nobody is going to act like fucking savages, especially when the human race is under the threat of extinction. Who the fuck would one kill someone else when you know that doing so is no different than what a zombie would do?

Didn't you know? If you don't shoot a zombie in the head, any parts that you knock loose or cut off immediately regenerates into another zombie.

>Drives you to find your family
>Believes you when you say something, for better of or worse
>Had a thing with the qt nurse but only for 5 minutes
>Has a beard
I think he is /our guy/

only if you don't touch his asian waifu

>Went out with that Asian medic because I though that it sooner the better
>turns out that it does not even matter
>bad guys don't even suffer from teargas

He seems like a cool guy, protects his friends, wants to help strangers. Only drama that might occur is if you flirt with the doctor

Why the fuck would he not care about his daughter?

he is a changed man XDDD

Oh there's definitely going to be some drama if you killed Conrad too. Tripp's cool, but he's not cool with murdering friends.

Rather, I think that we remember S1 most fondly because it was something new in the adventure genre. By now we're used to expect Telltale to flip the coin constantly and without requiring actual reasoning (i.e Clem learns how to drive and then out of fucking nowhere she crashes the car just to kill off Kenny ASAP) to the point that it becomes annoying.

What happens if you don't kill Conrad, does Clem escape and hating you?

Gabe and Clem said you are a coward and Clem went together with them.

I don't recall anything being implied that his brother is the boss, but again I didn't really paid attention.

Jesus is going to betray Javi, right? He obviously hates the New Frontier.

Nah, Conrad keeps a gun held on her to prevent her from running away. The scene at the New Frontier's doors plays out a little smoother since you have a "bargaining chip" aka Clem, but otherwise nothing different happens. Clem does give you two or three really angry looks too.

I'm hoping she'll forgive me though, maybe convince David to take it easy on her.

>after all this time Kenny dies cuz of a car accident

Shit felt like the most lazy reason ever.
Even getting overwhelmed by zombies caught by surprise would have been better.
Also why the fuck are episodes so much shorter? Telltale games used to be at least 2h long every episode.

What even caused the car to spin out of control? It just happened suddenly out of nowhere.

No. Clem is the one who causes suffering.

More like
t. Kirkman

Telltale is just following his general direction, which is always BAD SHIT HAPPENS ALL DAY LONG

Are there more beat up Clem pics?

F-For science, of course.

If you are going to turn in Clem to The New Frontier the guy at the gate says "go get the boss" few dialog options later David or whatever his name is comes along and says "what the hell is going on or some shit" its implied that he is the boss.


Ice maybe?

I'm also unsure and thats makes the scene even worse for me.
But I think its supposed to be Clem's fault, even though she was just driving fine seconds before it happened.

Car accidents always seem forced as fuck in stories like this. Almost every time they happen because of the two people in the front having a conversation and the driver constantly turning his head to the passenger. It's stupid as shit and never happens in real life.

I'm not buying this shit because fuck financially supporting Telltale, but is there a sudden transition from S2 Clem to S3 Clem as there was a S1 Clem then a S2 Clem?

It was ice.

You tell me

Nah everyone but Clem will end up dead again, even Jav to show a tweest that even the MC can die! (Even tho Lee did it already, tt will probably forget)

Because it's the Walking Dead-verse. Other humans are the most dangerous things in that world. Zombies are just a pest compared to everyone else.

>Fuck this shitty company, i'll just enjoy their product despite hating them so fucking much

oh ok, I've seen her go so that explains it.

Anyone else was expecting AJ to be the boss of New Frontier

>Nobody is going to act like fucking savages
So why do stormfrontfags want to nuke the entire world because someone looks different from them?
Why do slavs in Russia try to push for war with everyone? Why do black pantherfags attemt to start a race war along with Sup Forumsfags?

A 2-3 year old running it? Max 4-5 years old?

Yes, and?

You sound proud is all.

It's annoying that there was no option to say "We thought the place was abandoned" when the guy asks why you were robbing them. That would've solved everything then and there.

And you seem pretty butthurt.

Do you feel better about yourself now?

that's still pretty weak
the food aside, a sleeping bag should be enough for anyone to presume that someone was using the place for shelter

The outbreak has been going on for years. Anyone living there could have easily died and left it all behind.

>defending Telltale
lol m8


I like their games. They're predictable and simple as fuck, but nice time wasters for a few hours.

They are also often emotionally impacting, specifically the Walking Dead series

and they could just as easily been out scavenging
which they were

if the food wasn't there, I could believe someone thought that
but a whole stockpile of food? I'm expecting that someone would be missing it, even if we just took it and ran

Good for you, faggot.

>tfw too intelligent to get emotional at vidya

>gets the meme wrong

TT is going to force a confrontation with David over Kate even though I've spurned her advances at literally every turn aren't they?

the only difference is that it will technically be a misunderstanding since you want nothing to do with her

Even then you should be able to acknowledge your mistake and sort things out without it escalating. The only options for dialogue/actions it gives you just shoehorns you into a fight.

You don't need to like her back for jealousy to do it's thing.


for anyone that shot at the driver as he was running away, do you kill him?

even if they gave you the option to try and talk it out truthfully, you would have still been railroaded into fighting simply to get you into the truck so you can meet Clem

> "Javi, I'm already a demon."

"You should stay with us."

>not picking this option

all i want for christmas is that clem webm

>you should assume people stayed there when there are zombies walking around
nah fuck that it looked abandoned
Nah that is retarded. If you really want to survive maybe don't make armed confrontations every 5 minutes

I only played Season 1, watched Season 2,
Season 3 looks so fucking amateur its ridiculous

The voice acting is shit, the animation is shit, the protagonist is shit, and the new art style is shit

Does it ever get as good as Season 1 or am I wasting my time

I did but then I agreed to sell her to the New Frontier.

It's better than Sopranos that's for sure.

>season 2
>better than season 3
both are shit, but obviously the better one is season 3

Sick fuck

but then how do you drama?

She used to be so innocent and naive.

What happened?


>Clem will never be dumb enough to lick a saltlick again

You can always watch S3 and decide for yourself.

Common consensus seems to be that it's not as good as S1, but better than S2 so far.

Most people probably did. That's the thing with Clementine being the secondary character, when we play as Javi we know stuff Javi doesn't and are more inclined to trust her because we just went through 2 games with her.

Same with Jesus if you read the comics, the majority of people chose to trust him right away which probably wouldn't happen if he was an original character we had no meta knowledge about.

Option to romance Clementine when?

>but then how do you drama?
Still do it but actually have some build up rather than constant drama.

Jeez, user. That sounds like an awful lot of work w- they'd have to do. I think it's better that we just stick to the current path. I mean people are eating this shit up so it's not like we I mean Telltale would make any extra profit doing it.

i didnt knew about jesus and trust him too. He sound cool and he didnt shoot you even if you shoot the dummy first so i though he earned it

World Ended

he seems like a chill guy besides the whole junkyard story.