Just finished this wonderful game for the first time. What did Sup Forums think of it?
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Other urls found in this thread:
memes aside
It's pure perfection
you are very late to the party
Sad that a sequel will never happen because Konami
It is one of the few games that Sup Forums genuinely likes.
They could have paid 5 cents more for the silicone needed to hide his lower jaw when they reconstructed him.
I like most hack and slashes by default since I love the type of game so much. MGR is definitely one of my favorites.
we might get someday metal gear rising zombies
you know, a shitty mobage.
or pachislot.
Playing as Raiden in MGS V was pretty sweet, but it's just not the same without his HF blade.
Loved it. MGR, Bayonetta 2, and DMC3 are my top three hack-n-slash games. MGR was kind of short, but it was amazing in every other aspect, so I can overlook the length.
Easily one of the best games of the previous generation.
Why no rerelease on PC and newer consoles?
Same for Vanquish and Bayonetta pls.
I've always tried to get into hack 'n slashs and this is pretty much the only one of them I legitimately enjoyed all the way through.
I hear Nier Automata has a similar feel. I guess we'll have to settle with that.
Not OP, but people here says it is super short, so I was waiting for it to be massively discounted.
>Why no rerelease on PC
For what purpose? It's not like it looks super dated.
Nice bait fagit
Look it up on steam
It's only $7.50 and comes with all the DLC
It's on steam
Main story, all the DLC and VR missions make it fairly long, to be honest, especially on harder difficulties
>When you grab Excelsus' blade for the first time
Yeah I got it now that it is on sale right now.
Seems like you never learned Armstrong's real motives
Can you play it without playing MGS4?
There's no way I'm going to get my hands on a PS3 for cheap in the near future, but I want to clear MGR from my backlog.
It's a completely different game
It's still a Platinum game combat wise, yes, but it definitely will not have the level of CUHRAAYZEH as this
you'll get a day and a bit out of it probably. It is fairly short though. Story is a little under 10 hours.
Hey, I just finished it yesterday! It was my first platinum game and I loved it.
What made it for me was the soundtrack. It was grungy and cheesy and perfect. And the way boss themes would dynamically kick in the vocals during their last phase just got me rock hard
My only big complaint was that it was a little too easy; played it on hard and kind of blew threw it. Definitely not with an S rank, but still
Monsoon had the best theme
How did they kept the children's brains alive?
Did Doktor said anything about it?
Have not played any MGS game aside from 1 and enjoyed the shit out of MGR myself
Never played until earlier this year.
Absolutely loved it, replayed the ray fight twice before continuing the game and was grinning the whole time.
Perfect game to away how disappointing mgsV was.
I doubt anything would ever capture MGR's feeling like it's just taking the piss and deliberately trying to be as stupid as possible.
You don't have to play any of the previous MGS games to enjoy MGR. You might miss some continuity nods, but otherwise it's pretty self-contained.
The answer is obviously nanomachines.
Play the Sam missions. They are even better.
I would kill for a hack that lets you play as Sam in the main campaign.
>tfw MGR is a better MGS than mgsV
Thanks, Armstrong
I said my kazoo was a tool of justice
Not used in anger
Not used for vengeance
But now I am not so sure
And besides this isn't my kazoo
>what did Sup Forums think of it...
>what did...
If you came here in 2013 you would have known... it was and amazing time
What are the differences between the difficulty levels?
>Can you play it without playing MGS4?
You might miss out on appreciating how Raiden grew from being a whiny bitch in MGS2 to the good character he is in MGR
Damn straight
Every track is solid gold just like the memes
I genuinely didn't know.
Vanquish and Bayonetta aren't though.
Mostly you take more damage and enemies have more health but parry is balanced around that so parry also makes more damage
Im not sure but i think also bosses get more moves
I don't get how this game became a meme
And why
I'm an RPG enthusiast and I loved it bar bullshit difficulty. I wouldn't finish it without tips from friends.
Stealth is satisfying (even though it's not that well balanced, let's be real), bosses are amazing, music is addicting. Hunting some achievements was cool too.
Do you play it with a controller or kb+m v? I literally couldn't progress with a fucking controller
What. I can't imagine playing this with kb&m at all
Collect Consc>Only Thing I know>Red Sun>A Stranger I remain>Im My Own Master>Stains of Time>It Has To Be This Way>Hot Wind Blowing>RON
One of the bosses literally focuses on the memes of society
Idk, feels like Arkham. I am not used to control camera with a thumb only
Monsoon talks about the memes, Armstrong also does.
I thought it was fucking great but Sup Forums shits on it because it's relatively popular and screams "platinum babbies" to fit in
Wish it was longer though
Collective Consciousness is the secret best track that everyone overlooks.
What do all the armors do? I unlocked the classic Raiden skin first thing and never looked back. The description says it's inferior to modern suits, was that just fluff or?
>that not-terminator theme during this part
Sat there grinning. This kind of fun needs to be more common in games.
one of my favorite games
Why does main character wear heels
nah they needed to make him look somewhat badass other wise he would just be boipucci with a sword just like link
he's a japanese pretty boy
They are just skins, they do nothing.
They are just skins.
Raiden is a fuck boy
>tfw you are a stranger who has finally found a even stranger war
I never really got the ending
Did Raiden become an Armstrong Jr or what
For holding his sword.
>He says the word, meme! LOLOL
Sometimes I really hate the people here.
It's literally the only Metal Gear game I like.
Fucking kojima
>women don't like my game
>I know! I'll appeal to the gays
There are two that, iirc, actually did do something: the Red Armor and the Blue Armor. Red Armor increases damage dealt and taken, while Blue Armor does the opposite.
Game is shit, and the cumulative effort of two companies with the worst fanbases on Sup Forums. Kojimadrones and platinumfaggots are cancer. Story is shit, bosses aren't challenging, shoehorned stealth, raiden wears heels... really it's endlesx. Inb4 kojimadrones and the platinum internet defense force burst a blood vessel. This is the same fanbase that defends mgs5 and anarchy reigns after all.
>think the MG Excelsus fight was okay with a great finisher, but kind of a shitty final boss
>Senator Armstrong steps out and does a sumo stomp before powering up
This is when the game stopped being "good" and became AMAZING
I really wish there was a boss rush mode. Would have made the game so much better.
Nigga see this video
wish me luck Sup Forums
I've seen it. I played the game.
If you don't understand what he's saying just say so.
Sup Forums always has been and always will be full of faggots
especially (You)
i think the white one gives you some medical packs when you first equip it, but that's it
And dlc armors that let you carry more ammo, with the white being the only one useful because it has more heals.
>Teaches us that memes are way too powerful and a real thing
Ok then, nerd.
Worst boss fight
I am nearly 2 hours in and I don't like it at all.
>press x
Should I refund? Or does it get better?
Just learn to parry
And fucking buy dodge
It's over-the-top, but tastefully so.
The bosses are incredibly charismatic and ridiculous, yet not so much that the fact they take themselves completely seriously is incongruous. The segue between Armstrong expositing about the problems facing America's society, and declaring he could have been a pro football player if he hadn't joined the military before dropkicking you away is seamless.
If you say so.
>tfw I was spoiled on who the final boss was before I got to play it, so it wasn't surprising to me
It's a shame. Even though I really enjoyed the game, I imagine it would have peaked for me if I hadn't been spoiled.
There is on pc
If you don't like the bosses and music and over the top blade mode kills then yeah, it's not your thing
hey me too, just finished it
never got a hang of the controls tho, guess i might replay it
Overrated as hell, babby's first action game
It's enjoyable for one or two playthroughs I'll give it that. But I don't know why people circlejerk over it so much. Easily one of the weakest action games Platinum has ever released
It baffles me even more when retards put it among "top action games of all time". How MGR compares to the likes of DMC or Ninja Gaiden in Sup Forums's hivemind is beyond my comprehension
People just saw the word, "meme" and clapped their hands without understanding the context thinking it meant, "internet meme."
>collect consc top tier
>only thing I know second
>red sun third
user, your taste is great.
He answered your fucking question, same as the two anons before, and not with a "LMAO LE MAYMAYS AMIRITE" but a reference, which you apparently knew yourself
Is it just me or was Revengeance a joke? Besides the first few encounters without the necessary abilities everything was piss easy. They made Sam and Armstrong a fucking joke.