Three games that, if announced, would compel you to buy a Switch no matter what, no questions asked

Three games that, if announced, would compel you to buy a Switch no matter what, no questions asked.

Just some High budget new IPs from Nintendo akin to Splatoon would make me buy it

Dark Souls 4
Elder Scrolls 6
Hyrule Warriors 2: The Erotic Adventures of Lana

Monster Hunter 5
F-Zero, with updated core design, make it a little more complex than boosting and crappy drifting
An open world driving game, especially as a new high budget IP like said

I'd also take a new good NFS or Burnout, as if those will ever happen again

A 3D platformer game like SM64, but with Kirby.


>Elder Scrolls 6

Hotel dusk sequel or spinoff
Elite Beat Agents sequel
new trauma center game

a proper ending to the Zero Escape series
also this

If Sen no Kiseki III got a Switch release, I'd get it. I love my portable kisekis.

HD remake of Oblivion with mod support

The original, non-DS version of Mario 64 in glorious HD with the whole castle getting a graphically modern update

Demons Souls 2.

New Smash
New IP from Ninten

Viewtiful Joe 3
Muramasa: The Demon Blade 2
Okami 3

Spla2n with better and more expansive single player.
3D Mario (pretty much confirmed at this point)
Pikmin 4

Splatoon 2
Kingdom Hearts 3

A game about Jigglypuff

A Pokémon Online game in which you can actually catch them all, conquer a gym with your Clan/Team and a league system that actually lets you fight to become the very best like no one ever was.
A Metroid game either in 2d or in the style of metroid prime. No fuck this, i want Metroid Prime in 2d and Super Metroid as FPS.
Half Life 3

I only need one MonHun 5.

>Monster hunter 5 (will happen unless capcom go full retard)
>Splatoon 2 (100% sure that it will happen)
>2D Castlevania (Metroidvania) that don't have nothing to do with lords of shadow (unlikely).

Proper F-Zero
Kirby Air Ride sequel
Timesplitters 4

Tactics Ogre.

Melee HD

>New Smash
>New Monster Hunter
>New Pokemon

Console of the decade


>tfw Iwata wanted to do an enhanced port of Melee to the Wii but Sakurai insisted in making Brawl

Absolutely nothing

Switch is underpowered.

May as well ask for a unicorn

Mega Man Legends 3


>Elder Scrolls 6
>Not Skyrim 2
user I'm disappoint

I'm going to buy a Switch no matter what. So long as there are Nintendo games to play. I've got a PC for third party games so I'm pretty much set aside from the occasional PS4 exclusive.

The only question one should ask themselves is "Do I like Nintendo games?". If the answer is yes, you get Nintendo's consoles, if no, then you don't.

Super Mario Super Box: HD ports of Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine
Zelda HD Collection: HD port of Ocarina of Time 3D and Majora's Mask 3D with all the flaws fixed and better lighting.
Zelda GC Collection: A combo pack of Twilight Princess HD and Wind Waker HD, also with all the flaws fixed. And better lighting.

And then my nostalgiafaggotry will finally be quenched and I shall ascend to Nostalgiadise, where I'll forever drown in an endless sea of old shit.

New Mario and new Monster Hunter. That's it. I know BoTW is a port, but who cares that was opening reason to get a Switch anyways.



>Okami 3

There isn't even a Okami 2

Whaaa- S-Sk-Skyrim T-TWO ?
Please Todd I can't find the pre-order button, I want to lick it so bad :3

Do you mean individually or together?

f-zero mostly (does the switch even have analog triggers?)

Never got to experience splatoon since i don't have a wii-u but it looked interesting. I'd check it out.
A zelda title is already announced, not my favourite style and i haven't played skyward yet though.
Maybe an other EXCITE racer would be cool. Apart from the wagglan and limited content and production values, the wii titles were a blast.
I completely forgot about federation force, but maybe a metroid title.

Anything new would be cool too.

Planned sequel to Conkers Bad Furday.

Did you not know or did you chose to forget?

Rare's owned by Microsoft. Even if they wanted to make CBF2, it'd still never be on a Nintendo product.

Super Mario Switch
F-Zero Switch
Ouendan Switch

Disgusting taste, only HL3 is decent

Mojang is also owned by Microsoft yet they released Minecraft on WiiU.

A good Paper Mario game, TTYD remake doesn't count
Gitaroo Man 2

Smash 5 with a good roster and gameplay

No more Heroes 3 OR Xenoblade 3 or something like that

Kirby air ride sequel OR new Animal Crossing

Pokemon Snap 2

I didn't get a Wiiu, so all I really need is Smash Bros.

Beyond that the only other thing I want is a non-retarded online multiplayer infrastructure.

There are none. I did that with the Wii U for Bayonetta, W101, and Smash and as much as I enjoyed them I still regret it.

>good gameplay

better keep that money in your wallet


Yo...That would be sweet.


Rabbids x Mario RPG

Monster Hunter
Animal Crossing

>Elite Beat Agents

Super Smash Bros for Switch
Devil Survivor 3
Puyo Puyo Tetris

Another Golden Sun game and I'd be in line so fast you could barely have time to say my body is ready.

I'm getting it for BoTW and 3D Mario. Everything else is a bonus.

A few hundred dollars is nothing and life is short.

Monster Hunter 5
Donkey Kong Country
New Mario Kart

>not chronicles

>Metroid Prime 4
Absolutely no questions asked, I'd buy it day one if any of these were announced. Splatoon 2 would be pretty convincing too but that's already confirmed.

Megaman Legends 3
Monster Hunter 4


They're already casting VAs for it.

I mean Monster Hunter 5

HAL Laboratory has been experimenting with 3D Kirby for a while but always come to the conclusion that it's simply not fun to play.

Don't do this you cruel man, clover is dead it wont come back.

Chronicle's looking like a single player focused game, but if that comes over and gets localized, awesome. Puyo Tetris on the other hand is a multiplayer focused game that perfectly meshes with the Switch's "local multiplayer anywhere" gimmick.

Mass Effect 4
Cyberpunk 2077
A Bethesda RPG that doesn't suck.

Actually, If these were exclusives I'd probably just kill myself.

It's really obvious that's what that was, but it's still not technically confirmed. I'm so excited for it though, people seriously didn't give the first one enough credit as a good game or a good crossover.

Bayonetta 3
Pikmin 4
Metroid 2D gameplay

New Kirby game (main series)
New Pokemon (main series)
Some AAA multiplat (shows that Switch will get multiplat support)

Metroid Dread
F Zero SX
Any sort of open 3d platformer like a sequel to mario 64 or donkey kong 64

I'd take the good roster and settle for a new

sin & punishment or remake of a certain FE

Make sense but I already have like 200 hours on tetris so I'd still prefer chronicles.

A game that explains why they didn't make a Pokemon Snap game or an asymmetrical dungeonmaster/rpg game for the Wii U.

The lack of those two games underlines their fundamental incompetence when it comes to making money.

The Wii U's hardware feels purpose built for either of those two games.

Splatoon 2 (didn't play the first one because the WiiU was gay)
Pokken 2 (again didn't get a chance)
Something by Suda51 or another Viewtiful Joe game

no way Im buying nintendo shit again

a new Xenoblade
a new Donkey Kong Country
a new Pokemon with the same graphics and scale as how Dragon Quest XI is looking

Fucking based. Wish my Vita's PS button didn't shit out. Would be nice to revisit all literally 4 games I own for it. I adore the system. Shame it didn't take off like the PSP

>Hotel dusk sequel or spinoff
will never happen, I guess

smashfags will complain it's unfair, but I just want this controller

i would love to see a proper console pokemon RPG but then how would they sell handhelds?

Monster Hunter XX
Xenoblade X2
Metroid Trilogy Enhanced Edition

The best thing about the Switch is that it's a home console that IS a handheld user, they don't have a dedicated handheld to sell anymore.

Pokemon Snap 2
new Metroid
Dark Souls trilogy/ III

HD SMT game thats not multiplat or TMS
Metroid game
An original IP that's an Action RPG and well made

Basically, probably never going to buy it since it will have no games.

Switch is supposed to replace the handhelds.

Just have fun playing that thing outside your home.

I'm guessing battery will be irreplaceable and have very short life span because of the graphics.

Advance Wars 3
Pokemon Snap 2
Nintendo Land 2

Anyone who wants a Xenoblade X sequel should be hanged.

Shill 2
Shill 3

>Action RPG
I want this garbage genre to die, it's choking out all the turn based, i.e. fun, RPGs.


There's no fucking way I'd leave the house with a $300 console and the $25 or whatever case I had to buy to take it outside

How about Xenoblade X: Uncensored Edition?

Because turn based is slow and skilless, and there are only a few companies that can do it well. Nintendo is not one of them.

would buy, don't give a fuck about smash fags

The censorship was the least of that shit games problems.

I like Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma as much as Bravely Default and Chrono Trigger, it's not ARPG's fault that Squeenix is trash now.

DS and MH are more fun than any rpg every made.

New Metroid Prime.
New Kid Icarus.
New Earthbound.

Are 3ds developers really going to make the move to Switch? I kind of doubt it. 3ds has a huge install base and their costs would rise a ton.

Going to buy one anyway, but..

2D Metroid
A Mario game that's more like 64/Sunshine
Zelda, though that's already happening, so Smash