Games that look amazing and are optimized as fuck
welp, that didn't take long
It's a fucking PS3 game.
Of course it runs well.
Pic unrelated right?
Well on an i3 and 750ti I can play with everything on high at 60fps.
why everyone says bf1?
I don't say that is a shit port, but man it has some problems (less thank bf4 tho)
hardly well optimized
i can tell you this much, it's not Dishonored 2
is the fox engine the best engine ever made?
max payne3
What a gaffe.
Dishonored 1 fits in this thread and Dishonored 2 should never come near it.
>A Hideo Kojima Engine
BF1's optimization is abysmal, the game gives random fps drops even to people who exceed the recommended setup, only recently they patched the performance on empire's edge so it's actually playable
>A game designed to run on CELL
>Of course it runs well
Just Cause 2 looks good for a 2010 game and runs great on toasters.
>Look amazing
Pic unrelated?
considering the hardware, xenoblade chronicle x amazed me, even with the atrocious pop-ins
I hated everything about it but fuck the anons who say it looks like shit. Get eye corrections
The unironic answer
GTA 4 is a PS3 game as well.
It runs on UE3, what the fuck do you expect.
>not using the ENB
A big-budget game from 2016 getting 120 average fps on a R9 390 is nothing short of miraculous.
yeah, pretty much any unreal engine game is bound to perform well.
Pic related is Unreal Engine 3, too.
I just wanna go back to it and explore but i 100'd it and regretted it
yeah even with all settings maxed out rendering at 4k I never drop below 60 fps.
In your pic the game's too dark for the extra saturation, it kills color balance by make some colors pop out too much.
Boost gamma though and it'll look hella fine.
what enb?
Show me an unaltered picture of real life that looks like this.
It had bad performance on release though.
Not because of UE3 but the devs were fucking retards.
Much better than the bland vanilla game.
especially on AMD
Say what you want about the actual quality of the game, I am amazed by the ability of the developers to make it run on literal toasters compared to its predecessor
Yeah I dont see the problem with ENB. This looks awful
You can fight back in this game?
I like the way this looks but I don't like the colors on Snake's outfit. The green feels a bit too intense.
It becomes less effective the more you do, and the alien "learns" how to respond better.
That's a little misleading, though. Apparently even if you pick "ultra" it'll downgrade your in-game graphics to maintain acceptable fps.
Still the best looking and most optimized game I can think of.
I wish I knew this. I would have probably got the game for my PS3. How much of the game is just hiding?
That's because EA cut the open world and the ability to edit anything.
Not with the Ayy lmao (with a good reason, the faggot was unkillable in the first movie).
You encounter androids and survivors throughout the game, which you can fight.
>That darks-crushing contrast
What is this, the Kikongo Killer ENB?
Depends on what you mean by "just hiding." The alien is generally pretty good about finding you, especially if you start to rely on the same hiding spots over and over.
>unkillable in the first movie
I will accept this fact.
And now I want to go grab it at walmart for cheap.
Any racing game shits on everything, except driveclub. How could a racing game only be 30fps is beyond me
realer than real life
Well, for the most part. GTA V was pretty optimized until you come to odds with the foilage slider.
It is a fact.
Ripley had to dump the dipshit to space and erased every particle of it with the heat of a sun.
Also, you need to like stealth games because the first chapters are cat and mouse type game.
which batman game should I play first?
>pc only
walk outside maybe?
Asylum, then City.
You can just play Arkham City and Arkham Knight.
Origins is a mediocre prequel, and Asylum doesn't have much story, and it's just AC with a smaller map.
This game was optimized horribly.
As in as I progress through the game I do my best to avoid confrontation of it and hide and then move. As in Hide/Seek I guess.
It isn't something I thought about the movie before but all this chat is making me appreciate the game more. As the first time I played it only for about 40 minutes and then I got stuck and didn't know how to proceed.
Arkham Knight looks pretty good, but the thing that stands out to me is the armor pads on Batman's chest actually move a solid objects instead of bending like they were cloth.
Been waiting forever for a game to do that.
Again, it does everything really well until you start fiddling with the grass.
i3 6100, GTX 960, 16GB RAM
Maxing it out except grass which is on high.
at 25 fps
MGS5 map is a barren wasteland so I'm not impressed.
Probably not that 'amazing', but Far Cry 4 runs pretty fucking good on midrange PC hardware, and even on consoles where it keeps close to a perfect 30fps, no frame pacing bullshit.
Not him but my old I5 3330 at 3.0ghz and 750ti could do everything graphics wise, save shadows and and grass, and i got 60fps
But now i got a stronk PC im good in the hood now
You played it?
Yeah, I recommend playing it again on easy and change the diff to normal or hard when you get the flamethrower.
It gets somewhat stale later game, but I think it's a good game regardless.
warframe its ultra optimized
At 60 FPS, actually, with dips to 50.
>character has some fine-ass plate armor
>it bends and shifts as they move
Holy fuck, make the plates independent objects and stop tying them to the character model, Jesus fucking Christ.
Well, it had to run on 360/PS3
looks like a ps2 game, senpaitachi
Why is Sup Forums, particularly Sup Forums and Sup Forums, so incredibly infested with deliberate contrarians?
Ah, ok. Yes, for my PC but either my motherboard or graphics card needs to be replaced so I haven't gamed on PC in a while but I've seen it on sale and wondered for PS3 recently.
I will give it another go and do as you said. Thanks for the insight, user.
Are you retarded? Do you think I give a shit about the /v hivemind? I have my own opinion. Always have always will. I'm not the one trying to fit in here.
MGS should have died with 3. Been saying that for years and no I don't think MGS5 is good. Deal with it.