Browsing this board for quite a while makes you wonder if the current generation has an idea how did PS2 games look like. For that reason we have this thread, to post PS2 games exactly how did PS2 internally render them (how they look like in framebuffer before being sent to DAC).
Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas 640x511x16bpp Uses 654080 bytes out of 4194304 bytes VRAM (15.6% of VRAM used)
Brayden Garcia
Darkwatch 640x447x32bpp Uses 1144320 bytes out of 4194304 bytes VRAM (27.28% of VRAM used)
Zachary Bailey
Curious George 512x512x32bpp Uses 1048576 bytes out of 4194304 bytes VRAM (25% of VRAM used)
Grayson White
interesting. what emulator?
These three aren't the same ratio. I assume the emulator always shows the entire frame, but what does a PS2 do? The SNES treatment with stretching, or are the longer edges overscanned/cropped out? Maybe it's a case-by-case thing, since curious george definitely looks like it relies on the TV stretching to 4:3.
Samuel Kelly
This game was cool, I still have no idea why I bought it.
Easton Gray
That looks amazing for ps2. Good job, George.
Parker Moore
Ico 512x224x32bpp Uses 458752 bytes out of 4194304 bytes VRAM (10.94% of VRAM used)
>what emulator? I'm taking those screens directly off PS2, not from an emulator. >what does a PS2 do? The DAC stretches it depending on the video mode.
this is what PS2 games look like when i record them with my Elgato the resolution might be a little too high
Jason King
yea you're better at this than i am OP ;_;
Isaiah Foster
How does one get triggered this hard?
David Gomez
Jose Richardson
oh, is this capture card footage or do you have some slick mod installed? I guess it must be the latter
I wish there was a slow moving video game board where we could talk about old consoles like the PS2, but it ain't happening.
Christopher Gutierrez
Kya: Dark Lineage 512x447x32bpp Uses 915456 bytes out of 4194304 bytes VRAM (21.83% of VRAM used)
Not triggered at all actually, just want to show people how did those games look like when played on real hardware.
Chase Gray
Now this is some autism I can get behind.
Liam Gonzalez
now with picture
Brody Clark
Actually neither. Software halts the execution of current running code, dumps the framebuffer to mc1: as .bmp and after successfully doing so kicks me to loader. That's the reason these screens come out so slowly as I can't take multiple of them and I have to convert them to .png as Sup Forums doesn't allow me to upload .bmp.
Carter Morgan
On top of that you can't do it in every game and have to hard reset the console as it gets stuck.
Joseph Harris
neat, is that something I can run with free mcboot?
Easton Richardson
Recompile OPL with IGS support and yes, you can.
Mason Sanders
I want more early PS2 games, like japanese Tekken Tag, Street Fighter EX 3 and Evergrace.
Colton Hall
I prefer this over this t b h
Nicholas Taylor
The only difference is aliasing really. So no, you don't.
John Clark
Considered the best looking PS2 game.
Ryder Butler
>Considered the best looking PS2 game. By no one ever.
Elijah Russell
Klonoa 2 640x473x32bpp No data about memory usage, vertical resolution might also be a bit off.
Ayden Cook
That's not BLACK and its incredible DOF.
Noah Bailey
Thanks for stating the obvious. Yes, I do. I actually like the blurry and softer look it has.
Jordan Myers
>mfw almost all PS2 games are 480i which is a headache to convert to digital
Jace Martinez
>there are people on the board right now who grew up with the 7th gen consoles I want these people to leave.
Tyler Gray
take a pic of Black please. i remember it looking amazing.
Ryan Mitchell
yes ps2 was not a powerful machine and people who say "this looks like a ps2 game xD" are autists pretending to be retarded on the internet. welcome to Sup Forums, did you really need to make a thread about it?
Bentley Smith
MGS2+3 still look great not PS2 but Ninja Gaiden looked better than most games until the last few years
Xavier Howard
Half-Life 512x447x32bpp
Uses 915456 bytes out of 4194304 bytes VRAM (21.83% of VRAM used)
Joshua Myers
>PS2 will be considered retro in a few years
Aiden Bailey
Did the PC version of San Andreas not have these colorful orange tints to the sky? I don't remember it being quite so vivid.
Daniel Bennett
>can't have an interesting thread about PS2 graphics without some turboautistic faggot bursting in from Sup Forums to ruin it for everyone Dumb frogposter.
Jackson Lee
i hate people posting emulator screenshots saying that's what PS2 games look like when the game clearly doesn't run on a PS2.
Wyatt Evans
I should write somewhere to not forget to attach the picture.
Don't have it on my HDD right now so maybe later.
Daniel Lopez
It's literally not even top 10 PS2 graphics.
Dominic Thompson
>an interesting ps2 graphics thread >a thread where the OP is blatantly butt blasted by bants and had to make a thread dedicated to it tell me again who the turbo autist is?
Carter Morris
Dumb frogposter.
Lucas Stewart
thats a good response, you totally showed me and totally didn't make a complete ass of yourself with every post
Elijah Nguyen
t. A guy making an ass of himself
Ethan Powell
cartoon-style games hit a stride in the 6th gen. Look at Looney Tunes Space Race on Dreamcast for another great example.
Jacob Green
MGS3 is the best looking PS2 game for me, also because of that completely unnecessary grass technology and grass fragments flying around while you run through it
damn, KojiPro
Brayden Thompson
once again thats a good response, you totally showed me and totally didn't make a complete ass of yourself with every post
Asher Gutierrez
The PS2 looked pretty damn good but some games like San Andreas were so fucking dark you couldn't see a god damn thing.
Ayden Ramirez
what is this game?
Joseph Barnes
spy fiction
Chase Ward
Can you post FFX?
Michael Hall
San Andreas looked different on every platform. PC didn't have reflections on cars but the Xbox and maybe PS2 had.
Wyatt Long
No, the PS2 version has a different timecyc to all the other versions. Also a few unique effects like heat haze, vehicle reflections and police lights that light up the surrounding area. Slightly different wheel textures as well.
The Xbox and PC versions have extra props and parked cars and dynamic shadows for the environment and player.
OP post Midnight Club 3
Dylan Barnes
Pc had real shadows though, but yeah lost some pretty basic features, mainly because rockstar were morons back then.
Adrian Allen
>san andreas >dark
Colton Martin
>bootleg MGS I'll try it
Eli Collins
Wow this looks like a completely shameless MGS2 ripoff, down to the room, the fruit shooting, the melee, and even the UI.
I kinda want to try it.
Jose Hernandez
You are the turbo autist
Lucas Jackson
Persona 4 640x473x32bpp No data about memory usage, vertical resolution might also be a bit off.
Keep in mind that some of the screens I post are from PAL versions and some NTSC, the internal resolution might be a bit different between those 2. Also I don't have a CRT capable of 480p input, therefore can't test games which support that as I wouldn't see shit.
Would have to download it first.
Christian Edwards
God damn the SMT games looked way better in comparison Jesus Christ what the fuck Atlus
Parker Torres
it kinda is bootleg MGS 2. but it has a 3rd person camera. disguises a bunch of Mission Impossible ripoffs and some Swery charme it's okay.
Brayden Thompson
People still can't really experience the true feel because we're all viewing these things on LCD screens. Without a CRT you're missing the scan lines and pixel bleed, apparently.
Evan Hall
It is kind of annoying how every time a game comes out and it doesn't have the best graphics people compare it to the PS2. Even shitty-looking AAA games today still look better than 6th gen, I don't understand where this complaint came from.
Hudson Brown
Christian Nguyen
Adding non-Dreamcast 6th gen consoles to /vr/ would be fucking horrible. PS1 vs. N64 console wars are bad enough. PS2 discussion would completely ruin the board.
David Ross
>scanlines >PS2 The look you're talking about is a result of 240p content having blank lines put in between every other line to make the image fit your TV, PS2 wasn't 240p and LCD screens were pretty common just a few years after it was released.
Elijah Edwards
it's gamecube then PS2 yes? why is it widescreen?
John Peterson
>Even years after the consoles are dead consoles wars are still rife I just wanna talk about games in peace mang
Juan Peterson
ZOE2 was less dense but still ridiculously sleek and atmospheric. Back when all anyone thought cel-shading was good for was anime/cartoon adaptations.
Chase Roberts
ZOE2 is an anime game.
Joshua Ross
There's a plugin called SkyGFX which emulates the PS2 effects on the PC version
Lincoln Adams
Echo Night: Beyond 512x448x32bpp Uses 917504 bytes out of 4194304 bytes VRAM (21.875% of VRAM used)
Chase Lewis
added for PS2 version, doesn't matter though as it's still an inferior port. If you want widescreen then play the Wii version. Or I guess the HD release happened, if that's any good then go with that. I for one thing wii aiming is worth more than some anti-aliasing or something.
Juan Roberts
Damn, that's actually a pretty cool trick for a PS2 game
Landon Ramirez
Huh. Didn't know that. The light bleeding is still a real thing, though, and why aliasing wasn't as big a deal back then.
Isaiah Smith
Why did PS2 has RTS games but not PS4?
Colton Cox
Oliver Jenkins
Recall that Persona was a side series until 4 became everyone's favorite anime.
Sebastian Foster
because they learned that RTS on console is fucking awful
Tyler Brooks
Command and Conquer even let you connect two playstations together and play 1v1 across two TVs. Meanwhile PS4 couldn't even get one RTS.
John Flores
Wait wait wait.....
This is a thread about wmulating PS2 games, and trying to mess around with settings to get them looking "close" to the way they actually looked on a PS2... Instead of JUST RUNNING GAMES ON AN ACTUAL PS2???
Brayden Smith
>aliasing wasn't a big deal back then One of the not so many reasons why many PS2 games were so blurry was because its AA hardware was broken, therefore devs rendered at odd resolutions to make the video output less jaggy by blur. AA was quite a huge deal even back then.
Bentley Perry
But nowadays consoles have keyboard & mouse support. It's so dumb that nobody uses that feature
Austin Flores
>This is a thread about wmulating PS2 games No, this is a thread about how PS2 rendered games
Brandon Murphy
>Why did PS2 have games but not PS4?
William Wilson
Keep going man.
Why are people so fucking retarded jesus christ. You're the fourth person to misinterpret what OP is doing.
Thomas Howard
what rts games has there been in last 5 years?
Jonathan Ramirez
the genre peaked at SupCom and there's no need to make more.
Josiah Martinez
Do smt nocturne and genji for me user, two of the most slept on games graphically
Brody Nguyen
FFXII looked amazing too.
Chase Hernandez
I want a source on that. Everything I've read and experienced has said that the light bleeding between pixels on CRTs (which the PS2 absolutely was designed primarily to output to) helped to mask the bad AA, and that devs used this to their advantage.
Leo Cooper
It's too much of a hassle for most console players to use a KB+M because they play their consoles from a distance with big HDTVs.
Charles Bailey
Do Ratchet And Clank
Luke Reed
Ape Escape 3 512x448x32bpp Uses 917504 bytes out of 4194304 bytes VRAM (21.875% of VRAM used)
Maybe tomorrow, would take me a second or two to download it.
Jayden Rodriguez
who is this spunk monkey?
Logan Young
Are there any PS2 games that use up a majority of the VRAM? Like 60% or higher?
Joshua Russell
>720p as one of the modes
Are there any tech demos using this at least? Would be interesting. Not even GT4 which uses "1080i" is really 1080i, just some upscaling.
Easton Harris
>PS2 discussion would completely ruin the board it already started brother
Lucas Harris
I guess some high-res ones might, however I can't play them as I don't have a device capable of displaying such resolutions.
Gavin Nelson
>Not knowing the cum dump that is Yumi I can see you don't go into enough Ape Escape threads because you'd be sick of seeing her by now if you did.
Tyler King
thanks user, I love this thread, 2016 faggotry has pushed me back into the ps2 days and I've been playing shit I never heard of