On a scale of 1 to 10, how hyped are you for Final Fantasy VII Remake? I'm at a 9/10. Also...

On a scale of 1 to 10, how hyped are you for Final Fantasy VII Remake? I'm at a 9/10. Also, will ANYTHING ever come close to making everybody lose their shit like the reveal trailer?



I still get chills watching those reaction videos. That announcement broke the fucking internet and Sup Forums was cumming buckets. Also love how the hype extra kicked in when people saw Director Tetsuya Nomura. He's as iconic as his best friend Hideo Kojima now

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I hope they keep the HUD minimal like it is in that screenshot and not go neon FFXIII style on it.

Shit was an eyesore.

>9/10 hype
>for a remake
>of a classic JRPG

You're really setting yourself up for the disappointment there, buddy.


>tfw still will never see Nomura's Final Fantasy Versus XIII

I'm a solid 6, or 6.5 out of 10 right now my dude.
It could be bad, could be badass, it could be whatever. I'm sure I'll look into it more when it comes out but 7 was never really my jam to begin with. The fact that it's so popular gives me faith they'll pull out all the stops with it though so even I can get somewhat hype for it.

I'm on 0/10
Instead of callnig it something like, FF VII-X or some garbage like that they have to create this new shit

Anybody else still in shock that a FF 7 Remake is real? It's still so fucking bizarre

I was more hyped before FFXV came out.

>Remake of the best FF game done by the guy who made the best Action RPG of all time
Why wouldn't you be hyped?

Nomura made Dark Souls?

>Final Fantasy VII Remake was literally Square's "in case of emergency break glass"
So Square is really fucked right now aren't they?

6/10. Looking forward to it, especially with possible remakes of the OST. I hadn't been keeping up with FFXV and the changes from Versus over the years and while I haven't played it yet, I'm a little disappointed. It's better to wait closer to the release date in this case.

KH3's was bigger. I just want something Nomura wants to happen to happen his way.

Fuck you XIII's UI is gorgeous.

0, I don't get hyped for shit anymore. Especially not for anything Square Enix related.
It'll come out and I'll probably watch a video about it and that's it.

>I just want something Nomura wants to happen to happen his way.

Well nobody knows Final Fantasy VII more than Nomura. He drew and created all the characters and their backstories. He knows them up and down. I feel like he would put his heart and soul into this game since FF 7 was the game that put him on the map

After this shit show with XV, I am certain they will fuck it up somehow

Blame con man Tabata for fucking up FF XV

I wonder what they're gonna have him work on now. XV-2? Type-0 sequel?

>Also, will ANYTHING ever come close to making everybody lose their shit like the reveal trailer?
Were you not around for Snake in Smash? Why are you underaged?

the amount of shitposting about the censorship will be fucking great cant wait

I'm replaying it now in anticipation

Just beat Diamond Weapon and are now in Midgar going to kick Hobo's ass

Boy I forgot how badass cloud actually was, where did this whole emo edgy faggy thing come from even?

Advent Children.

FF7 Remake utterly crushes Smash and you know it. FF7 Remake is one of the holy grails of gaming

No, human, it doesn't. Snake came out of no where. Again: Why are you underaged?


FF7 Remake reaction is more loud and vocal and easily tops any E3 moment. Stop being a dumbass

>Steals his SOLDIER friend's identity because he was too shit to be SOLDIER himself

Just no. Sup Forums wasn't shut down for nearly a month after the fact.

I'm so ready to beat my meat when the reveal Tifa

I want to see how master sephiroth will look like
I hope they don't change his design
It's literally perfectly overdesigned

>epic badass shades xD

Clearly you don't understand why he did it and why it was so badass and how he turned badass after he undid the shit sephiroth mindtricks black magic bullshit


Everyone list things they want to see/can't wait to see again remade

Others reply to them by "monkey paw"ing it

I'll start
Shinra Sub chase for huge materia, torping and dodging mines

i sure hope they dont do a ff15 where only cloud is playable. that'd be fucking gay

>always hear people talk about shitty submarine sequence and losing out on huge materia
>Was able to first try it in less than 30 seconds

It was so easy like this video below
How the fuck did anyone have any problems here?

They're going to change everything good.

They honestly had to do something with Barret, keeping the character and dialogue as it was and actually having somebody voice that cheesy Mr. T. bullshit would have been embarrassing.

It wouldnt have been embarassing, it would have been staying loyal to the source material

Which is more important?


>were gonna be waiting another 10 years for another game to be coming out of nomura the development devil

be ready for changes every trailer and having tabata to take over again

I hope they don't change Bizarro Sephiroth.

I really hope they don't fuck up Birth of a god either.

Knights of the Round

Not being fucking retarded, which is what Barret would be in a modern game with realistic graphics and voice acting.

>best arpg of all time
unless you mean nomura made ddda.
kh2fm is like second on my list though

>Knights of the Round
>$3.99 micro transaction

the only thing that will reach those levels of hype is the tifa reveal

and she better have some damn big tatas

Cid better slap the shit outta shera or at least shit talk her into submission though, otherwise it ain't Cid.


As a self-contained story, Advent Children was made to have a standalone story and character arc for Cloud; he finishes FF7 in a really good place, so in order for him to show growth they broke him down again: the concept of AC is even though he 'saved the world' everything is shittier than before and he gets what's basically magic-cancer, so he's mopey. Then for consistency or because Nomura likes AC Cloud better, they retroactively made that his personality in all the other spinoffs.

I just realized they're probably not going to allow you to rename the characters in the remake.


They'll make it the Japanese version of Supernova.

>Pluto no longer in scene


Knowing that this is the inferior version that everyone will hate... i don't think so.


>Skips Pluto

You motherfuckers

Didn't cloud in AC also have some sort of uncurable mako aids, shit I'd be sad about that too.

>Japanese version of Supernova

>Didn't cloud in AC also have some sort of uncurable mako aids, shit I'd be sad about that too.
it got cured by the end of the movie, just like the aids everyone else had
it doesn't make a whole lot of sense


Things really have been getting bizarre lately

>Last Guardian is actually out now
>FF VS 13 finally came out as FF15
>Nier is getting a sequel with Platinum handling the gameplay

ugh, terrible

i was japanese id be pissed

That'd be the least of your problems.


It was the planet attacking Jenova cells following FF7 because it knows its a threat. Jenovas head is finally destroyed at the end causing the cells inside of cloud and pals to die off and mako aids to disappear

i'm not gonna buy a ps4 or deal with the episodic crap so i'll just wait 2 years when they release it on PC in full.

It's just a movie that re-treads the Mideel / Cloud mind-break plot.

7/10. There is concern over how Squeenix would make changes to certain characters and scenes purely because of social changes in both America and Japan and the introduction of CERO which didn't exist when FF7 was initially released, they already confirmed the removal of the Honey Bee Inn in the remake.

like I said, doesn't make a whole lot of sense

No they didn't autismo

Don't forget
>Shenmue 3
>Sonic literally going back to it's roots

>they already confirmed the removal of the Honey Bee Inn in the remake

do you live in opposite world?

they comfirmed it will be in, fucknugget

>they already confirmed the removal of the Honey Bee Inn in the remake.

>>Shenmue 3

I forgot about that, to be honest. I haven't played the previous two Shenmue games, so that's probably why.

>>Sonic literally going back to it's roots

To be fair, Sonic has been trying to "go back to it's roots" since Generations, so Sonic Mania isn't really surprising to me, in comparison to all the other stuff.

Misread something on Sup Forums then, it does say they might make some changes to it though

Trailer literally confirms character switching and Nomura confirmed it too in an interview


theres only one thing we're waiting for

I can't wait


0/10, if it's anything other than complete shit I'll consider it a pleasant surprise.

yea ive tried playing though that.
i got annoyed by the shit combat by the time i got the Goof.
1/10 for hype.
They already confirmed it is gonna be split in to 3 games(each 59.99) with DLC. no world map.
just a plot railroad.

No they pretty explicitly said it would remain, although I am sure a lot of things will be "adjusted". I can't imagine modern copyright will allow Wall Market to be a thing, but I could be wrong. The completely flamboyant muscledudes who very probably molest Cloud while at the Inn may not be taken out, but I would be incredibly surprised if it was not toned down.

Basically we know Cloud is still going to crossdress to save Tifa from Don Corleone, which is another name I am wondering if it will stay, and that's about the extent.

>those bits where you're running around and they slow you down to show you their shuffling animation while they load the next area
I hate this shit for some reason.

Why would even believe anything posted on Sup Forums anyway?


XIV saved them. If there is a game that SE should be bowing to right now it's XIV. If not for Yoshida, they would have gone bankrupt again. But because of the new XIV's success, they are actually rolling in dough and are not able to fund projects.

>They already confirmed
>3 games
All they've said is that they know how many games it's going to be but they're not going to reveal it yet

>with DLC
>no world map
They haven't said anything about either of these, you just made this up

will it be released in 2017

>TFW you realize that Japanese players never experienced the most iconic attack in vidya

Probably Winter 2017 release window but delayed to mid 2018. Only reason I'm not as excited about it right now is cause it's still a long ways off.

the first part will be!
hope you are ready to pay 59.99+tax for just midgar.

They got an International version released later

I was already really hyped, even more so after Diamond WEAPON's cameo in XV.

Guess it's hacked?

Given the incredibly low HP and shit like that, I would imagine they player just warped the party to the final boss.

I get worried a little more every day with 0 updates on an episodic game that will most likely span to the next console generation

>post yfw the Remake actually turns out better than the original

>The only FF that could top FF7 was FF7 itself

>square enix said they wouldn't make a FF7 remake until a final fantasy game surpassed 7 in sales
>they went against words and started production because they knew XV was going to sell like shit and they needed something else to keep FF fans invested in the series

>inb4 sjw's make tifa a flat chest

you know deep down this will happen

>Hasn't made anything above competent since
>Directed Advent Children and had a heavy hand in the rest of the Bastardization of FFVII
Gee I wonder why some people would be apprehensive.