Game has a morality system

>Game has a morality system
>The good option is the only one correct

>Morality system
>only way to play is sticking to one path, either being a paragon of virtue or a completely reprehensible bastard
>trying to play with any kind of circumstantial awareness means you don't get the best rewards

full xana loyalty is the only correct path in dark messiah
i'll leave you to decide if that's the "good" path or not

>Game has a morality meter.


>Dialogue isn't morally ambiguous.


>game punishes you for not going staying neutral
>neutral route is the true ending

fuck alignment biases

>Can only be paragon of humanity or literal satan hitler hybrid
>Choices limited to either the most saintly or selfish decisions
There are less retarded ways of solving most problems without being either extreme. The developers don't give any thought to practical solutions let alone neutral ones.
Also there are never any rewards for being a mix of good and evil.

Reflects how the world has become over the years. You either agree with people on everything or you are the enemy. Black and white with no shades between. It is why the world is a terrible place and political "discourse" is just shouting at and insulting one another.

>"if you harvest the little sisters you get more drug to buy shit, do it!"
>you actually get more adam if you save them

Well, what the fuck is the point then, if you're gonna punish the player

>game has no morality system
>gives you event to rob a ship carrying supplies to a planet full of sick colonists
>hardly gives you anything if you do steal from them, no sane reason to not let them pass by
>Steal anyway because I need every scrap to beat that Rebel Flagship

Why is FTL so good?

Video games made me realize that I take the moral option, not because I'm a good person, but solely because I fear of not being able to benefit off of others under the disguise of being a good person.


I like this user.

That's because Good vs Evil is a stupid dichotomy for mouth breathers. You can't make a sensible evil choice. That's the point. Evil doesn't exist in reality. It's best just to shut your brain off.

>Evil doesn't exist in reality

>Game has color coded choices telling you what option you should pick because actually thinking about your choices is too hard

>morality system
>majority of choices/opportunities are good


which is also why most "evil" routes suck in games. Devs are too afraid to dick over the player for making good decisions, so it's always a choice between making choices that are both morally correct and pragmatic or being a pointless self-destructive asshole

>Game has a morality system
>Good and Bad options are always in the same spot

>Game doesn't have Good vs Evil
>It has Law vs Chaos where both sides do heinous shit and what you choose based off your personal view on which is the better option.

>>Game has a morality system
>>The good option is the liberal option

>Mass Effect
>literally no reason to ever pick the Renegade options

Holy shit thank you for existing.
Here's a chick who literally saved your life multiple times, and genuinely cares for you, but here, you can kill her slowly while she can do nothing but look helplessly through your eyes. Because it's the right thing to do because she is eeeeeeeviiiiil (take our word for it).

They just wanted to adhere to realism user

Colour coded choices are good in games with a hard morality system, because the devs never put in "grey" choices. When there's a choice that seems grey (like killing someone who's suffering from unending agony or something) they always make it good or evil no matter what. The hard morality system doesn't promote thinking so you may as well make it clear what your intentions are anyway because otherwise you're punishing the player for not having the same morality as you.
The only way to fix it is to remove the hard morality all together or move it so far into the background it may as well not be there, like New Vegas

The way you do that is by having the killing someone be a neutral choice. That's how they did it in Mass Effect 1 and Bioshock 2.

>reddit spacing

>Sup Forums post


Liberals are literally destroying the world though

I bet you think Saya global saturation ending should be done too.

Since you're not wrong

Wtf is reddit spacing

t. mouth breather

Wh-who's this semen demon...

If somebody makes a post you don't like, simply claim that their post formatting is evocative of reddit, then sit back in smug satisfaction while everybody is impressed with how smart you are

>Beggar asks for some money
>Good option: give him some money
>Evil option: punch him in the face, rape him and kill his dog


Ryuko from Kill la Kill. 50% retarded action, 50% retarded fanservice.

Sasuga Shiro

I don't watch that much anime

kill la kill was fucking shit

I like her and her anime.

It's literally nakedness gving power

wow, I honestly can't believe someone missed the point that hard. the show isn't even that subtle in its themes. embarrassing

I want to fuck ryuko

literally me

Are there any games that do moral decisions right? I want ambiguous choices with pros and cons that may not be what they appear
Of course the Witcher comes to mind, but is there anything else?

New Vegas
There's rarely a "right" decision, especially in the side quests

The tone may have come across a bit wrong. I'll try to rephrase:

50% retarded action, 50% retarded fanservice, 100% fucking awesome and hilarious.

Also you're a cunt.

yeah, well, i want to get fucked by satsuki
degenerate half-alien clothing fucker

>Game has a morality system
>if you commit crimes you'll be attacked on-sight in cities so you can never get quests or make a profit or craft anything
>game isn't intelligently designed to allow you to build a bandit group that becomes an evil empire
I still don't understand why Baldur's Gate didn't give you the option of taking over the Iron Throne for yourself if you had a reputation of 9 or lower. If you get your reputation below 4 you might as well restart the game because you'll never get to do anything.

die filthy communist

I want to hatefuck Nui

>tfw no orgy with Ryuuko, Satsuki and Ragyou

Just fuck a high thread count piece of fabric. It's basically the same thing.

Wrong. You get 40 more if you kill all of them

Baldurs Gate 2?

what type of fabric do you think her pussy feels like?

Silk, Egyptian cotton... anything with a high thread count.

I know Nui was born from a yarn womb, but where did Ragyo get the gametes?

>Undertale in a nutshell

Explain how

Alien clothes are cute! CUTE!

Ryuko a best

>Game has choices
>They do absolutely fucking nothing
>It's explained away as some 2deep4u bullshit

> game gives you different powers/abilities depending on your alignment
> the "good" route is severely overpowered

The "Golden" Ending is clearly the one you're supposed to get. It's the only "real" ending of the main three.

Neutral you just get a black screen with a phone call, and Genocide you get talked at by Chara "Edgier Than a Knife" the Fallen Human and the game crashes.

Meanwhile the Pacifist Route has a proper credit sequence, a proper epilogue that SHOWS what happened to people instead of telling us. And you even get to walk around after the final boss through the entire Underground and revisit all the NPCs.

The Good Ending is clearly the only one with any effort put into it, and is clearly the one Toby believes as the "real" or "correct" ending.

It's fun

i agree, but to be fair there's always been outspoken groups of retards that preach "black and white, no grey", but intensity shifts as certain shit happens. it'll be especially prevalent when 2 of these kinds of retards are the main candidates for president, and the one that catered to fear the most (but ironically the better of the two) won.

Fable was really balanced in this regard.

Thanks, Jedi Academy

>Being a conservashit unironicly

pepetard actually used leddit formatting though,
you use 2 maymay arrows instead of 1 on reddit, since 1 maymay arrow treats the text as a layered quote with a line in front of it.

Fable 3 sucked, but the evil route was interesting. Basically there was a big evil monster army coming to kill everyone and you needed a lot of money to prepare for it.

The evil options included stuff like instituting child labor or destroying nature to raise funds or you could do stuff like banning child labor and building schools and protecting natural landmarks at the cost of money.

The good options decreased your funding to protect from the coming threats and a lot more people would die but made people happier. The bad options made people upset and suffer but you could save a lot more people.

Though money was so absurdly easy to make you could just do all the good options and still have enough to fund the whole army yourself and save everyone anyway. Or if you wanted to be a massive dick you could do all the evil options and then pocket all the the profits yourself instead of building an army

She's from normie the anime

Genocide would be equally as good, if not better, than peaceful if it wasn't for Chara's takeover.

I want to kill Nui and have sex with her corpse.

Genocide is essentially a lot of annoying grinding (I know, that's done on purpose) and literally two boss fights. There's not much going on there.

How can it be the forced ending when it's hidden?
You have to revisit all the old areas and the secret lab and it doesn't tell or even hint that you should do it, and without the game being spammed everywhere and all the secrets found in five minutes, most players wouldn't have even know there was more than the neutral ending
You don't get good boy points, no explicit rewards, and you wouldn't know what the difference is until you do multiple playthroughs. The characters react to others' deaths but you're not forced or even mechanically rewarded by going pacifist.

>>>Sup Forums

wet silk

t. faggot teenager that thinks everything can be justified


and how did you know that?

I was talking about the outcomes, not the actual gameplay experience (also those two boss fights are the best in the games so even that is arguable).

No one said it was forced, that has nothing to do with what anyone said. It's clearly the "correct" one is what I'm saying.

But they give you way more as a gift if you save them.

Says the /r/the_donald fag

I only ever killed her for those dope weapons.

correct is a really vague term here. You know what, this conversation is pretty pointless

>picking good options lock you out of unique weapons and even fucking unique areas in the third game
w-well it's not really evil if I'm killing evil people who just happen to be married with me, right?

>Enemy tries to kill you
>Kick his ass
>Walk away

>I'll fucking kill you for threatening this other guy
>Light Side points achieved
I will NEVER get over this in fucking KotOR

Flowey literally tells you what to do when you get a neutral ending.

>I have no argument, so I'm gonna quit

morals are a human created system and idea. Morality is a system humans use to coexist with one another and nothing more.

Truth is "moral codes" don't exist in true nature and there are no rules to survival.

>Your appearances changes depending on your choices
>Your skin gets darker with every evil act you commit
What did Raimi mean by this?

Evil? She is willing to give up her life to protect you in the ending!

That mage girl was just jelly of my demon waifu, so I had to take her down. I wouldnt have to, if she wouldnt force fight on her own.

Seriously, that was messed up.

I wish we had gotten Bioshock: Ascension instead of that pile of horsehit. The only people that liked it were waifufags.

tfw the didn't go with the Ascension title because God of War was releasing a dogshit game with the title around the same time

Says the fag who doesn't even know how to link to other boards.


>Game pretends that it doesn't have the literal Jesus vs Satan the dogkicker type of morality system
>It actually does
I love how the only thing that fixed Paragon vs Renegade was it's complete removal in ME3.

there is no false nature
nature is closed
privileging anything humans do is magical thinking

>Evil is a strawman of whatever political party the writers hate