What went right?

we did it bros

Change the PS1 to an N64 and this would be correct.


Fuck noooo loooool

disagree, ps1 was way better

>ps3 winner
sony pony pls

Enjoy your RRODbox 3Shitty while I'm over here bein ABAP

PS3 winner?? Based on what, lol.


>PS1 beating N64
>PS3 beating 360


This is correct for me.

I bet you got in arguments online about how good pic related was.

What part of nogaems don't you understand?

>Bronies are American culture.
>Xbox is the most popular console in America
I wonder were the bronies at op.

>such a disastrous performance in europe that it allowed sega to continue to exist until the dreamcast

>they're first console was a 360
sad really

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ha ha

360 - ps3
N64 - ps1
Never owned a 64 but banjo kazooie is fucking goat, played that shit at my friends so much.

Winner of what? Best games? In that case you should try using another console than a sony console.

By "winners" you mean your favourites, right? A list based on sales, average reviews or paired with any kind of explanation would be better.

PS3 won last gen. I consider PS2 and 1 winning their respective generations, not by sales but because they had the best games. PS2 could have been behind the GC in sales but it would still have the better library even though GC had its own good games.

Demon Souls, Folklore, Ratchet and Clank CiT, The Last Of Us, Ni No Kuni, Gran Turismo 5, Metal Gear Solid 4, Uncharted 3, Tales Of Xilla, Atelier Series, Puppeteer, Sly Cooper 4, Yakuza 3,4,5

>any of those games coming close to Armored core

That's cute.

Playstation and N64 were both about even if I recall.

Wii definitely won vs the PS3 though, I don't know how that can even be up for debate.

worst opinions on the site



shibbolethed a sony pony

>Twin Snakes

No one is proud of that.

dude, ps1 and ps3 didn't win.

Ps1 is correct, but ps3 needs changing to wii

>there are people here that unironically think that the N64 was better than the PS1

n64 > ps1

Wii has the PS3 beat dude

>ps3 "won"

Objectively false, the Wii blew it out the water in terms of both sales and actual games. There is literally no way ps3 won outside of sheer blind fanboyism.

N64 won
Xbox 360 won

Get over yourselves sonyggers

same, fucking idiots

>Wii U

>Flop U

Are you ok?

can someone explain to me why they think the 360 was better? aside from having the best version of SF4 what else does it even offer

Sales numbers

The only people that put N64 over PS1 just aren't familiar with the PS1's library, and this is coming from a guy that owned a N64 and got into PS1 games 2 years ago.

N64 was an awful console. Except for a few groundbreaking titles and popularizing the analog stick, it had no value. Definitely the second worst Nintendo home console.

Then wii should be on top

If we're going by pure sales Wii absolutely BTFO both of them.

SNES was better
>Wii U

PS1 sold 3 times as many units. Anyone that thinks the N64 won is a fucking moron.

>>Wii U

real recognize real

Early 360 was pretty cool with Lost Planet, Dead Rising, Halo 3, and Project Gotham. Plus the better multiplats. I have a PS3 but it was only a MGS4 machine for me. I just don't enjoy the Naughty Dog games or jrpgs.

this, but I wouldn't call it awful. i feel that as I've aged, i've come to really appreciate ps1 games way more, and I think that the sheer volume of good and great games that it has trumps the gems that made the n64 popular.

that's not to say the ps1 didn't have masterpieces, of course

fuck off normie

>Genesis/Mega Drive
>Xbox 360
>Can't say haven't owned them all yet, own a PS4 kinda disappointed. PlayStation Network has such a shitty community, so I rarely play games anymore.

The Wii is just a Gamecube with motion controls, and it started the trend of Nintendo not being taken seriously by third parties, which is current killing the company. To say it won its generation is totally wrong.

lol jrpgs r gay

how dare he play good games instead of exclusively obscure weebshit

this halo 3 is a masterpiece and one of the best shooters ever released

*chugs a beer*
totally bros

Best lineup ever.

It makes a descent emulation system.

sensitive and gay weeb....


I can't even name one good Japanese game.

Those games are cinematic compared to demon souls but normie don't like actual games

PS1 won overall, but N64 gets honorable mention for GOAT contenders like OoT and SM64.

Wii only beat PS3 if you consider them to be contemporaries, which they are not. The Wii was marketed to and bought up by fitness consumers (Wii fit) and old people wanting to play "the bowling game". We are talking about gaming consoles here though, not fitness accessories. 360 did not win, especially when you look at worldwide sales and catalogue rather than just US, and discount just how many 360 sales were RROD replacements.

ok chad

demon souls is for hardcore weebs

no one liked it on Sup Forums back when it was released, but you're too new to remember.

Your stupid

haha fag u play jrpg so gay... kys

Mario Kart Wii sold 36,6 million units, outselling the sum of the PS3 and XBOX360 GTA sales.
Of course you'll keep it out because you're a faggot

nigga go play madden or some shit

I'm a nintendo fanboy up the ass but the PS1 is superior in everyway. N64 has like 10 must own games

>armored core

Beat that shit in a weekend. Show me a complete Animal Crossing file and maybe we can talk about hard games, you casual.

>people think the n64 won
>they don't remember the depressingly bare shelves for n64 games near the end

>u-u p-p-play madden!!1

good one gay boiiii,,, funny thing is madden is probz better than gay azz jrpgs. kys plz

Do people actually think the 360 was a good console? It had no games other than halo/gears/forza ....


You say 36.6 million Mario Kart Wii sales, I say 6.6 million Mario Kart Wii sales and 30 million babysitting substitute/child distractor sales.

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

you're talking to high-schoolers that weren't alive back then, lad

I love these sort of images.

You just captured a good portion of my childhood user

Amazing times those were

>"dam i was defeated.... '(you)' ok I feel kind of better... time to play Faggot Elf Boy Quest 16"

If we're talking strictly in terms of sales, then the Wii beat the PS3, but this is otherwise accurate.

your still a fag, cool buzzwords

PS3 sold less than the Wii, therefore the Wii won 7th gen.

>Wii definitely won vs the PS3 though, I don't know how that can even be up for debate.
The Wii didn't target the same demographic. It barely counts as a seventh gen console as it is.

Didn't the Xbox 360 outsold the PS3 in the U.S.?

*chugs another beer*
yes... bro

Whatever dude.
You obviously has your mind made about it and there's nothing that I can say that will change it.
But given that the total software sales between the three consoles were mostly the same (a few tens of thousands of difference) and that the Wii had the second highest attach rate of all Nintendo's consoles you're probably wrong.
But alas, believe what ever you want.

>u-ur a d-d-dudebro!!! I-ironic shhhh-shhhhiitpostong!!!!

gay azz weebs can't even argue pathetic kys boi

>he actually thinks this is an insult

>doesn't know he's talking to more than one person
ah the power of chad

idgaf kys my nigga u vergen ass weeabitchz all need to die ahahahahahahaha

You need to get into the spirit of what it means to win a console generation. Its not about all those Wiis that got bought on a whim, on the back of a fad and barely got played, gathering dust in attics. Its about the PS3s and 360s that got the hell played out of them.

*sips Coors Light*

So true bro...

The sheer mental gymnastics required for Sony fanboys to claim the the ps3 "won" is as amusing as it us baffling.

What if you chug beer while playing JRPGs and having a jerk party with your dad?

Not an argument.

change PS1 to N64 and PS3 to 360 and that would be correct.

The shit you writes isn't one either

the sheer autism and cuckery is strong in this thread.



console wars, in a nutshell
