Can we have an honest discussion about games being made that are aimed at women or that women tend to like?

Can we have an honest discussion about games being made that are aimed at women or that women tend to like?

There really aren't that many made honestly. It kinda blows. And any time it gets mentioned the same response is always just:
>well more women should become game devs then

But that's retarded, most men I know who play games are not game devs and would never become one. They just like playing games. And so do women.

And if you're confused, here are some examples of games I consider to be either aimed at women or have a large female fanbase:
>The Sims
>Harvest Moon/Rune Factory
>Most GUST games
>Animal Crossing
>Pretty much any RPG that you can heavily mod
>Asian MMOs that get ported to the west and aren't shit or pay to win

So how do women get more games like these made? I would throw all my money at them

>Ask about a female perspective on a predominantly male board that actively pushes away any female presence.
C'mon Woman, gotta use your noggin.

>Those examples
I get Sims but the other just flew right over my head.

I hoped maybe people would have some sympathy for me since I'm just trying to get more video games made that I like, I'm sure every guy here has felt this feel before

But yeah, please do this game companies. I will throw all my money at you. And please no stupid indie bullshit art, it's gotta be cute shit or no dice. Or let me mod the hell out of it to be cute.

Really? All of the games I've listed are known for having very large female communities

Why does your gender preference determine what games you enjoy? All of your examples of games that are supposedly aimed at women are things that are just easy, casual games with no failure states, just sandboxes, and there's nothing wrong with that but they're shitty examples. You should've mentionned something that was legitimately designed to target a female audience, like Pac-Man.

That said, if you want more games like the ones you enjoy being made, buy more of them, and convince others to buy them if they're into those kinds of games, the more people buy them, the more profitable they will be, and the more that they will be made, either as sequels and reboots or as copies of those titles by other developers. You can also voice your desires over social media to get the idea across. Are either of those guaranteed ways to get more games like the ones you enjoy to be released? Absolutely not, but unless you're willing to make them yourself, you're going to have to give developers a good reason to make those experiences, and the only way you can do that is by making them profitable.

Well anyone who assumes you're a woman will automatically have more sympathy for you as a result of how we treat genders, but I'll be honest, it comes off as a mixed message, because you claim that you want all of these games to be made that target females, while only mentioning games that are either casual, or don't actually target a female audience anymore than a male one (Zelda, MMOs). I kind of get what you're saying, but rephrasing your post might help get your idea across

>He doesn't know men and women's brains function differently
>He doesn't know that most women don't care or like vidya

I am constantly throwing money at games like the ones I listed. I don't have any friends, sadly.

You didn't finish reading what I said. You only saw "make games targeted at females" and didn't see the part where I also mentioned continue to make games LIKE the ones that are popular among women.

All of the games I listed are popular among women, but get hardly any love besides Zelda and maybe The Sims, but it's been really down hill honestly.

No I read the entire post, and regardless of whether they're popular among women, they don't specifically target women, I did make a mistake in assuming all of the games mentioned were targeting females instead of taking into account fanbases, but that said, my advice doesn't change. The only thing you can do is make these games popular and more profitable, as well as voice your opinion online. Try reaching out to the developers personally, try talking to smaller indie teams, try making new friends and introducing them to these games, even if they've never touched on before.

There's no real, genuine solution to your answer other than to make your own game, and since you reject that answer, which I don't blame you or anyone else for, the only "solutions" available don't have any guarantee of success, you just have to try and hope. If it makes you feel any better, you're not alone in feeling this way, from collectathons to Megaman-esque platformers, I have a lot of types of games I'd love to see be made that aren't getting any love whatsoever. All you can do is support games that you enjoy and that you want to see more of.

this is a surprisingly civil thread so far. i agree that the only thing you really can do is continue to support developers that make content which appeals to you
any other femanons here? what'd you get for christmas? the only vidya related thing i got was a rowlet plushie, otherwise i got
>a makeup vanity
>a new car battery
>tickets to the lion king live
>two sweaters
>two pairs of leggings
>some fuzzy socks
>a scarf
>a necklace
>a headband
>fancy razors and shaving cream
>dry shampoo
>a new ice scraper/squeegee thing for my car

Making them more popular won't really do much though because I want MORE games made that are like the ones I listed. You can only play the same games for so long before you want more variety.

Also art is really important to women in video games. You could make a game just like any of the games I listed, but if it has shit art women aren't going to care about it at all. I'm not gonna lie, it either has to be cute or you have to be able to mod it to be whatever you want.

There are seriously not enough games made like this and I know that it frustrates a lot of women. Or also, the games that ARE made like this are piss easy and literally targeted at children, that is the worst.

>Making them more popular won't really do much though because I want MORE games made that are like the ones I listed.
thats how you get more

I suppose but who is going to make them? If I give more money to the company who already makes a game that I like, they're just going to use it to keep making that same game, and not new ones that are similar to it.

Women don't have hobbies.
The only reason those games are popular is because they're piss easy/trendy/both

like said just hope that other devs see it selling well and try to make something like that

>Making them popular won't do much
The point isn't just to grow the fanbase, the point is to show developers big and small that these kinds of games are profitable, and that entices them to come make games similar to those, like I said before. Those kinds of games aren't made often because they're not very profitable compared to other genres with much larger and more popular fanbases that are willing to shell out money for the base game, collector's editions, merch and DLC released after the game. You don't really see that kind of thing with games like Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon.

The whole art thing is a whole separate issue, and you shouldn't pass off the art thing as being an only female thing, as not all women find the art important, and likewise some men will only buy games with good or cute art. The whole point is kind of moot anyway though, as like I said, you need to support these games enough to where they're profitable for developers, and in supporting the games you do like, along comes the gameplay and art styles that either match or mimic the titles that are financially successful.

>But who is going to make them?
Smaller developers, indie teams with enough of a budget to warrant a risky release, smaller teams like Croteam (obviously not them, but teams of the same size and budget,) you have to support them enough that these other studios want a part of that profit.

In addition, you have to be vocal. You have to reach out to these people on social media, you have to get others to join you in asking for more games like this. You're looking for a solution that doesn't exist, there is no way to guarantee a game will be made, all you can do is influence the industry with your wallet and with your voice. No amount of reasoning or debate can change that.

that's not true, just look at titles like stardew valley being made for fans of old harvest moon games. other developers pay attention to the market. if you like cute/pretty games i would suggest looking into vanillaware, they make beautiful games like odin sphere and muramasa (as long as some light fanservice doesn't bother you)

Women don't like videogames. We just tolerate them.

epic memes my dudes


I'm a girl. We don't like vidya.

Women have brought nothing to the table so far all they've accomplished is shitting up existing titles. They don't want to do anything that requires actual effort. Stop ruining our hobbies you fucking roasties, go create something on your own without help from your fucking beta orbiters.

I'm a woman and I love video games - I just don't care about any of the games OP listed aside from RPGs.

Jesus jimminie have you NOT been around since the CoD days? Companies, developers, bigwigs, etc. look at what's trendy and selling and aim to make their OWN version of said thing hoping to make bank. You're either baiting wichedly hard or retarded. or both

>Womem have brought nothing to the table.

This isn't completely accurate.

Just because your man boobs are blocking your view of your small dick does not make you a girl

Pretty sure Zelda is popular among women because Link is hot, so devs should make more playable hot men

>on Sup Forums
>dislikes vidya
carry on


Making games aimed at women is stupid, there are barely any that actually play games.

At least not triple A titles. Women mainly play phone games and MMORPGs, that's it.

Name a series made by women that did something clever and innovative. Hell name a series made by women that didn't fucking suck.

I doubt it. I haven't met a single one that plays games without a group.

I have a vagina and I am biologically female, thank you very much.

I don't hate them, but I sure as heck don't play them by myself with my free time. Playing Overwatch with the bf and his friends is fun, though.

There's a shit ton of Zelda clones or games with a similar feel, female Zelda fans just don't care because said clones aren't trendy.

why can women never go two posts before mentioning their bf

i do
as in i play them alone and i know other girls that do

>Sup Forums hates vidya
>then it makes perfect sense

Because they wouldn't give a shit about video games otherwise.

None of those titles are targeted for a female demographic. Females just happen to migrate to those games.

Good games require patience and tolerance from the player in some shape or form. Challenging games usually prove to be at least decent by the gameplay itself.

You just gotta broaden your horizons instead of perceiving games needing to prioritize gender likeness. It's never been about that and this notion is only made from our culture itself.

It's probably just some fatass dude pretending to be a girl for perverse reasons. He's getting into character.

>with the bf and his friends

Protip: They think you're annoying.


Skies of Arcadia, nigga'.

The only games that I can think of that are targeted towards females specifically are otome games. And maybe P3P.

You're either a unicorn or a weirdo, then

You doubt me? You don't know anything about me beyond what I posted about myself on an image board. Games played with others are simply not my thing. Despite being a woman I can actually do things like playing games or going to a public bathroom by myself. I don't need a throng of women around me at all times.

My post was more in reference to the fact that women have contributed to video games - whether it be programming, art design, or music.

And those games are unfathomably boring. VNs and RPGs are the two genres I've tried and really disliked. all you do is the same thing over and over

Shooting games are a bit more fun

>I have a vagina and I am biologically female
You know the rules then...

Alright, you don't have to get sassy, honey. It's just that all the women I meet do that sort of thing to try and stand out to guys.

Skull Girls

Im not that femanon but my first console was given to me by a female neighbor because she didn't want it, the and for my second console it was given to me my a female cousin who preferred her game boy. My brother loved ganes when he was younger but I certainly didn't get into them because of my father, brother, or any other man in my life.

Well I enjoy both. And I have a penis and am biologically male. :^)

Leave it to Sup Forums to get angry over me having a partner. Jeez, I won't mention them, next time.

It needs to be both
>cute art style
>can play as a girl and customize character or with mods
>cute men characters

that's pretty much about, that is all you need to do in video games to attract women

The entirety of videogames targeted at females it's on mobile. Forget anything outside that. Actually, there's still something like that on Nintendo handhelds, but in almost every case they're aimed at children first and foremost (aka braindead difficulty).
It sucks, but besides neo liberals delusions there isn't a relevant dedicated female fanbase in gaming.
Thank god i like weebshit aimed at otakus and fujoshis, so i still have a lot of stuff to play.

I think you'll get along great with my bf.

If women are equal to men why do they need games "aimed at" or "targeted to" them?
And don't talk about games being "too masculine" or "male power fantasies" because that's not a product of specific gender targeting, it's a consequence of pandering to the lowest common denominator and plenty of games avoid doing so.

Finally in a market that excludes mobile/casual games where women represent a tiny audience minority, explain why the industry (whose sole motivation is profit) should be bothered targeting a less profitable group - and keep in mind that the few companies who have attempted to target specific niche social roles have done so as a marketing ploy and have had the quality of their staff and products seriously degrade as a result (i.e. BioWare)

Did Mike Z and Kamiya get sex changes recently?


that is because there aren't any triple AAA titles that women like

the only one is like, The Sims, and besides a few shitty bootleg games, no one has ever tried to make another game like it

god if anyone did, especially the people who made Cities: Skylines i would be so happy, i would literally throw hundreds of dollars at it even if it was shit just because i'd be that excited about another game like it being made

you have no idea

We'll now you know that that not all the women out there are exactly like the ones you meet.

>they do that sort of thing to stand out

This actually says so much.

>I won't mention them, next time
is this disorder that women have

Forget GUST, they've become yurishiters.
I'm still mad.

i have tried all kinds of games but i just don't enjoy them except games like the ones i've listed

Human garbage.

>Can we have an honest discussion about games being made that are aimed at women or that women tend to like?

I don't see what's to discuss. They aren't for me so I don't buy them.
Also hold on a second.

>Harvest moon.

Women don't know what hard work is, are you trying to trick me?

You are talking to a guy you fag lord



The issue is that when a woman tries to discuss something she normally winds up almost always bringing her husband or boyfriend into it - it's annoying and it makes it seem like the girl doesn't have a real identity outside of her male companion. That's all.

It would be just as annoying if a guy on here posted about all the games he aha with his girlfriend.

Wow, it's almost like they dislike hard work because they get paid less than men for doing it.

OP never said that women are equal to men, retard.

Here we go.

>because they get paid less than men for doing it.

Said the faggot that does not do any hard work.


Just like in fiction.

after making that post nothing you say matters
even if its ironic


This. Unless I am missing from something a woman should have no complaints and just play Doom or Final Fantasy without concerns about being "catered" to.


So OP is a third worlder? Neato. Send him back to Syria

Well I tried but I'm seeing a lot of responses that basically equate to people thinking I'm a feminist or something and whining about muh equality

I don't think you can probably ever discuss this topic on Sup Forums without people jumping to this conclusion, but I gave it a shot

I'm learning to program and I already know a bit but I'm honestly shit at it and am only learning it to make games because I'm so frustrated with how few games out there that me and other women really enjoy.

I guess here's wishing me luck in that, maybe the people in the aforementioned replies will play my games and have no idea I made them with women in mind, I would laugh pretty hard at that

I've run into a lot of women on Overwatch. A large portion do play Mercy only (even in competitive which is very annoying!), but some are flex. Met one that picked Reinhardt only pretty much.



Don't fall for fancy writing Sup Forums, it's all the same attention whoring.

Women get paid less because hey are more likely to work less hours in a day, take sick days, take personal days, take days off to be with children, take maternity leave, and hardly ever work overtime. There are a whole bunch of other factors as well.

HTML and CSS aren't programming

51% of professor Layton playera are female
I assume it's because Luke and Layton are both husbando bait


Ok so you think women are inferior to men and that's why they need hand holding.
Got it

Or you admit that men and women are equal and your entire question becomes moot.
There really aren't two ways about this user. You asked a stupid question.

A short, bitter virgin must have made this.

more than half of the group I play overwatch or titanfall with are girls, they're not bad actually.


tg will always freak out when this is posted.


>husbando bait
Fujoshit more likely, at least in Asia

If this is true, then I honestly wish you good luck. I women want more games directed at them with female protagonists then they are simply going to have to make their own.

As for me I am quite content with what have.

>I enjoy all those games
>I enjoy a lot of 'fujobait' anime too
>My opinions on shit often get rebuked with 'woman detected' or 'fujoshit pls go'
>have a straight hetero manpenis
fucking anonymity, why can't I enjoy an easy bake oven and not be considered either a faggot or a girl.

So OP wasn't trying to start a yet another thrilling liberal vs alt-right argument, idiot.