So this is apparently coming to PC, but when? There were like 2 billion threads about this game and they died off almost immediately. Was it all marketeers or something?
So this is apparently coming to PC, but when...
0 results for any news of a PC version. Stop making shit up, retard.
We encountered the grind wall and abandoned ship.
>Was it all marketeers or something?
Yes. Nobody likes it when the term "senpai" is used outside of memes and weeb shit.
>Is there any reason we’re not seeing Let It Die on other consoles?
>“One of the reasons is much harder for us to explain because it’s on an executive level in regards to how it was decided between GungHo and Sony. I’m sure you’re familiar with the concept that a lot of developers and publishers are approached by platform holders that want something exclusive made. I’m not sure how the discussion was with this one, but for a game like this, having one platform on the development side, at least, is a lot easier for development. I’m not sure how much you’ve gotten to play with the controls so far, but you’ll notice that the DualShock 4 controller, including the touch pad button, is being fully utilized. Even the speaker itself, through which Uncle Death talks to you. So the entire controller is being utilized to really show what it’s capable of, and to make sure we can show really what we can do with all of the materials and tools given to us for PlayStation 4. That’s of course only on the development side. Maybe there are deeper reasons on the business side, but that’s all we really know right now.”
It was like the pokemon go of ps4 games.
Other stuff came out and what's there is fairly short once you get good
Discussion will probably pick up again when the inevitable expansion comes out and people start asking if they should try it
We used up our death metals and refuse to buy more. Thus we can't play.
There's a difficulty spike a little more than halfway through and a lot of people lost interest because it forces you to grind 10x harder than usual.
I am enjoying it but the game is already doomed. It launched with a plethora of bugs, glitches, balance issues and poorly made modes and the devs said they are going to start fixing this with a patch in TWO fucking months. Patch is coming mid or late February and that time the game has been 3 months old with tons of issues and no new content. It will be dead by then.
They should take a lesson from the Warframe guys with frequent dev streams ,new weapons and events. Those guys dont go 1 month without adding or changing something to keep people interested.
>coming to PC
This was the case for me at least. I hate the idea of losing a guy on the higher floors, then having to get my next best guy to go get him, only to die to a hater and then having to grind for money for my third guy who's naked.
>PCs getting so desperate they're begging for ports of F2P games with P2W cash shops
Reached 23 and i just cannot stand bosses that only have 1 hit kill attacks but take a bajillion hits untill they get killed and i dont want to drop money on it just to get to the next grind wall i seriously wish this would have been just a normal release because i really liked the concept
T. Someone who spent 70 hours on it
it was still a fun ride and i had fun with it while it lasted
But it looks pretty fun sempai.
Goto23 seems to be the main wall for most people. I thought it was bullshit too until I found out bosses have weakness. Goto is weak to blunt, the Iron is considered blunt and if you feed mushrooms to him he gets stunned. After that I killed him easily. Then you start to find invisibility and slow mushrooms and every boss turns into an easy piece of shit. There is no skills involved just grinding for strong gear and abusing mushrooms.
People hit the grind wall in the 30s and quit. The game was fun, but not fun enough to put up with a big grind. If the combat was deeper maybe, and if leveling side characters wasn't a fucking chore and RNG if you got an easy hater of someone that will OHK you maybe that would have helped
>taking lessons from DE
About what? As bad as the Let it Die grind is warfarm is worst senpai and if you're a console player you're waiting forever for an update that really is not that good
Let it die fucking sucks. It's not a "downgraded souls like" game. It literally plays and looks like shit. Dont get your hopes up for this shit
Yeah i heard about those tips too but iam burned out on it anyways but hey if you have fun with it climb the tower for me too and for the other unfortunate souls who gave up on climbing the tower senpai
1-10: Use dropped Irons
11-20: Use dropped Machetes
21-30: Use dropped Spears (R1)
31-40: Use Fun Fungus to repair dropped gear to max durability
Also one more thing id rather play a game knowing that i just beat that challenging boss because i was actually good at the game not because my gear was shit and i didnt use the right item you know what i mean? Its even worse when its a free 2 play game
>tfw I play PS4 games through earphones so I missed the controller speaker utilization
Aw man