ITT: Post worthless party members

ITT: Post worthless party members

>Forced to use this stupid bitch for every summon battle
>Can't even use said summons without getting beat up, which is risky already since she has garbage defense

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Biggest waste of space in FF6. I'm not putting any effort into this waiting simulator of a character when there are other characters that do more damage for less effort. Fuck bushido and fuck this waste of a character slot.

Fragile as fuck and his magic is ass.


>chair when you only used her in battle because she was hot


Just awful, his stats aren't good and his base class is awful for his race.


He was actually somewhat decent in the DS remake. His songs worked more often than not and his new Salve ability was a real a lifesaver at times. Bombs are about to self-destruct? Use Hide then pop back in afterwards to heal everyone.


Fuck you, she was useful.......kinda

Her mouth was

Where can one find good Sheena porn?

>no healing nor support skills
>literally steals your turn icons
>asshole to your entire party in the story

nothing even comes close


But that's wrong. she spreads debuffs like crazy. I do wish summons could be used outside of overlimit, but her elemental buffs were great too.

>let's put a dedicated black mage in this game where everyone has potent offensive/elemental skills

there was no moment in the game, on mania difficulty, where debuffs were even remotely necessary.

Pretty much this. And while debuffs/buffs are nice to have, Sheena's mediocre stats just don't make it worthwhile to put her in the party for them.

fuck that. that title goes to asahi

>im pretty low but asashi should be able to heal the party
>"wait I didn't tell you to do that"
>does nothing
>demons dying left and right
>she does it again
>fuck. welp there goes my last healer
>party wipes


dafuq, multibonk and tattle were goat as fuck. Casuals that can't action commands i swear...

Did they really expect people to wait like 30 seconds just for one skill?


>not using the glitch that lets you enter Mist from the wrong side, buying several Dancing daggers, and equipping him with one to throw

Rydia and Edward just chuck knives and Cecil turns into the weakest party member

>Starts out at moderately high level
>Garbage rune power


He's fantastic though. One of the easiest to hit max damage with and he gets Return Magic.

?? He isn't exactly great but he is not even the most useless in his own game.

Freya>Steiner>Zidane>Dagger>Amarant>Vivi>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Empty space>>>>>Quina

Whoops, forgot about shitty forgettable Eiko, put her between Amarant and Vivi I guess.


but dem ninja titties


Flame line does elemental damage before anyone else can, Napalm does AOE elemental damage before anyone else can, and she gets a unique set of armor from Taban that keeps her ahead of the curve
You never learned to appreciate best girl


I hope you're going by likability. Because mechanics wise you are utterly wrong in almost every regard.


What a waste of space
When you join up and Citan, the 'fast melee' archetype character has more health, defense AND raw damage output in addition to getting two turns for your every one, you are benched for life.

>boss joins your party
>he sucks ass

i liked him

He is still better than Kihmari and Lulu.

Cielo in the first DDS was a pain in the ass to carry around. Whose great idea was it to make him weak to FUCKING STATUS AILMENTS?

He was way better in DDS 2, though.

I guess it depends on the game. Only ever played Nocturne out of mainline SMT and there he can carry your entire team all the way to the end. I try not to use him because he made the game easy as fuck for me.

That and he doesn't have as much style as Hell Rider.


Rose was way worse than him in the end game.

How so? She's much quicker and gets the best weapon in the game.

I see a lot of ones that could be argued. This one can't

>speed is the most important stat
>has no speed
>no defense against magical attacks, the stuff you actually care about
>less damage than both dart and haschel


Cloud's worse

At least Cloud can wear a ribbon.

You fucking kidding?
Throw, homeboy

Cloud can consistently hit his targets

Not even. Kongol being strong doesn't amount to anything because he's slow as shit. Rose can do almost as much damage as him and get another turn before him.

The only character he's better than is white healer girl whose name I can't remember

she has shit health
shit defense
and ok speed, magic, and magic defense
And one of her dragoon spells basically becomes useless over time. I may have exaggerated when I said way worse, I just hate her as a character.

My question is, why would you ever use her when you have meru and hachsel?

Yeah excluding the psycho cyan glitch his bushido was pretty awful simply because of how much time you wasted waiting when characters could just be attacking.

I only found it useful when you abused long animations like summons to fill the meter when animations were playing.

In the SNES version yes, he's slightly more useful in the DS version though. In the GBA/PSP version he is the most powerful character in the game in terms of raw stats for the post game content.

He will very easily cap strength, stamina, and agility. His post game equipment is also the most broken in the game just look at Loki's Lute

>+15 Strength, Agility, and Stamina. Extra damage vs. Dragons, Machines, Beasts, Ghouls, Giants, Mages, and Undeads.

This allows him to very easily hit 9999 damage on every attack while being insanely fast but yeah outside of GBA/PSP post game hes pretty terrible.

You're crazy. I rolled with Goombella most of the game...partially so she was in cutscenes, but she's actually fairly useful.

Not debating the fact that she's on the worse end, but worse than Kongol is too far.

Citan is the exact opposite problem, where he's a blatant creator's pet and hard to like as a result.

To be perfectly honest, your party should have just been Fei, Bart, Elly, Billy, Mari and Emeralda. Chuchu and Rico are pointless and Citan doesn't need to be playable (and he didn't need two buddies who are basically less effective clones of him, but whatever).

how can you be this retarded

>specialized in debuffs
>normal enemies die too quick for them to matter
>bosses are immune

fuck you Nash

>No useless character
Thats just flat out wrong Quina has some very good blue magic including being the ONLY character who can actually cast auto-life otherwise you only get it once per battle from an accessory. The way Quina's forks work also allow you to permanently keep him/her in the back row and all come with the ability to inflict status conditions.

Easily the worst character even with how large the cast got I still feel like no one was useless besides her.

Also does not help you don't get her until very close to the end of the game and are forced to take her for a section. I feel like she was only added a preview for the 3rd where I hear she is still pretty useless. Only real use I ever found for her was to be a dedicated earth wall bot but other characters can do the same while bringing more to the table.

I found him quite instrumental during the red dragon cave.

>you get to beat the shit out of him later



I wouldn't say Ashton is worthless
Opera is way better, though.

All the females in Final Fantasy 8

>i don't like easy infinite combos
wow nice going retard

i found every single character in symphonia fun to play as except for genis and raine for obvious reasons

boring underpowered lesbian

You're forgetting about Selphie, whose limit break will OHKO everything, and with Aura is stupid broken.

In the remake you don't have to wait to use his abilities anymore. He's still not the best, but at least the parts where you're forced to use him aren't torture anymore

I didn't even get close to maxing my team out and his higher HP was useful towards the endgame when ur running at a low level