Characters that did nothing wrong

characters that did nothing wrong


i wouldnt know

i dont play shit games more than 3 hours



Wait so what were his motivations again

I want letho to fist me



He killed Foltest in pussy fashion. Foltest was just trying to see his children. Every time I play Witcher 2 I bash the fuck out of Letho the Manlet at the end


why are you still alive then ?

I thought that was a Gears of War character at first.

he was the worst, killed him through every playthrough

to shitpost


>killing a character voiced by Simon mother fucking Templeman

For shame.

He did some morally questionable things but Geralt's in no position to assume the moral high ground about them, and almost all the personal damage Geralt sustained as a result of Letho's actions were his own fault.

How about we turn Letho into a human being and not an object

>characters WHO did nothing wrong

So much better


The Empire was going to basically help rebuild the Serpent School for Letho if I recall.

He looks like a big guy

i hate hearing kain's voice in these dumb bioware characters. i hate hearing him as anything other than kain, because 9/10 it'll be shit and i get a stupid sense of disappointment in him. i know it's dumb

had the same thought first time i saw him lol dude is too jacked

But he was right about everything except needing Grey Wardens to kill the Archdemon, because the Grey Wardens are so secretive that the world doesn't know about the soul shit.

He was right about Orlais using the pretext of helping with the Blight to take over Ferelden (Outright stated by the main writers) and he was right about Cailan being a tool and putting himself in danger and shitty tactical positions because of "muh glory".

Killed the king and placed the blame on you, even though you helped him in the past
Killed the king and placed the blame on you

If they did "nothing wrong" then why did they frame you for the murders that they so proudly committed?

this guy


>outright stated by writers
then the writers should have done a better job to make that feel more legitimate

its like the writers of New Vegas saying that the Legion was going to be a better faction but it doesn't change how they are in game


Yes, but him getting that one point wrong was what almost caused the Blight to spiral out of proportion. If they tried to kill the Archdemon without Grey Warden assistance, then Ferelden would either be raped mercilessly until it NEEDED to be annexed by Orlais, or it would be destroyed outright and their neighbors would have to deal with it themselves.

Plus, there's the fact that he deliberately sowed distrust and chaos throughout the country to further his plans, inadvertently crippling Ferelden's military might.

>place the blame
>frame you

No lol. Letho had no idea Geralt was playing buddies with a king. By the time the entire assassination plan was at the point of no return, Letho wasn't going to stop and risk the destruction of his Witcher school just because Geralt was there.

He's a bro, the world is shit.

When I said stated by the writers I mean there's the Return to Ostagar DLC which shows that Calian was gonna ditch Anora and marry the empress of Orlais, and there's the book written by Gaider where the empress of Orlais is a bitch who wanted to bring Ferelden back into Orlais control without war.

>Killed the king and placed the blame on you
No, he killed the king and escaped, leaving you with a mess on your hands because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time playing King's Bitcher.

Rebuild the School of the Serpent.

Literally did nothing wrong

hmm, i played that DLC. where's it say that he was gonna ditch Anora?

He didn't put the blame on you. He didn't even think you were gonna show up. He outright says that when Geralt got there with Foltest, he thought the mission was compromised, and that he didn't want him to get tangled up in that.

Not even larping or being an 'edglord' or whatever, but all you fucking sissy white boys go rewatch Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Frollo does fucking nothing wrong. He lusts after some hot gypsy, fine, but that's it.

Filthy dumb darcsen scum.

These. It's Geralt's fault for hanging around with Kings so much. Lambert and Eskel don't get into this shit because they stay on the path.

He gets me card advantage, I can't fault him for that

You find his personal documents, which is correspondence between him, Celene and Eamon where they basically say that they're gonna make an alliance through marriage with Orlais.

>those biceps

Sweet jesus, do they have 'roids in the Witcher universe or something?

You Gwent players are Pokemon Go tier. Would literally let fifteen griffons with their giant lionbird cocks fuck your ass for a fucking single rare trade.

Dice poker is better anyways.

they have a bad 3d modeler


Mutagens brah.

Geralt got albinism and Letho got bulk.

No way dude.
It's their combat design and animation teams that are lacking.

CDProjekt's modellers and texturers are the one's who clearly know what they're doing.

Kind of, yes. Young Witchers are given a special formula made from mushrooms, which develop their muscles at an astonishing rate. They are overdeveloped for their age and then get pumped full of mutagens, which takes them to super-human levels of strength and speed (if they survive).

duh some tities

>He did nothing wrong
>Except the entire crux of what makes him the villain of the movie
You say "lusts after" as if he just wanted to court her and not abuse his position of power. Not to mention it is against his position as a member of the church to even have conjugal relations, so regardless of how he went about lusting after Esmeralda, he is still doing something "wrong".

>>Except the entire crux of what makes him the villain of the movie

This is the main problem.


That's the point, he laments his inability to suppress the urges in his song, like many men can't control sexual lust and become overly impulsive (which is why all kinds of paid porn, rapists, pedophiles etc. exist)
VERY relatable stuff, it's really weird that it's in a children's movie


Letho believed that it was inevitable that Nilfgaard would conquer the world, and at the time Nilfgaard did not have a good attitude towards Witchers. He and three other Witchers are hired to sow chaos in the North by killing monarchs, starting wars and depriving the Northern Realms of their powerful mages. Their reward is that their school will have the backing of Nilfgaard instead of Witchers being exiled or killed.

Meanwhile a few other things are happening. The Lodge, lead by Philippa, is trying to create a nation run by mages. They choose Upper Aedirn, because King Demavend is a weak and nasty ruler, and they manipulate the folk hero Saskia into leading a rebellion. This is successful but opens the door for King Henselt, who invades Upper Aedirn. It is worth noting that Henselt has cut deals with Nilfgaard in the past, and that he was almost certainly baited by them into attacking.

Letho signs on with the Lodge and is tasked with killing Demavend. As soon as he does this he uses the assassination to buy favour with the Scoia'tael, who have always been suckers. By the time the mages realise that he has cut loose he has already killed King Foltest and is on his way to Henselt.

Even at the very end, when Triss uncovers the full plan the blame still falls on the Lodge and mages lose almost all of their influence with the remaining Northern leaders. Letho managed to kill two kings, start three wars, mobilise the Scoia'tael against the humans and disgrace the mages. All just preparation for the massive invasion by Nilfgaard.

Letho did literally everything wrong, though.

>Not one of the 7 seven deadly sins
Pick one you uneducated fag

It was all Lilith, Moxxi and Roland's fault.
Roland is already dead, so I hope they both get what they deserve in the next game.

No, this is a character who did everything wrong. Everything - absolutely everything - that he or Cerberus touched turned to shit, including all of Mass Effect 2.

I am still mad with this shitty series.

TW2 is actually good unlike TW3 (which is an insult to every person who's ever played a videogame before, let alone witcher fans).

He did everything wrong and then ran away like a coward. Had he died at Ostagar it would have saved the main character plenty of time in fighting back against the Darkspawn menace.

[Spoiler]I wish game series like Dragon Age and Witcher had Telltale versions because I fucking hate the gameplay but love the plot and choices[/spoiler]

>But he was right about everything except needing Grey Wardens to kill the Archdemon

Then you lied to us.


But see the thing is if Calian did marry the empress then his child would have ruled both kingdoms.

This. Even if he was right about one thing, he still was a complete retard about the bigger problem out there.

Master, look! I've done it, I've done it! I smashed and pounded and grounded this rotten siren into fleshy pink pulp! There, you filthy monstrosity! What good's your immortality now! Try stirring up trouble in this sorry state! All mangled and twisted, with every inside on the outside, for all the world to see! He heh hah hah Hah! He heh heh ha ha ha ha!


This is just a shitty excuse to start a griffith thread

"officially" the emperor was going to rebuild the school of the viper
in reality, letho never had a choice, if you say no to the emperor you're going to the imperial dungeons until you say yes
what actually happened is once letho was done the assassinations, the emperor signed his death warrant to tie up the loose end

You can hire me but you cant bribe me.

So he was smart enough to not piss off the emperor but stupid enough to fall for him

sexual god
dindu nuffin

I personally think that Emhyr harbours a huge hateboner for all Witchers because of Geralt.

I am still disappointed that they toned him down for the games and didn't set him up against Geralt.


>Buy the big BL2 package on steam on it's most recent sale
>Loot 'n' shoot, have a good time
>Start up Vault Hunter mode
>Notice the gigantic "YOU DIE" graffiti when you save Roland
I chortled. Now, I don't care too much about BL lore, but care to explain? Jack was basically playing a long con and was a general all around prick that did a lot of things wrong. Mostly the abuse of his daughter, which he did to meet his own selfish goals, seemingly to escape the drudgery of a low ranking, dead end corporate position.


And after all that Nilfgaard's invasion of the north succeeds or fails all based on whether Geralt encourages Ciri.

Why cant you like both? Youre not one of those fags that goes rights to cards at the casino are you?

Roland dindu nuffin, he did not even wanna be a part of Lillith's plan bit left him no choice

They were going to rebuild The school of the Viper.

So youre alive to play a shit game for more than 3 hours?

Not Ciri, if Radovid or Djikstra lives through 3.




I totally let him eat Olgierd the first time. Dude got what he paid for and it was time to settle accounts.

However if you save him, it turns out his raging dickishness was a result of O'Dimms tampering, making him have a "heart of stone". So it was as simple as all that. Damn Witcher and your grey areas.

He killed a woman, brainwashed her son into thinking he's worthless, not sure if he persecuted Gypsies.

>the path
>he thinks the path isn't just a made up thing that witchers use as an excuse when someone asks them to do something they don't want to

My dad kinda used to look like him in his early 40's


No that is unrelated.

Encouraging Ciri determines whether Ciri survives or not. If Ciri does not survive then it is strongly hinted that Geralt dies soon after, he just goes out into the wilderness and fights monsters until he is overwhelmed.

If Ciri survives:

If you take Ciri to see the Emperor Emhyr then she sees is as her duty to rule Nilfgaard, however much she doesn't like it. If you don't take her then she just wants to be a Witcher, and you keep her survival a secret from the Emperor.

As for the war, if Radovid is alive then Redania wins the war, and embarks on a great purge of pretty much everyone. If Radovid is dead but Djikstra is alive then Djikstra wins the war, and Novigrad is an independent state between Nilfgaard and Redania. If Radovid and Djikstra are both dead then Emhyr will win the war.

>he was only a piece of shit because of O'Dimm!

lmao no. He was a piece of shit, petty and arrogant disgraced former noble long before he looked into occult shit to summon demons.

>persecuted Gypsies
LITERALLY nothing wrong with that

You're thinking of the Witcher's Code.

"The Path" is just living the life of a Witcher, ie doing hard and dangerous work for ungrateful plebs.

If you bring ciri to the emperor there is a way to make her refuse to stay as empress, too. I'm not sure what the exact conditions are but probably taking the money.

>h-he didn't know you G-geralt was going to be there!
He sure as fuck didn't let the opportunity slide. He pinned that shit on Geralt and you faggots are cucks for letting him.

>those arms
Holy hell, pull your head in Western game design.