Thanks mom!
Thanks mom!
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fuck you richie
Fucking rich kid. You aren't going to get much mileage out of SLI anyway. Despite the VR ready label, pretty much nothing works with VR SLI.
Fuck off of this board shithead.
Go brag on Reddit.
>tech gifts
How to tell that someone doesnt give a fuck about you
I wonder how it feels to be rich.
>$2,300 christmas
I had a total combined limit of $500 as a kid and I knew that was a ridiculous limit.
C'mon Eric, show us Melania's face when you opened it.
ITT: Poorfags/Jealous underage children.
>he fell for the first-gen VR meme
>pretty much nothing works with VR SLI.
why? I'm generally Curious about this.
Fuck off, Barron.
SLI has always been a shit meme.
>All those neets sperging out cause they cant afford shit
Delicious poorfag tears
>strix gaming
Games that require GTX 1080:
can you give me a constructive reasons?
Standard SLI doesn't work because it alternates frames between cards, which is absolutely terrible for VR latency. VR SLI gets around it by using a card for each eye, but because it's a special, advanced rendering option no devs actually use it.
still getting presents from your parents? Don't you have to be 18 to post here?
My mom bought me this monitor for my birthday over the summer so I need those 1080's.
i was a rich kid and my parents never spent more than $300 on me for christmas
you have bad parents
The irony.
Next to nothing supports it.
Then you weren't rich.
Just ask for money
>getting not 1 but 2 1080s
>when the 1080ti is 10 days from being released
>when SLI is a meme that actually lowers your perceived framerate
Not even going to touch that Vive, you'll be feeling plenty shit about it soon enough
>gets all this expensive shit
>only plays shit games
Meanwhile in bongland...
>Next to nothing supports it.
Life must suck being a jealous faggot.
Star Wars, Battlefield, Assassins Creed, Dying Light, Witcher, The Division, The Crew, Need For Speed, Mirrors Edge, DOOM, Bioshock, Tomb Raider, Shadow of Mordor, Fallout, Crysis, Borderlands, Metro, Dead Island, Far Cry, The Evil Within, Grand Theft Auto, Skyrim
There are literally no games that use VR SLI. The only thing is the Nvidia Funhouse tech demo.
what games do you play? gimme a list of all the loli visual novels you play faggot.
And none of those games need SLI or powerful brand new cards.
Congrats on being a retard.
>Gee, Bill, your mom lets you have TWO GTX1080s?
>rail shooting
>surgery simulator
2000€ well spent ! every penny of it !
Real niggas don't get shit for christmas.
I'm a real nigga.
you have no mom
you do with OP's monitor, you jealous faggot
>was lucky to get 1 N64 game as a kid
>most of the time not even that
>dad owns a construction company and about 100 apartment buildings
>I now get €400k worth of assets as a gift every year to circumvent inheritance tax once he dies
not rich tho desu
t. Yuropoor
I have 4K and 3440x1440 faglord. I like to play my games on ultra settings, not medium like a console peasant.
Nigger with a hard r
lmao @ the peasants. fucking hilarious how they delude themselves to feel better when they see people part of family units that aren't complete losers.
I can't even get solid 144 FPS @1440p with a single 1080 in most games. Fuck off.
If you didn't buy those and and wrap them yourself, you need to wait until you're 18 to post here.
There's no games worth playing after 2007
All that money for a Christmas present, might as well have bought you a car.
listen kiddo, we all know you bought that shit yourself
stop le embarrassing yourself
Nice! Enjoy.
my friend's grandfather is literally a billionaire, he owns some steel company
he's never received a christmas gift from any family member worth more than $200
they'd consider that bad parenting
What the fuck is the appeal of VR? Like there's exactly ZERO reasons to buy a VR Headset, do you like Unity demos or what?
People are stupid. The same people that gets those gifts and buys expensive stuff will cry about how gas prices are expensive and how they have no money to pay rent or savings in the bank.
Its laughably retarded.
Thats a broken man if I've ever seen one
Thank you everyone.
Now, I know why SLI is not for VR
If you have gsync you shouldn't need to keep up such high framerates
Anywhere between 100~144 is good
I'll bet you think you're rich because your parents make a six-figure salary with the first digit being between 1 and 5.
Stop making actual richfags look retarded, you upper middle class troglodyte.
This is shit I bought months ago. I just took some of my kids crumpled wrapping paper and put it next to the boxes I still had. I knew you faggots would get a kick out of it. You're welcome.
You're a pleb
>fell for the VR meme
Also not vidya. Move it to Sup Forums.
>shit I bought months ago
>Still has all the boxes
Oh, so you're a hoarder.
Monobeno, too bad you can't buy Japanese language knowledge or worthwhile translations with money, stay mad kiddo
Serious question though, Isn't the PS4pro objectively worse than the slim?
Why are americans so rich?
The tech really does work and really is cool. Problem is the market is too small for anyone to make a good game and profit off of it. Everyone gets it because they get a taste from some demo or other that lets their imagination run wild for what they could play when someone actually does have the time and money to make a decent game.
I keep boxes of expensive shit in case I ever resell it so it has higher resell value. I upgrade often.
I still have boxes from games that came out 8 years ago.
Smart move.
Not waiting a few more weeks for the 1080 Ti.. not so much.
You mean your wife's kids.
No. It plays every PS4 game without a pro patch exactly the same as a PS4 would
A couple games with PS4 pro patches, especially those trying to run at 4K , run at lower framerates, but it's only because developers were stupid and tried to push too much out of the console
I got the 1080's on release day.
This is something my parents would've gotten and I would repay them by being a shithead.
How do I acquire a rich mommy, vee
My girlfriend and I are not religious.
Good for you OP. I got nothing
Nothing from my parents
Nothing from my girlfriend, who took off for 3 weeks to spend the holidays with her parents.
Nothing from any of my friends
Not even a message from the fags I exchange gifts with on Steam every year, even though I already bought them all games.
I'm literally just here all alone in my apartment.
>4k meme
It's not easy
I'll tell you how to acquire a rich daddy though.
>parents gave me $200 for my 1080
>we won the ps4 vr bundle from taco bell
>getting a 144hz monitor next week when i get my paycheck
Like every Christmas, mine will consist of my mother paying me back some of the money she borrowed earlier. She will also come back either later tonight or tomorrow to borrow the money back because she couldn't actually afford to give it to me.
>Waiting for the Ti
>Not waiting for the 2017 card that will completely demolish everything before it
Would you watch Baron if he streamed?
How old are you OP?
The appeal is that good VR is the first really new thing in gaming since the jump to 3D. The games have gotten much better in recent months, too. In a couple years there will be plenty of fully-developed games and a new hardware revision that will make buying in make more sense to most people but even what's available now is the most fun I've had with video games in a long time.
They just released a VR version of Serious Sam: The First Encounter and so much is added to that game just by VR and motion controls.
Merry Christmas, user
what u gonna play whit those?!?
>Not even a message from the fags I exchange gifts with on Steam every year, even though I already bought them all games.
What the actual fuck. Not someone you gifted to but that's fucked up, Merry Christmas.
>not waiting for the Ti of that
Never buy a non-Ti.
It would have been far smarter to buy a single titan XP, or wait for the 1080ti
I bet there is a queue of dicksuckers after every sugardaddy
if he was putting things in his butt
If by "bought" you mean 3 year financing with 70% interest, then yes. Good life decision, OP.
>not waiting until the 2080 hits in 2026.
It's like you want to be left behind.
I just realized I never heard him speak. I wonder if he would be one of those streamers who never says anything.
Those are the BEST streamers.
the Serious Sam VR game uses AMD's affinity Multi-GPU tech, works pretty good
>Two 1080s
>Nothing about video games
This shitpost should be on Sup Forums or /trash/
Well...I hope you will have fun with it.