Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics

Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics.

Please reply.

stop bumping shit threads, retard

>third thread in a single hour
You truly need that cash right?

Those are Scott Walker lyrics you retarded mong.

Too busy playing Space Harrier, it has actual aesthetics.

Legacy server when?
Monolith sucks ass.

>he plays space harrier

Not really. It's kind of a garish mishmash that doesn't cohere well. It's surreal, and it's fast, but not much beyond that. Not very actual at all; in fact not being actual is kinda the point.

Are paid marketer unable to quote songs to express feelings?

The song has an entirely different non-literal meaning.

>he took the bait

And the paid shill use it in a literal way

Remember "you are a pirate?"
When I sing/post/quote it I'm not really implying I'm/you're a buccaneer, but simply someone that didn't paid for digital media.
I'm using literal lyrics in a non-literal way, are paid shills unable to understand such a concept?

You must not know who DJ Orwell is if you think anyone would hire him.

>Why aren't you playing Paragon
I've tried off and on since the Alpha, including last week for Monolith. It is just to goddamn slow. There is also no skill since you are so disconnected from the action happening. I don't know what Epic was thinking. They should have made another proper arena shooter or something FRESH like Gears was in 2006.

t. DJ Orwell

Paragon does for MOBAs what Gears did for third-person shooters.

Moron. Paragon is dog shit. It's also dead as fuck.

Takes three plus minutes to find a game.

Card system is broken. Game's buggy.

It's a joke.

>They should have made another proper arena shooter or something

Well they are doing another Unreal Tournament, and it's looking great.

>Paragon does for MOBAs what Gears did for third-person shooters.
No. The card system they use to make themselves "unique" was lifted directly from a less popular EA MOBA (forget the name) and even then it probably wasn't original to EA. It is a weak game. 3/10 at best, the 3 is for great graphics.

You fucks better be saging.

Dawngate didn't have a card system, nor did it have verticality and actual graphics.

Sage was disabled years ago dude.


I am playing it, unlike the autistic faggot OP.
Wouldn't mind seeing some real threads around Sup Forums so I don't have to jump in to these before they get pruned and try to see how people are finding the game.
Got 2000 coins in a loot crate and ended up with a bunch of masteries and skins (Murdock, Twin, Countess, Crunch).
My ELO is diving, though, because there seems to be an influx of newfags over Christmas that don't know shit about team comp or how important staying alive is:
>team with a Howitzer with 18 deaths and 1 kill, Riktor with 15 deaths and 4 kills while I go 19/5/6
>another team with a 22 death Belica
>lose 9 ELO each time

Always a thread for this god awful game, and it always starts the same way. I wish dudes would ddos these fucks into oblivion.

Maybe you should make those "real threads" so I don't have to.

Also I already have all the masteries and all the cards.