You have 10 seconds to explain why don't you own a PS4 yet

You have 10 seconds to explain why don't you own a PS4 yet.

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I'm waiting for the PS4 Pro to come down in price, and to have games that are wroth having the Pro.

I do, and a Pro at that.

I just don't play it much.

No early access, Shitty netcode

But i do have a pro

Because it's 250 dollars for a console I only want maybe 5 to ten games for
I'm gonna wait for the switch
Enjoy your (You)

I assume she's dead given all the french terror attacks but damn I miss that shake.

>I'm gonna wait for the switch

So, are you gonna wait for a console with no games? kek

pc is better

I'm not a nigger or a normie

I do. Purchased a slim for Bloodborne, weeb games, and fighting games.

Feels like it's just an extension of 7th gen.

I'll give you 2 reasons:

I'm not 13 years old.
I have a gaming PC.

Enjoy your Bloodborn machine though.

I got a new job so im planning on buying a PS4 Pro when Tekken 7 releases

I do. In fact im ordering xenoverse 2 right now :^)

But I do, and it's only because the Xbone is a disaster of a console, otherwise I'd have got that instead.

Also the PS4Pro shits on the PS4, and on the people that early-bought it.

Because I can't make money using PS4

Yeah, i also have a PC gayming machine to play this ga-

I bought one for bloodboune and it was beyond worth it. Most my favourite games are on pc but i can already run them so no need to get a new pc and xbox windows 10 isnt worth mentioning

60 FPS legitimately hurts my eyes. watched my cousin play Let It Die on her ps4 pro and I started getting a headache and nausea from the camera. tfw


I'm waiting until Tuesday when I get paid so I can actually buy some games for it. It'd be real shitty of me to buy one right now because I'd have literally no money to spend on games or a subscription.

>wait for the switch

>Dumb as fuck HUD and sound effects.
>Dumb as fuck controllers
>don't care about weebshit
>Exclusives are piss poor

X bone unironically blows it out the water, better backwards compatibility, better monthly games, better controller, cheap and who cares about performance because PS4 games either play at shit framerates (blood borne) or don't even need graphics (weeb shit)

How do you know she's french? I dont see any body hair

I never ever used my PS3 and I just know it'll be the same if I buy a PS4, especially now that Playstation has paid online.

>feel like playing PS4 after a long time of not even looking at it
>have to deal with PS+ subscription bullshit before I can play
>don't feel like playing PS4 anymore

>complains about PS4
>praise the Xbone


Hes right though.

Erm no, he's only right about PS+ being a piece of shit but the other things are either subjective or debatable.

But I do, and it's only because the Xbone is a disaster of a console, otherwise I'd have got it instead.

Also the PS4Pro shits on the PS4, and also on the people that bought the PS4.

>don't care about weebshit
Just get a PC.

Sure, so he can play all those indie and mobas :^)

no games


>X bone unironically blows it out the water

>I'm gonna wait for the switch

I do, but I turn it on about every week

It's a decent console I suppose

because there's only 2 PS4 exclusive games and 1 PS4/Xbone exclusive game currently out that I want to play. and 2 of those may end up getting PC ports so why the fuck would I? For a bunch of games that aren't out yet and might get ported?

Yeah there's a good reason to CURRENTLY own a PS4, for all those PS4 exclusives CURRENTLY ou-

Why do Sonyggers do this? Every fucking time. They post games that aren't out yet, as reasons you should own the console.


So it can collect dust while I wait for the games to get released?

Basically because of this. I'll get one once it has games though. I can't play sales numbers.

Yeah, multiplats I'm always going to prefer playing on PC, where I have options for controls, I'd fucking hate to have to play shooters aiming with analog sticks.

Why haven't you bought one, user? Are you just going to sit at your desk all day posting your PC specs?

It's 250 euros. Are you poor or something?

Wow I feel bad for Eurocucks, it only costs $230 in the only country that matters

>I'd fucking hate to have to play shooters aiming with analog sticks.

Git gud noob.


Viva piƱata is on xbox

You should pick up your utensils with your feet to eat then right? Just git gud.

Not enough money for it

gimping yourself isn't a good thing user

Bloodborne, Uncharted 4, Ratchet & Clank, LoU Remastered and Gravity Rush are all out, famalam.

Bloodborne is the only one out of those that I'm interested in playing.

one of those is a remaster for a previous gen game, and another is a multiplat, that leaves 3 whole exclusives worth while

Can you name any good games other than the "Sony PS4 checklist" because it's really getting old.

Oh shit wait

Actually just picked up a PS4 Pro tonight. Will be a nice compliment with my PC, Wii U, Vita and 3DS.

What are some good digital only games? I loved the shit out of Super Stardust HD so I'm downloading Ultra right now.

You faggots just have no skill. I've been using analogue for shooters ever since Goldeneye N64.

I'll 1v1 you both. You can use m&kb, I'll use controller and I'll still whoop both of you.

>just use your skill to physically remove the inherent limitations of an analog stick through sheer force of will :^)

But I just got a bloodborne machine.

We tried that already.

Persona 5 isn't out til april

Not enough games

>list critically acclaimed games and GotY
>b-but can you name some good g-g-games??

Salty PC-ucks, everytime.

>get a PC to avoid weebshit

PC is weebshit central these days

>What are some good digital only games?

Sony exclusives or multiplat?

Because I want to buy one from like my local used game store (because their prices are good and I like supporting them), but they're out of PS4s at the moment. I'm gonna call back in a couple weeks and as soon as I get confirmation they have one, I'll haul ass over there and get it.

>Dumb as fuck HUD and sound effects.
Yes, and the Xbone is so much easier to get around and completely lag free amirite?

No money and want to get the Pro instead until the next gen comes out.

I've more or less stopped playing video games.

Fire hazard

>buying a used console that was probably stolen by a nigger

Have you no shame?

Gravity Rush is a port too, it's a PS Vita game. Gravity Rush 2 isn't out yet.

Mainly exclusive. I have a fuckton on my Steam account.

Remaster, not port.

Nope. I'm very much a "ends justify the means" type of guy.

same thing happened with Quake 3 had cross platform play with the dreamcast. The PC players just made the Dreamcast players look like they couldn't aim.

In fact every time they ever pit controller vs mouse, this happens basically.

ah, so shovelware card selling games, those don't count pcuck :^)

It's porting it to another platform, hence a port.

I've never been gay enough to have one of the newest gen consoles but thinking about picking up a PS4?

Can I purchase any game I want digitally on it or do I have to put in a disk like some kind of cave man?

I'm not irish, so I don't have a hardon for potatoes

I don't know of any games on PS4 which can't be downloaded.

I'm Irish and I love potatoes and my PS4.

Currently taking a break from Bloodborne to eat some wedges and shitpost.

>one decent game, an interactive movie, kiddy shit, a ps3 game, and weeb shit
>dude you should totally buy it xD

God you're all so pathetic

Because there isn't any game that I would like to play bloodborne is just a DS clone which already turned to a CoD like franchise

I'm not retarded enough

I, too, prefer picture books because they don't move around much.

It doesn't matter if you buy it or not, literally 1/3rd of the entire world has one. They already won.

Nope,it's a remaster.

Port: Taking a game's code and getting it to run on another system

Remaster: Updating a game with new features/enhancements.

Remake: Complete overhaul and remake of a game.

Port: Bioshock from 360 to PS3
Remaster: The Last of Us PS3/PS4
Remake: Final Fantasy VII PS1/PS4

this is a good post. Not the guy you were talking to, but I learned something today. Thank you user.

Ratchet & Clank is fun. I bought it for my nephews for Christmas, now I'm getting it. It's that good.

>kiddie shit

Maybe you should try a different pastime user.

But then can't a remaster also be a port

Remasters are just ports most the time.

There's a lot of games you refer to just as ports that have new features, it's not considered a remaster when Tales of Symphonia was ported to the PS2 and they added new content and costumes and shit, but, it was considered just a port.

Remastering is just a marketing term to make it seem worth it that you're buying the same game on a next gen console.

Just like the Twilight Princess and Windwaker ports to the Wii U. They just call them HD edition to drum up sales on a port of an old game. TLoU was already HD, so instead they say remastered. Skyrim was already HD, so instead they say Special Edition.

Either way, They're marketing terms to make you consider rebuying a game you've already got on another platform.

The only real difference is a remake, yes. In there the game is remade from the ground up, it may have story and mechanics differences, the graphics engine is completely different, and they may have new features. Final Fantasy VII isn't going to be a port but a Remake.

Chrono Trigger was ported to the DS (despite having new features nobody refers to Chrono Trigger's DS port a "remaster"). FInal Fantasy IV was remade for the DS. Understand the difference?

no money

I have a PC that I built for work, that I can boot into windows to play games.

Only game I'm misssing is Uncharted 4. In exchange I get better graphics and cheaper games and I use hardware I already own.

Also fuck paying for multiplayer.
XBONE has literally nothing i'd want to play.

I bought a Pro, but I'm starting to get concerned that if the Scorpio does well Sony will force out another upgrade way too soon to try to compete.

Anyone else in the same boat? I'm digging the Pro since I have a 4K TV, but I'm still a bit afraid that it might just be a quick stopgap to the next hardware release.

No Katamari game.

Sony are SO in the lead it's not even funny, it's MS who is trying to catch up to them. And Scorpio is their response to PS4pro, not the other way around. They are the equivalent to each other, Scorpio isn't a generational step above the Pro, in fact the power difference between them is almost exactly the same %-wise as the difference between vanilla Xbone and PS4, meaning that it really doesn't matter much.

I refuse to buy it before KH3 is available. I got tricked on the PS3 never again.

I do, and I'm excited for Nioh in less than 2 months

i have a pc

Paid online.
Rip Sony
Bought PS PS2 and PS3.

PS+ and games are expensive as fuck in my country.

Plus PC is better

Very few games I actually want to play.

I don't want one.