Talk about near-death experience!
Talk about near-death experience!
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talk about fantastic pits
does she show them off in game?
no, you never really see her armpits, but her sweater is sleeveless and in theory her armpits are exposed.
No way fag
No way fag
No way fag
No way fag
No way fag
this has turned into a reddit meme
good job you fucking faggots
>RE4 threads will never be normal again
What is the best gun and why is it the TMP
Nay, thy homosexual.
Not a chance John de
Best weapon is, and will always be, your foot and knife
Why doesn't Ashley appear in any later Resident Evil games?
Is it because of her big, stupid ears?
not an argument
cause she is just the presidents daughter, not immune to any virus, no combat skills, and by the time or RE6 they have a new president
>making the game harder for no reason
knife sucks ass mate.
>using "not an argument" meme incorrectly
Just pretending, right?
>considers "armpits are so sexy" thread as anything other than shitposting
>Being this delusional
that's a shame
Nope but exaustive repetition is pure reddit
Sounds like something you'd find on reddit to me, reddit user.
fucking neo-Sup Forums
post the duck dodgers edit or the xenoverse one
Is the Handcannon worth getting?
I want that sweet Dan Smith pose
>We will never go back to the RE4 Deepercutt edition threads phase
Posting it anyways.
>not an argument
Not an argument.
Little rough, don'tcha think?
>not liking knife
Shit taste
How about we go out for some chocolate frosty milkshakes?
That _was_ meant to happen!
Weird how these threads stoped having those.
I like this one too, always makes me kek.
Why are all the bosses so easy but all the enemy parts after 4-3 so hard? (on pro you casuals)
Where specifically did Len and Ashley go on the jet-ski? Those have enough gas for about 8 miles.
Who does the merchant work for?
The reason Leon said no way fag is because Ashley smelled about as bad as a human being can. She hadn't brushed her teeth since she was captured, she had been man handled constantly by worm filled spanish villagers and giant slimy insect beasts and was simmering in her own filth by the time she was drenched with sea water; only magnifying the smell.
\vee\ really knows how to run shit into the ground and ruin it
>Why are all the bosses so easy but all the enemy parts after 4-3 so hard? (on pro you casuals)
Which parts are you talking about?
>Where specifically did Len and Ashley go on the jet-ski? Those have enough gas for about 8 miles.
They were probably picked up by the coast guard or a chopper.
>Who does the merchant work for?
Considering his eyes glow at night, he may have just been a Plaga host that somehow had an immunity and decided to help Leon instead. IMO the Merchant is one of the best RE characters, his origin and motives are a complete mystery.
Pretty sure the difficulty peaks at the castle part after the first garrador, then the game is pretty alright.
>Where specifically did Len and Ashley go on the jet-ski?
To a near island of course, that isn't just infected by the plagas. consider how the village infected by the plagas had a bridge that probabilly lead to civilization or at least a bay with a port.
>That room in the castle with the 6 Plaga knights
you mean where you first fight 3 silver then 3 black knights?
it's hard unless you come with 2 flashbangs
the room with the double wolverine dudes and a bunch of other shit is much worse worth the rocketlauncher
>double wolverines room
>fuck it, bring a rocket launcher
>hit right in the middle
>only kill one
Then there is this fucker killing hundreds of them.
>Mod that replaces every enemy for a mini boss, like standard ganados into chainsaw guys
Jesus fuck.
>Mod that replaces every enemy for a mini boss, like standard ganados into chainsaw guys
>it's just two months old
People still do youtube poops? Fuck me, haven't seen this one, it was pretty fucking good.
Now I really feel like 2017 will be a great year.
>He doesn't know how to do it without the Rocket Launcher
i do, but it's worth using the rocketlauncher just to get it over with faster.
and you still have another one left for salazar
>see that chest in the middle of the room
>Want to avoid because it's a trap
>cutscene happens and you get caged with blind wolverine while cultists crossbow you outside
- chapter 5: The entire island is guarded by Super Salvadors!
- chapter 5: The entire island is guarded by Super Salvadors!
- chapter 5: The entire island is guarded by Super Salvadors!
Bought RE4 again to play on PC, are the HD textures heavy on perfomance? My computer is pretty old
This is a mod for the 2007 pc version?
Does it work with the new HD one?
>Nope but exaustive repetition is pure reddit
RE4 jumped the shark when Leon lost the jacket
>All that challange with Salvadors in the Village, Garradors and Black Knights in the Castle, and Super Salvadors in the island
>Bosses aren't buffed at all
4/10 would play for the spooks one hit minibosses give.
The videos have the old pc keys, so I asume it is. No, mods don't work like that, someone would have to port it or remake it.
>RE jumped the shark when Leon los the jacket
The PLR and Chicago Typewritter are literatly better than the weapons, it's useless and slow in comparation.
Then the infinite rocket launcher is the most fun one.
>no we cenot do this, niger
fuck every time
Why does the original pc version looks like a mobile game ?
Could we go back to the Ashley posting times? Or at least to post neat fan art.