What went so right?

What went so right?
Name one game that comes close to this.
protip: you can't

it's perfect in every way, you can't prove otherwise.

overrated trash


>I tried to play this game, but I suck, therefore it's shit

one of the best games ever, u win op

Bannerlord cant come out soon enough, warband is fucking gold though!

I can't
Fucking perfect

I have a bad news...

Oh shit, he doesn't know...

I dunno, it's just great. I guess it's because the world feels very alive and it keeps rolling on whether you're rotting in the dungeon or not.

Too bad multiplayer isnt holding us as well, no NA siege servers in who knows how long.

Good to see Sup Forums is still Sup Forums even on Christmas morning.

It's comforting to see some things haven't changed yet.

Lol you're kidding right? This game is shit


>did I fit in yet? XD


The combat. Especially when speed comes into the factor.
>tfw delivering couched lance damage

>New version of the Warhammer mod turned out to be just another floris reskin mod even after the maximum autist gsanders posted walls of text about his scripting skills

Have you tried Prophensy of Pendor? It's great, I heard.

Wait what's that supposed to mean?

>also red error text everywhere

What do you mean?

>never ever

Best game of the past decade hands down.

Bloodborne, the best game of all time.

the devs are turkish

despite roaches resistance to nuclear radiation they will likely not survive the winter

loved it but having to level up leadership to increase army size sucked. also got really difficult to replace lost troops when your army did get big.

As a backpacker living off Kebab, I appreciate the Turks more.

>Name one game that comes close to this
I can do you one better
>tfw play Tropical Paradise for 5 hours straight

this board is 18+

Fuck off marketers

The best FPS/Third person shooter ever.

>mount and blade mod

you''d be funny if you weren't so fucking stupid

happy christhmas you cunt

you... you know that's a warband mod, right?

it's a standalone you nonce

merry cringle

>it's a standalone

>no single player campaign

btw some other mods achieve a further complete overhaul than napoleonic

that being said I love the game

>still no fucking news

Nah, it's rated just right.

I tried to play this game, but I'm so fucking bad at it. I do a decent job of building an army, but when it comes to actually fighting, I always get BTFO in one or two hits.

I've put a bunch of hours into this game, but I always just end up playing as a troop in some general's army. Also, gekokujo best mod

Make it one Giant map and with Multiplayer. That's the game of my dreams. Let's hope Life is Feudal ever leaves Beta Phase.

get a horse and dont charge a group of archers

feelsbad man.
Put some stats into strength and vitality.

Use your mouse to swing your weapons direction. Hold left mouse button while you run at enemies.
Swinging your weapon at enemy's head could deal huge damage.

Just use the persistent world mod

how do i git gud with archery

I downloaded the 1257 mod and I hate how all textures look shiny and has this shitty filter on. How to disable it?

PW my man

try and dodge the rich lancers and game of thrones LARPers though

What? Did GK siege die overnight or something? Last I played in the spring it was always 100/100 or so and the other GK NA servers were also super active, even still developing new maps.

Combat is pretty shitty desu. People praise it blindly, but there's less there than a fighting game or crazy game, and what's there isn't nearly as satisfying as even Demon's Souls, let along a proper fighting game or DMC/NG.

You're honestly retarded.

Not all games need to be le epic shonen manga cuhrayzee combos.

I prefer more realistic combat in my games.

man I miss PW. I always want to go back and play it but I know it won't be the same since all my dickthief buddies probably quit long ago.

It was literally a free mod the publishers took and put a price tag on.

Yeah, because a guy spazzing around feinting having a seizure is "realistic." It's worse than tumbling around nonstop in Dark Souls.
There's also the ability to attack while moving which instantly insures you have crappy/shallow combat and basically a no-no in every good game ever made.
There are actually a lot of things that keep it from being good.

While we are talking about glitchy, simple, and blocky, yet great games that were made by obscure foreign countries; I'd like to talk about S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

For some reason I find M&B and Stalker very similar

I agree with the feinting, but attacking while moving is necessary for a good melee game. Do you really think people stood still to swing their weapons all the time?

retardation in human form

Every fighting game, crazy game, etc (basically every game with good melee) all severely limit attacking while moving, while garbage like TES/Chilvary/M&B embrace it.
There's a reason for this. Not only does it create a sense of spacing, timing, and decreases mindless spamming (although this is only evident in crazy games at high difficulty), it makes a sense of commitment and means you have to pay more attention and it adds value to longer ranged pokes.

M&B is probably the best combat I've ever played with AWM, but it's still not very good.

Well retard, make an argument.

Oh, you're one of those people. I've never enjoyed those MK/SF/etc style fighting games and "crazy games" are shit, so it makes sense that someone who likes them would hate M&B combat.

I'm hoping Mordhau turns out good, it's basically Chivalry but with all the bullshit removed. I'd love that more than any fighting game.

>He doesn't level trainer

I'm russian but never played stalker. Though all my friends absolutely love it.

I don't hate M&B, it's just comparatively shallow and poorly executed. I think M&B does some things okay.
Feinting was a good idea, but it was done better in SC2 and Johnny's mfc (SC2 because it was tuned for proper combat and thus not lightning fast spammy while mfc required you to actually hit your opponent or force them to block for each cancel).

I'm a kebab and I played the living shit out of both M&B and Stalker

Give it a shot, m8. It is a really good game
I am replaying Shadow of Chernobyl right now

turkye is no more, friend

press f to pay respect

Someone explain this meme. I've seen it everywhere for a few days but my google-fu must be weak because as far as I can tell nothing happened to Turkey.

A turkish special agent killed the russian ambassador at an art gallery

As of yet not much has happened but it is likely the russians will do something in return

Oh. Well, I doubt it would turn into much that would interrupt TaleWorlds. It's not like the US or NATO would allow a full-scale invasion of Turkey by Russia.

I honestly think you need to just get good. Feinting only appears to be random if you don't know the timings. There's a definite rhythm to combat in m&b that can be consciously broken by skilled players. How you could POSSIBLY say a game that allows a skilled player with equivalent equipment to take on a group of player characters doesn't have in depth combat mechanics is beyond me. Swing distance, body movement, swing timing, locational damage, parrying, stun times, feints,all of these are well developed and exploitable. And I don't mean unfairly.

The great thing about war and is that everything is fast paced enough that you're basically working with a 1:1 player thought to action ratio, unlike say chivalry, where swings take an eternity to complete (yet they didn't think to put damage on a swing time gradient) meaning-you fail when you fuck up. It puts a lot of control in your hands on a micro level, while still accommodating macro tactics like shield usage, elevation, etc.

Warband has one of the most criminally UNDERRATED multiplayer combat systems around, everything else pails in comparison. Just try fighting multiple opponents while an archer is trying to plunk away at you and tell me that it doesn't require skill.

Kingdom come deliverance

What is Dhirim worth?

>protip: you can't in the op
>most of the replies agree, safe from some underage kids
>game is actually good

For once.


>go on the napoleonic roleplay server
>admins are organising a 100 vs 100 battle where both teams line up, fire at eachother, then charge into melee
>it works and it's fucking amazing

>tropical paradise
>best deathmatch server i've ever played, and this goes for pretty much all multiplayer games

>nuff said

I probably have more hours in NW than in native at this point. I need Napoleonic Wars 2 for Bannerlord...

Nah. He was killed by ISIS agent not by roaches.
Both Putin and Erdogan confirmed that this action won't affect Russia-Turkey relationship.



>Both Putin and Erdogan confirmed that this action won't affect Russia-Turkey relationship.
I didn't know this

Stop having feasts.

How do I advance within lords without doing fucking chores like delivering letters?

I also fucking hate losing status by not fighting with lords having ~400 men vs 1000+ blobs attacking you.

>Everyone dies and you get taken prisoner

I can't stand this sort of grind.


When you rise again, -if you rise-, rise a knight!

grind honour and get points into trainer

>protip: you can't
Protip: You're young. And wrong.

In the time when Sid Meier was a lesser known name there was a studio called Microprose that he founded that shat out solid gold. One of its earlier titles, Pirates! (itself an obvious inspiration for M&B) became popular enough to receive continuous upgraded versions but before it would, Meier and co decided to up the ante while varying the mechanics.

The result was pretty much M&B in 1989. Sword of the Samurai had top down action, 3rd person dueling, RTS skirmishing and unlike M&B, it had an endgame that came before the game had overstayed its welcome. It also allowed for a great deal of "throne-gaming" as you betrayed, stole and kidnapped your way to the top if the honorable thing to do was too hard.

Testament to its quality is that it is still perfectly playable today, in fact, there's little else that does all that it does, well least of all.

You owe it to yourself to play this if you're in the 100's of hours into M&B.


the best melee combat game ever created until bannerlord comes out

made by 2 turkroaches too

Are there any mods that make the graphics more palpable?

Don't yell at me I just want my games to look good.

what is so good about this game?
is it a mmo/multiplayer or singleplayer?
redpill me on mountain blade

>redpill me on _____

Alright should I start a new game and help Sarranids to conquer the infidel scum?
They're like Swadia that isn't buttfucked by 3 other factions at once.

>didn't buy a dog

enjoy your newfags

It's made by turks.

Eh. .I read that on our news, so I'll link it if you know russian.