Is his game gonna get good?

Is his game gonna get good?
I'm at the hinterlands and so far I'm not enjoying the combat. Too action oriented as oposed to the RPGish combat of Origins. That and no healers.

This game is shit.

this unfortunately

Trust me when I say that the game doesn't get any better. In fact, it gets much worse.

giggle squeeee

Also, is there anyway to make KB+M viable as it was in origins? So far a controller seems to be the way to go.

>Is his game gonna get good?

>I'm at the hinterlands and so far I'm not enjoying the combat.
It will only get worse.

> Too action oriented as oposed to the RPGish combat of Origins
Its like they took the worst aspects of the combat in DA2 and revved them up to elven.

>That and no healers
I dont know what they were thinking. Well no, actually I do know what they were thinking it just doesn't make them less retarded.
See, it goes like this:
>how do we make our bland, push-button-something-awesome-happens combat more challenging or interesting?
>I know, lets remove healing and limit potions
And it doesn't make the game any more tactical or deeper, just tedious in the backtracking as if you wont have a lot of that by default,because you have to trod to your camp to restock pots

As a man who hasn't played any other Bioware game, I loved it. 95% for the story.

The world is so fucking boring. It's like an MMO but with only 1 player. Filled with endless amounts of filler material in the shape of collect X or kill Y.

Utter fucking garbage. Do yourself a favour and replay Origins if you have an RPG itch

>replay Origins
That has been my only desire for the duration of my 10 hour playthrough

I've 100%ed both Origins and 2, but I just can't bring myself to do Inquisition. I think of that first giant MMO landscape and the constant bullshit shards and tears and everything else, and I just don't have it in me.

It's a bad game dude. Sorry, you or someone you love wasted their money

This is a game that would make the average/v/ user think is good, because of how much Sup Forums shits on it

It's just a bad game tho. It never gets good and it stays terrible.

>100%ed 2
How is that humanly possible? I'm lucky I finished the game without killing myself

>you or someone you love wasted their money
It was only 3 dollars. Not even mad.

It's filled to the absolute brink with so much tedious busy work I couldn't believe what I was playing. Literally just walk back and forth, deliver note, collect 30 pieces of whatever that do nothing.

They jumped on the open world bandwagon but instead of putting in the work to flesh out an interesting world they just filled it with endless filler content hanging off a mediocre main story line.

Would you consider the witcher 3 a good open world game?

Actually I would. It's certainly not perfect but at least they tried to fill out the world with something with a little more substance.

What I appreciate the most about it is how the towns and cities feel alive whereas inquisition just feels like a strange parody of everything

Some will people will tell you it becomes better after the hinterlands but it's just more of the same.

Not that user, but it's because it is a bad game but a pretty simple one. I played it and got sad because I could see all of the little touches they were going for. A more grounded, centralized story. Your character's personality being molded by your dialogue choices. Your companions either respecting you but disagreeing or being your best friends. All of those are good concepts but with the 18 month (I think?) dev cycle time, it was doomed to mediocrity. You're all just a bunch of faggots who get high on being a cynically cunty as much as possible.

Combat is miles better than Origins. But no it doesn't get any better. After hinterlands it gets a lot less MMOish though.

Also if you need a healer, you're playing the game wrong

It pisses me off that they dropped the rivalry system

Why is everything a massive bullet sponge in this game?

>I dont know what they were thinking.
("nobody complained about that in ME, it´ll be fine!" /thought bubble)

you are too good for this board, user.

>Combat is miles better than Origins

You cannot actually think this

because otherwise the combat would consist of you engaging a group, unloading every strong ability on 1 enemy, retreating, ad nauseam.

Origins was just sitting around waiting for auto attacks to go off and occasionally hitting taunt. Hell if you get creative with the AI system, you dont even have to play the game beyond positioning. It may as well be turn based combat

Are Necromancers any good or should I stick to my favorite DA class: Reaver?

I really enjoyed it for what it was, you get to roleplay a religious zealot on a mission from god or some lucky asshole with powers rivaling a king

You get to choose to kill people at the end of story arcs or imprison them, or make tranquil if you're a mage

There are some cool areas like going into the raw fade, but the enemy diversity is pretty shit

Another interesting mission is in Val Royeaux where you need to gain some military support

You can ride a mount after the hinterlands side quest (which i never did until endgame)

I played a rogue so I enjoyed trying to get better equips to one-shot people and had fun killing all the dragons

The ending boss is a joke and I killed him in 2 minutes minus cutscenes

Basically, its the McDonalds hamburger of videogames, you wont starve if you eat it but there are much better food out there

t. romanced Sera because fuck you I liked her

>Cisquisition was so fucking bad that people legitimately thing 2 was a decent game
No, kill yourselves. Like, seriously. Please to kill yourselves I do not want for your shitty opinions to infect the rest of the board.

Combat is a failed hack n' slash. It doesn't get any better. The question though, is how would you fix it?

>Combat is miles better than Origins.
Only if you are a shill.

This post is currently the most cancerous thing on Sup Forums. Please follow this user´s advice and erase yourself from this planet. Its okay, I bet you are disappointment to your parents anyway. Everyone will be much happier without you around.

Nice reading comprehension, faggot.

nice backtracking, mongoloid

this is the first ever game that i just couldnt finish
i actually made it to pretty much the end of the game and i just couldnt bring myself to keep going and about 2 months went by before i dragged myself back to finish it because of the buyers remorse

thats how bad this game is

thank u 4 reading mah blog

>tfw Sup Forums is never clear on whether Inquisition was better or worse than DA2

They are both shit and you should avoid them, what else is there to know, you autistic boonmuppet?

they're both really fucking bad. doesn't matter whiceh one is worse because neither of them is worth playing

play on a setting other than easy and try to win the game without using magic and skills.

I like replaying 2 just to remind me of how fucking atrocious it was.

Don't worry, I've got waaay more hours in Origins.



The only consistent "healing" in the game is damage prevention through spamming Barrier. Literally just have to always have two mages in your party at any given time, deactivate Barrier usage, and micromanage their Barrier to chain one into the next as the previous is wearing off.

Boom. Entire game, no matter the difficulty or fight, just became trivial.

This desu senpai

>garbage combat
>mediocre at best, cringey SJW trash at worst writing
>forgettable party members galore
>random cameos and scenes with previous major characters thrown in cause of "muh world progression"
>single-player MMO gameplay
>have to buy DLC to get full story
>the ONE and ONLY interesting party member's story is utterly gutted, shit on, and buried alive by said DLC

Absolutely horrendous game. I do love most of the tarot cards, though. They're splendid and obviously had a lot of thought put into their designs.

At least Josephine is great.

>Giving money to CD Project Red

At least DA2 had this mother fucker, 10/10 dialogue right there

I never said anything about CDPR, though they are objectively superior to EA in every way. Pic related.

You're just drunk ,EA, time to go home.

wait a few years, and EA will probably buy CDPR.

>wait a few years, and EA will probably buy CDPR, interfere with their development like crazy, which results in a mediocre product as always, then shut them down shortly after, as is typical with EA

Fixed that for ya

EA is as jew as you can get.

I've enjoyed Inquisition so far. I'm not very far into it.

It's got a bunch of side quest stuff to do, which is kinda boring I guess, but I'm a completionist so I don't necessarily mind. I hate the tactical menu shit they've got in this one, was a ton better in the other two games, used it all the time. Barely use it in this one because it's so difficult. Terrible AI sometimes.

DA2 wasn't terrible, but it wasn't good. Last section was super rushed, with pretty poor writing. Everything up to that was pretty good though. Origins was also pretty good.

>though they are objectively superior to EA in every way.

That's not an accomplishment when ALL vidya companies are objectively superior to EA

The only good thing about EA now is there customer support, which was surprising.

Didn't say it was decent. Said it was bad. It was poorly handled. Just because I can see potential doesn't equate to thinking it's alright. You're an idiot.


dragon age 2 is a special kind of shit. The kind that just oozes out for a fucking minute and just keeps coming out. It tears at the fabric of reality and you just want to forget it happened but it leaves behind a warning to the next user, that you were present.

>Using the malware known as Origin


Damn, that is one cute cat

But yes, it is Malware.

You don't get it Sup Forums, what else is out there for me? Why the hell I would play a rpg I can't fucking roleplay properly in? Inquisition allowed me to waste about 40 hours of my life and that is way more than I usually get.

I enjoyed Mass effect 1,2,3 the ending didnt bother me it seemed fine
I enjoyed all DA games including 2 and didnt mind the act approach
This isnt bait, the games are genuinly fine.

And in the process you supported the literal vidya equivalent of Monsanto.

In other words, you're part of the problem.

See the last line in

The combat was really fun, the environments were downright gorgeous and I liked the war table gimmick. But the MMORPG style gameplay and disappointing main quest ruined it for me.

Or your tastes are just genuinely shit.

>he doesn't agree with me therefore a shill

Knight enchanter all dayyyyyy

Normally you'd be right but EA is the reigning champion of shilling

underage detected

half the fucking board is sony/nintendo shilling hardly any EA

Nintendo yes, but Sony no.

EA is the champ.


Come here during a Major EA release, you'll see it EVERYWHERE

OP, the game will become more MMO than anything. Even the leveling is slow to incorperate a longer game. As you go further, you will only do more damage. Which is sad becuase the game is mostly DA2 does what it does better, with faster movement, damage that feels like its making an impact, and tougher enemies that follows a bit of the Origin's philosophy, all thrown out the window to make the game feel longer and make a big world with little to no exploration other than potion making. Enemy placement is pretty good, especially when storming castles to take it over by killing a boss at the top, and dragons are pretty tough, but thats all end game stuff.

If you are wondering which is better between the DA2 and DA:I, its a matter of what you want. DA2 didnt really have all that great of a story, but its game play is god tier compared to DAI. Rogues and that elf girl could 100-0 anything on the planet besides Meredith at mach speed 5 on the hardest diificulty. In DAI, you feel slow and you big hitters barely do half HP damage unless you have crafted armor. But the story is there for DAI, andyou are given much more to chew on as it gives nice lore about the world and character development

I am part of the problem for supporting a franchise that I love user?

I never finished DA2. I dropped before second act.

Is it worth going back? I remember not hating it, just kinda getting bored and being influenced by the whole "FUCK DA2" hivemind.

Surprisingly good critique, listen to this dude

Too bad you can't actually check for shilling now that foolz is dead and every time you search on fireden it just says "Something went oopsy :(".

If EA owns said franchise, yes.

Try playing some non-jew vidya.

Yeah, I bet EA is thrilled about it.

I tried user, vydia is dying. I am waiting for mount and blade bannerlord or endless space 2 to save it. Otherwise, might as well just strike the last nail on the coffin and wait for the next dragon age/mass effect shit to come out.

Is endleess space 1 good? It has been sitting on my steam account for a long time