Just picked this up with some steam bucks 'cause it was cheap, what am I in for, Sup Forums?

Just picked this up with some steam bucks 'cause it was cheap, what am I in for, Sup Forums?

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car soccer, needing to put in at least 100 hours to pick up just the basics properly, JUST the basics

Not even. OP, it's one of those "easy to learn hard to master" types. It's fun and easy to get into.

Really? I fucked around in training for a bit, doesn't seem that complicated. Actually it seems pretty straight forward.

One of the best competitive games in the last few years, no meme

Not OP, but I bought it about a year ago but the matchmaking was so shit that I quit the game. Me and other team mates had ten hours in the game but there was some faggot with 200 hours on our team yelling at us.

Maybe it's better now? This was competitive mode, I think. Is there some sort of loose matchmaking in non-comp too, like Overwatch quickplay?

Last time I played this, Overwatch wasn't even released I think.

Pure vidya game.
Ignore posters trying to shit on it. If you don't like it that's fine but its solely focused on gameplay; a rarity these days.

My buds and I have a lot of fun with it just fucking off in chaos or 3v3. We just sit in a party chat though, so your call.

My cousin and his son just got it for Xbox One for Christmas. I might pick it up again since they'll be playing it. Fucking glorious that it will crossover with my PC version. Do you know if cross-system voice chat works by any chance?

What a save!

Lot of positive on Sup Forums which is rare as fuck, hopefully it'll fit my need for a fun little time waster. I'm not one to get super competitive.

AHAHHAHAHAHH. bro. you have no idea.

What I like about it is that a match only takes 5 minutes so you can play right before a class or binge all night.
I suggest you turn off mic chat since it adds nothing of value. Also a controller is a must.

It's a fun lil vidya
Car soccer is a fun concept and it's easy to sink several hours in it
The more you play it the better you get at handling the ball and shooting.

My One controller has been collecting dust, game chat is a cancer like most games, so nothing lost there.

>Also a controller is a must
In what game is a controller not a must?

Unless something changed you can't party up cross platform. So if you were wanting to play with them out wouldn't work. I haven't played in quite a while though so maybe they changed things.

Prepare to have your shit kicked in by the dudes online who have been playing for years. They'll literally drive circles around you.

great argument aspie

Great if you
a) have friends
b) don't care about ranked

That's about the gayest thing I've ever read. God damn it.

no no you don't understand

you play, you git gud at what you think is an 'understanding' of the game and you have fun at that level

then you at some point go against someone in the next league, and you're like whoa they're pulling off some cool shit, so you train hard to reach the level they are at, watch them, watch guides, hit training. eventually you reach that level and everyone else is beneath you, and you think you're hot shit

then you see someone pulling off flying aerial goals jumping off the wall and your head explodes cause you think thats gotta be the peak, but oh no there is still so much more bullshit to master to be at the very tip top of the game.

i been playing 341 hours and i'm still just knocking at the door of the rising star tier. I was prospect for a good long while, and after several dozen hours of play (and switching to controller, GET A CONTROLLER!), i managed to get to challenger rank and I been fighting my way up ever since.

>having such low self-esteem you feel the need to put on a trip

I was just too lazy to link a video. here faggot

>not recognizing my trip
>not knowing who i am

new to Sup Forums?

Pretty much all RTS' and most FPS'

Point and Click games

I think it's more the fact that most people filter tripfags out of their memory. At this point the only trip I really remember is Sneak.

If you honestly use a controller for most pc games instead of the keyboard, you need to get off this board, because underage kids are not allowed on Sup Forums.

literally who