What the fuck was their problem?
What the fuck was their problem?
They hated the New Order, cohesion, and centralized authority. Rebel scum!
Mabey it was my copy and a glitch but rebels would always shoot imperial corpses after death
What map was the most chaotic and why was it bespin city
>most battle took place in those high up hallways
>grenades everywhere
it wasnt a glitch they were supposed to keep shooting corpses because they are ASSHOLES
They wanted to take down the plastic boys
>post your war face for the Republic's Grand Army
They were rebel scum
And the empire was right since apparently the New Republic (by the shitty disney movies) is so fucking corrupt and inept that they can't stop a fucking THIRD DEATHSTAR from being built while being the dominate power in the galaxy.
>And the empire was right since apparently the New Republic (by the shitty disney movies) is so fucking corrupt and inept that they can't stop a fucking THIRD DEATHSTAR from being built while being the dominate power in the galaxy.
Goddamn fucking this. Whole Republic deserved all the shit they got
Its funny, Disney Star Wars is more or less "rebooted" for a clean slate post-OT yet its basically aping post-OT EU for worse material and dumber shit.
>Pre-Disney EU in Star Wars: New Republic is completely incompetent and unless your last name ends in Solo, Skywalker, Antilles, Horn, or Katarn or one of the major heroes like Ackbar or Mon Mothma, and their subordinates the NR sucks ass
>Disney Star Wars EU: NR is literally retarded and has an underfunded Resistance and gets surprised its capital planets get destroyed by a another Imperial super weapon
EU republic was bad but had the heroes to carry them
Disney Republic is completely inept including the heroes
At least they admitted they were going to keep using the old EU for material, plot, characters, and settings. Still butthurt they renamed Korriban to Moribund or whatever in TCW but Filoni acknowledged at least its just the "current" name and its literally the same planet.
Moraband is the dumbest fucking name and doesn't even roll off the tongue. You have to force it out like a nasty piece of gristle off your food. I heard it was ordered to be renamed by executives for some fucking reason but I wish I knew WHY. It makes no sense.
>Its a Polis Masa and your the clones episode
Lucas's autism flared up and forced them to change the name.
Reminder that Lucas wanted Revan and Bane to play a larger and more important role in the the Mortis arc and Filoni axed it, so Lucas can come up with occasional good shit still.
So it was coruscant that was destroyed in ep VII right? I heard some guy say it was but im not sure i believe him.
I wasn't Filoni who axed it. Lucas just later changed his mind and axed it.
No. For some reason they made their capital some other planet.
>Aren't you a little shit for a stormtrooper?
What a cunt
No, it was Hosnian Prime. The New Republic uses two capital planets that revolve between the capital unlike the Empire/First Order which uses the Coruscant solely as the "Imperial Center".
Filoni talks about here at about 1:40
I watched the video interview and Lucas wanted the Sith Lords in it but Filoni was the one who didn't, where you getting that Lucas changed his mind here?
I guess I stand corrected.
Who was in the wrong here?
>Polis Massacre
>Stormtroopers not knowing their place
Too soon
>tfw you will never play a multiplayer battle against storm troopers as clones troopers
More like Polis Massacre
what happened? i dont remember since i played it when i was younger
If you could get a custom paint job for your Star Destroyer what would you get?
There is the mother of all choke points in that level.
Why did they have to make the new one so soul-less?
I ask thrawn what would be most intimidating for my respective primary adversaries since he knows all about this shit.
is the only answer.
>Its funny, Disney Star Wars is more or less "rebooted" for a clean slate post-OT yet its basically aping post-OT EU for worse material and dumber shit.
Nothing is dumber than the Vong.
They were terrorists
Jar jar.
So that all of the players online could give the soul to it! Go out and buy STAR WARS™: Battlefront™ today and experience the battles from your favorite saga in your home! (Clone Wars not included)
Only $49.99!
I'll take 1000 fucking comic relief CGI gungans over the Yuuzhan Vong ruining like a fucking decade of novels with their shit.
Fuck EA's Battlefront.
What a shitty take on an otherwise great game.
I just wanted to say that. Sorry.
Not gungans. Jar jar specifically.
what the fuck were they, anyway? I basically only read some wikia excerpts and assumed it was retarded and never looked back.
also the whole darth krayt thing is REALLY fucking dumb, asharad hett deserved better.
They can't handle the heat
Take the Dark Eldar from 40k, make all their technology this stupid organic stuff and make them all immune to the force in an incredibly poorly explained way.
Yuhzan Vong were stinky and dumb
thank god its no longer 18th century cannon
It is easy to push them back, if you group up.
Stupid mon'keigh. Those eldar look far too human.
> one of my books literally describe them as birdlike.
>only $49.99
shits more like $100. Fuck all the retards who defended that game, the dlc is utter shit, just like the rest of the game. Sup Forums is always fucking right.
How did they breathe?
They held their breath.
Just saying right now base game is $10, and the season pass is $20 on the origin sale.
I'm probably gonna get the Deluxe Edition for $13 for muh emotes and better equipment instantly instead of having to unlock it.
Death Star, Bespin and Scariff DLC look fun but I cant afford to spend any more on the game now.
>mfw my free trial ended just now
>tfw no fapfics about d eldar capturing and raping a young, femme human lad
Makes sense
>$30 for a game with half the content of its predecessor
sounds about right
D eldar wouldn't. They aren't actually in thrall of slaanesh and can get by just torturing folks.
fine then, emperor's children
Half the content but 10x the visual and sound quality
Gameplay isnt much to be desired but damn you just feel immersed in the Star Wars universe like no other game before
Now when its on sale for so cheap is pretty much the only time worth buying it
But the DLC are individually $15, and the season pass is $20 now... fucking hell I hate these practices.
What did the empire even do to be considered bad guys?
They just seem to patrol around.
Too focused on killing people as an expression of artistic perfection, like fabulous bile or fulgrim the daemon princess.
You want mortal cults, not space marines or xenos.
I'm pretty sure csm still do lewd stuff with their captives, not all of em are like lucius
Dissolve the Republic is about it, The Organa family are the real villains.
Maybe offer them as sacrifices or something. Remember the marines are still born warriors and killers to a man.
>wanted to read the books about them just for the retardiness
>have to read about 20 post ROTJ books just to get to them
>have only ever read the Thrawn trilogy
>literally space clintons
what, warriors can't get their dicks wet?
You think Darth Insanius will be in episode 8?
>founded by a guy who is LITERALLY, indisputably evil with the sole purpose of enforcing his vision if order on the galaxy by taking away people's freedom and consolidating all power in himself
Liking the Empire is un-American and the Founding Fathers would have been pro-Rebellion. If you're pro-Empire you should go to Canada and await the day of the rake.
Missing the point. Why bother with your mortal dick when slaanesh gave you a toxin-coated lance with which to skewer your enemies from afar?
why you gotta poop all over other people's sexual fantasies mang
>tfw we will never get another video game with clone troopers and prequel-era planets because of "le prequels ruined star wars xD" meme
Because they enjoy it.
CSM and D eldar are completely insane, their brains can only take so much after all. Only mortal cults offer the variety and sensation that slaanesh craves.
>star wars republic commando sequel when
This. The SW designs are beyond anything in fantasy. Who cares if the stories and acting are fucking shit, take the good stuff out.
they did tho
the only good things that came out of them were the vidya
>"le prequels ruined star wars xD" meme
Prequelbabbies are the fucking worst. Letting your kids watch those movies before the original trilogy should be grounds for child welfare to remove them from your home.
Everybody Poops
Not with disney at the realm. They won't move a finger without consulting with hundreds of executives and focus groups. Prequel stuff is never ever getting touched again.
>grenade jumping to get on top of the rotundas
Prequel games were the best though
I don't understand why prequel games died out
Probably just because there aren't any prequel movies being made/recently released
eh, if it was getting touched ea would be the ones handling it, so it doesn't reallt matter in the end I guess
Posts like this are a diamond dozen my man.
>diamond dozen
The turnip phrase is dime-a-dozen my man.
It can be a diamond dozen if he wants.
I guess it really is a doggy dog world.
is that a clever bait ?
if yes then no you's for you
if no then no you's for you
Or a diamond dog world, if you like.
There's a dumbass meme where people get the phrase wrong on purpose
really drills my ass
fuck off randy
Fuck off Randy
Space marines aren't really capable of sexual intercourse. Its not explicitly stated that they are fertile but its never heard of that they make love. Were they able to you would hear about it in the lore.
Its then implied to be due to two reasons
>they are so psychologically conditioned that they only ever think of fighting and the emprah
>their genetic engineering renders them infertile or unable to get it up
So not these bastards. If they could then GW probably would have already jumped on it as fluff that there were gene heirs to astartes genetics
>their genetic engineering renders them infertile or unable to get it up
This is by far the most likely case, since they're living weapons. Remember the old schedule of a day in the life of an Astartes? They have 15 minutes of personal time and most of them spend that in silent contemplation of their duty.
> Be me
>never pick CIS Scum
>Enter Polis Massacre
All of my hate