Xbox S(ucks)

Why the hell would anyone get this instead of just spending 100 more on a pc?

if you spend less than 800 on a pc for gaming you are a certified, weapons grade retard

because I don't want to play games on a PC. and a decent graphic card costs as much as XB

If you wanted a 4k Blu ray player that can occasionally play games, it's not a bad deal.

>I don't want to play games on a PC
why? it's not branded?
>a decent graphic card costs as much as XB
true, but a GPU which beats the xbone by a factor of about 1.5:1 is $99, which you can throw into a $250 i5 desktop

Fuck upgrading to Windows 10, and I needed a 4k Blu-ray player anyways.


>a decent graphic card costs as much as XB
Even the cheapest graphics cards out are significantly faster than the Xbox One. If you want a cheap console just buy the more powerful PS4.

not a single game worth playing

What exclusives does it have

>Cheapest 4k blu ray player on the market
>Also a gaming console
>with the best exclusives

Gee, OP. I have no idea why anyone would buy one...

If you're not memeing, it has pic related.

I have both.

Deal with it.

>not a single game worth playing
There isn't a single Xbox exclusive worth playing, all of them run better on the PC and aren't 720p 30fps

Not really, the GPU in the Xbone is equivalent to a HD 7750, a graphics card that is now outclassed by a $99 low-range graphics card

>$350 PC
That would be complete trash tier

>with the best exclusives

Like Halo and Halo

Even if you don't count the *Also on PC games then Xbox still has more good exclusives than PS4 and Wii U combined.

PS4 only has the Crash Bandicoot remake, which isn't out yet. And Wii U has what? Mario Kart 8?

To play FFXV or KH3, neither of which are coming to PC but both of which are also on the PS4. Also Raiden V.

>no bloodborne
never EVER

Fun fact, nobody except the most rabid PS4 fanboys give a fuck about 17FPS-Souls

>Xbox still has more good exclusives than PS4 and Wii U combined.

yep, when games run at 17fps on my Xbone, they're 720p masterpieces like Dead Rising 3.

>This is what Microsoft shills really believe
Do you even realise how retarded you sound right now?

*Also on PC

and nobody except the most rabid micro$oft fanboys give a fuck about halo

>PS4 kids are so starved for valid arguments against Xbones that they have to go all the way back to the consoles' launch to find even ONE example of a shit game.

>console launch

Maybe he had to go back there since it was the only time Microsoft gave a shit about the Xbone

>I have no idea how to spend money

>nobody except the most rabid micro$oft fanboys give a fuck about halo
imagine actually believing this

>PS4 kids are so starved for valid arguments against Xbones that they have to go all the way back to the consoles' launch to find even ONE example of a shit game.
lel, nice try xbot.

Even today, every game is better on PC and PS4. PS4 at least has a few exclusives like Bloodborne and Uncharted, Xbox One is just games that I can actually play at higher than 30fps.

Because I'm not poor and don't want to upgrade to Windows Botnet.

I play modern titles exclusively on pc and I can't wait for KH3 and also FF7 remake those are the only reason I would get a consol3(not counting nintendo, if the switch has quality titles I will be buying one)

>Even today, every game is better
not really true, many multiplats have much smoother framerates on xbone because it's more prone to playing at lower resolutions more appropriate for its hardware

look at the digital foundry vid for ps4/xbone Battlefield 1 and tell me which console you'd prefer to play on

shut up retard. you don't know shit

>Why the hell would anyone get this instead of just spending 100 more on a pc?
Because prebuilts can't into gaming

Wait, hold on

Hold your horses, Sup Forums

There just can't be people who unironically defend Xbox here on Sup Forums

These are just Zenimax/Microsoft shills, right?

>pre built

You just answered the OP's question. Normal people can't build PCs and won't. So it's either Xbone, Piss4 or prebuilt

Why do people play consoles at all anymore? There's like 4 exclusives total for the ps4 and xbone combined.

>spending more money to play on a platform none of your friends are on

Name them

>having friends
>on Sup Forums
Who the fuck are you?

Why the hell would anyone be friends with dirty console plebeians?

Same with FFXV
they said themselves the xbone is the best way to if you don't own a ps4 pro

>Bloodborne and Uncharted

But bash, user.

>implying any console titles are worth knowing about

90% of pc gamers are fucking cancer, underage, or both

keep eating up those console ports, master race

Have you ever played anything but Minecraft and CS:GO on a pc before?


Keep spending more money to play shittier games second class gamer

>250 bucks
>more money
top kek

>controller 60 bucks flat
>new titles never going below 40 dollars even during the best of sales
>subscription to online services
>only one online market for your games for each respective console
Yes because my library of 20-30 modern titles, cheap keyboard and mouse, and 15 dollar Logitech controller costed me so much money.

LOL, SFV, CSGO and RTSs are like the only pc games and only SF5 has the less toxic player base. Everything else I play on the Xbone with my friends

Also worth mentioning that if you wait for sales you never pay more than 30 for current year releases on steam.

You're a faggot kill yourself

Nah, people would miss me.
Can't say the same for you, though.

Your mom would miss me



The console comes with a controller, old titles are below 15 bucks used, multiplayer is for normalfags and "online markets" are a scam

>which you can throw into a $250 i5 desktop

Oh fuck you, no you can't. I'm not even talking about monitor/mouse/keyboard included.

Even old titles are better on pc, you can play more 360 titles on a pc than on a xbone..

You don't have to get Intel if you're on a budget, you can get amd stuff very cheap if you know what to look for..

I'm talking old "this gen" titles, not last gen titles.

>$250 i5 desktop

In what fucking world

You can get those for around 5 or 10 on the right steam sales...

If you don't get Intel you don't get gen6 emulation. Might as well just buy a console, fampai

Ok go find me one. Proof you can build a $250 PC and slap a $100 graphics card in it is on you. And, no you can't go buy a used blah blah off of ebay unless you lower the $350 xbox price tag.

So you're one of them Intel/nVidiot fags who thinks that's the only way?

The price on PC isn't the concern, you can pirate them for free on PC. The price of the PC itself is the concern. The question is if you can get the console+cheapo used multiplat games you desire cheaper than the PC alone.

I'm a master racer and even i say that's bullshit you gotta spend about 500ish to get anything decent and 800+ if you want something good

I've lurked emugen long enough to see what happens when people try to emulate gen 6 with an AMD CPU

Thanks to 303 brutally butchering Halo series, Xbone pretty much doesn't have exclusives anymore. Sunset Overdrive? Literally who?

Get a PS4. And if you have extra shekels, grab a PC as well.

Fuck you, you can acquire console games for free too.

What's emugen?

fuck you we did nothing

You can get PS4 games fo free?

emulation general on /vg/

Because I'd rather buy shittier hardware if it means not running Windows 10 and just running Linux on my desktop.

>Fun fact, nobody except the most rabid PS4 fanboys give a fuck about 17FPS-Souls
imagine actually believing this

Why not just dual boot?

At least our brains are capable of running our cells without drops.

>many multiplats have much smoother framerates on xbone
and many are smoother on PS4, who gives a shit
>look at the digital foundry vid for ps4/xbone Battlefield 1 and tell me which console you'd prefer to play on
Neither, Battlefield is shit in general but if I'm gonna play it I'll do it on my PC.

Exactly my logic. Got a year of xbl gold for free aswell. 4 games for free every month. sometimes I play a few games and it looks really nice. I think the xbox one s is a beautiful looking system.

Also. with UWP I can stream movies from shady sites directly from my xbox.
its really nice for a home theater.