Lots of medkits and ammo near a door

>lots of medkits and ammo near a door

>the ammo is for the gun you hate to use

>save point near a door

>big wide open space

>you can only attack the boss with the item you just found

>music stops playing

>setting off the incredibly obvious trap is the only way to progress

>get mugged by npcs
>have to do a quest to get your shit back

Clear Sky is the worst I swear

>a long, empty hallway with no music or ambient humming

>big open area goes into a narrow hallway with a door at the end

>boss area is completely open and unmarked and you can walk into it by accident not knowing what is about to happen
>there is no cut scene or anything indicating what is happening, the boss just drops in and the health bar shows up and crazy intense music starts playing and you are now locked in the boss arena

>main theme kicks in

>fork in road

>walk into a mansion
>doors close behind you


>check behind waterfall
>there's a secret cave
>actually it requires a red key, come back when you get it
>have fun bactracking for a stamina trinket

>npcs steal all your gear
>have to sneak around and do shit the boring way to get it back
H e l p

>see the op artifact that can kill the final boss
>walk towards it
>ground collapses beneath you and you have to go through the entire mansion

>get it all back
>it doesn't auto equip

>Long hallways with big circular arena at the end of it
>The game is expecting me to be surprised when a boss shows up

>enter room
>it's empty
>expect something to happen when I move forward
>nothing happens
>it really was just an empty room

>Room filled with mutants in experimental tubes.

>Electronically locked doors

>game keeps giving you ammo for the gun that never runs out of ammo
>never gives you shit for the gun that sucks up ammo in seconds
Fucking doom 3.
You couldn't run out of shotgun shells if you tried.

>Boss can instakill you because of RNG
Fucking Nuke Kick em

I only come to these threads for the dank reaction images

>take a step
>now autosaving...

> enemies spawn from small tunnels around an arena too small for you to go down.

Pikmin 2 does this shit kind of


>Get all your gear back
>Immediately thrown into a fight
>Auto equips the shitty gear you were carrying instead of the good stuff
>Can't change gear during combat

>npcs take everything and leave you in a gimp suit with no gear

>Get arrested
>Lose stats while in jail

Fucking Oracle of Ages.

>end of dungeon has a path that conveniently leads you back to the entrance

>dark narrow corridor
>nothing happens when you walk across
>feel relieved
>backtrack through it
>pop-up scare occurs

>small door leading to a medium sized room with a 1hp pickup in the middle
not fooling me

>boss has cooldowns on getting hurt

>enter decent sized room
>no enemies
>lots of nook and crannies
>Switch/Item/Keycard is on the complete other side of the room