I found these when walking home from work today. They were outside in the snow near a middle school.
Any of these good, good enough I should buy a 3DS or DSi for? I've never owned a DS or 3DS.
I found these when walking home from work today. They were outside in the snow near a middle school.
Any of these good, good enough I should buy a 3DS or DSi for? I've never owned a DS or 3DS.
Post a picture of your hand.
>If you're a piece of shit
Sell it
>If you're a half-decent person
Make some attempt to return it
No loss either way, as half those games are weeb trash and you can get literally every 3DS game for free anyway.
How about not being a nigger and find who it belongs to and give it back. The kid could be poor and took a while to get all of these.
Give it back Jamal
Yoshi's Island DS is an objectively shit game.
If you're not interested in Pokemon, you could sell those to get a 3DS.
The rest are good.
You did the same thread 2 months ago
Assuming this is real and not just bait, how about you return it, a poor kid probably is trying to enjoy his Christmas and just lost all his games.
>poor kid having 16 games
im not even poor and have never had more than half that on a handheld
This is a bait thread
>poor kid
>bought FE14 two times
He's a fucking retard and deserved to lost his games.
you should give them to the school's office m8
>he had a console AND a handheld
Gameboy was the only vidya system I had until I was in my teens
This is a repost thread
This is a repost thread
I was a poor kid. When everyone had a GBC I had a brick GB from a pawn shop with only 1 game and that was Pokémon red.
A poor kid wouldn't have this many games.
Take them to the school office dude
Would it kill you to make a new bait image?
>Make Some Attempt to return it
What? He found it in the snow, any drooling little shit will gladly take it off him claiming to be the owner.
How? Handhelds usually have more games to buy than consoles. I have over 50 3DS games and nowhere near that many console games.
Dude, just be a decent human being and return it to the guy who last posted this thread.
More important, what are the two missing games? Omega Ruby would be the most obivous choice, but how about right in between Bravely Default and Monster Hunter 4? It could be Bravely Second or Monster Hunter 3.
When i was in highschool i stole some little elementary school kids ds and games and traded it for cash at gamestop. Bought an eighth of 420 dude weed
that's normal you fucktwat, how many games did you have tho?
Hey, those are mine. Can you bring them back please?
It would be impossible to find the real owner, especially in a fucking middle school where every little shit is going to be on the lookout for free stuff.
I thought it was less
Time sure goes fast
this, post your hand holding those games.
cool beans, kill yourself, weed isn't even fun you pussy
this is true
mh3u i hope
Ask them to name the games in the case without opening it
Check the name on all the save files, then go to the school and find the kid to give them back. If you don't have a DS or 3DS just borrow one or take them to a game store and ask if they'll let you check.
Check the games for save files with names and share that information with the school to help locate which kid lost it, any kid wanting to claim them has to name the saves on the files
it's fake you gullible fuck
wtf this kid has good taste
give it back to him OP
All the Pokemon games displayed in the picture are fun.
Fire emblem games are good too.
Bravely default is a good RPG
MH4U is GOTY 2015 so of course it is top tier.
TLOZ remakes are always welcome.
TLOZ link between worlds is one of the best new Zelda if not the best.
Kirby triple deluxe is fun
Yoshi's island DS is pretty shitty.
9/10 taste right there.
>My family was poor because my mummy spoiled me with games.