What does Sup Forums think of romhacks?
What does Sup Forums think of romhacks?
I think Sup Forumstards usually have some level of mental retardation.
I'd say the usual "never start with an image more interesting yadda yadda" but I can see that was your plan all along
romhacks are always appreciated because even a bloody awful hack can still be laughed at and an amazing hack is always a joy to go through
super metroid flipped 90ยบ is up there
VLDC9 is fun
there is literally nothing bad about romhacks
I like them if they add good and noticeable changes.
If they take too many liberties then it's shit.
For example, pokemon romhacks where they change typing to buff decent pokemon.
I also don't care for undub romhacks, fucking weeaboos
Anti-Sup Forums SJWs need to leave Sup Forums
A bad romhack can be avoided. A good romhack can be praised. So they're a very welcome addition to games.
For example, Super Metroid has an ostensive amount of great romhacks.
Sup Forums and /leftypol/ need to leave Sup Forums.
Everyone who feels the need to vocalize strong political opinions on Sup Forums need to leave
I'm right there with you. What the fuck is the point if the translated text is there for you to read? Localization will change that shit anyway, it's not like with undubs the fans put in their own translations
>trying to poke fun of racists
>on Sup Forums
l bet you came here for the whole GooberGabers thing huh
Can we just delete Sup Forums and ban all Sup Forumstards already? They're ruining Sup Forums.
Those mental retards got a president elected on nothing but meme power. Get kek'd
Leave SJWs.
You need to leave.
>Ban the board that gets the most traffic
Why not?
This one is a masterpiece
Make me, puss.
you have to go back
This is a strawman, but when related to the discussion of video games is 100% accurate and should be followed
I like them but really good ones are far and few between.
Anyway this isn't a vidya thread anymore because Sup Forums mods can't moderate to save their lives.
Can be a great change to the game, or even improve it. Castlevania HoD for example goes from being terrible to slightly above average.
Best romhack I played would probably be Brutal Mario
Nevermind, this thread's not about videogames
Slight kek.
Ok, any good Dungeon crawler ones?
No. You leave.
Wew, at least the commie cucks were carrying rifles
>we need more traffic on this site
The fact that you want more people here makes you a part of the problem.
>not being a centrist
You niggers should be rounded up and put into work camps
That's actually pretty funny.
I have no idea what you are talking about
I haven't enjoyed Pokemon this much since B/W2.
>Anyway this isn't a vidya thread anymore because Sup Forums mods can't moderate to save their lives.
They really can't, how long has this thread been up for?
It's gotten like a couple of serious replies, but it's one of those open ended questions that replies don't get other replies.
Hell i should remake the thread because Prism was pretty alright.
So what's with all the edits now?
Did it cause a minor shitstorm or something?
Sup Forums's all reddit now anyway.
That hashtag would trend as "#GRAB" which nobody would understand.
>Best romhack I played would probably be Brutal Mario
Eh, I don't really think it's aged all that well.
Make me, queer
>Sup Forums mods can't moderate to save their lives
Stop the presses
where can I find irl pics of her?
2 things
1: Sup Forums is one of the most popular boards on Sup Forums, deleting it would send traffic into a nosedive
2: deleting it would also cause them to just go to other boards, meaning they'd probably just post more here
>people who gold serious conviction or beliefs are fucking retards
Pretty much this
Sup Forums is here to stay. All you tumblrites are going to be forcefully vacated.
So ban them? It's pretty easy to spot their bigotry, with their use of racial and sexual slurs.
They opened the floodgates to reddit, you think they care about quality?
>2: deleting it would also cause them to just go to other boards, meaning they'd probably just post more here
Well if we had some mods it could work. but we do not. They should just start ghost banning them on here, they would feel ignored and leave.
>deleting it would send traffic into a nosedive
>meaning they'd probably just post more here
For a while. Without the unified platform most of the people that started coming here will find another one at 7+1chan or, maybe, reddit. Worse case scenario - they invade on Sup Forums, but all you do is moderate the Sup Forums extensively for 1-2 months, purging every pol thread on site everywhere. They will calm down after a while
>doing anything
we are the resistance. we will defeat you.
Or maybe just ban every IP on that fucking board
Or he likes a good challenge.
They should keep masturbating in their cesspools, Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
The artist got pissed at them and you know how things work on the internet
Tolerant liberals everyone
Bans don't do anything against shitposters, you can't do anything against them anyway. Bans do work against Sup Forums retards though that are normie scum that can't even reset their router right
>ghost ban
Spotted the redditor
Maybe we should just ban every IP and IP range on this site.
They'd just renew IP, they have nothing better to do than to shitpost on other boards, what makes you think they wouldn't go to the effort of a static IP.
i have never in my entire life said any of those things
The empire LITERALLY did nothing wrong.
Oh, why not just ignore it in the first place, I'm looking it up and it's just fags making edits, a guy sending it and the person taking the bait and just kickstarting more edits.
So Ben Garrison except it will die faster?
I always roleplay as the Empire though
Where's my mandatory star destroyer and a shitty course in shooting
>he doesn't support chaotic anarchy and disorder for the sake of chaos itself
Most people on the internet are sensitive autists who can't ignore shit.
They brought horrific peace and stability to the galaxy
Don't forget the slick uniform
>all these dumbrites, redditniggers and poltards
>Are you saying Sup Forumsazis deserve to use the same site as us...?
Her comics are usually non-political everyday stuff, they're actually quite good. But yes, telling someone to stop generally isn't a good idea. it's a Dobson move.
Pretty much
I still think it's pretty funny
>2 billion muslims worldwide protested peacefully
>there's only roughly 1.6 billion muslims worldwide