
Just finished this game in preparation for Automata, so can we get a thread about it? I feel it is a tad bit overrated around here but overall it was alright.

Other urls found in this thread: Gestalt & Replicant Jazz Arrange Version Vol.1 and Vol.2.rar!ygAjEKBZ!pmXNzj1l7pcfCORXEZEjsFFH796tSAZGyEyI2H7vqxs!68hFmTYQ!5noKeLFjkUgpvK-iuT-HoQmuK_-FJFJKWcA9xnJFLj0!C54BnDpY!2ALwSDbEQ5rs5iBJ8OvXhDAYuPj_Ru7x4L3-dbcamo4!W1ZVTTYI!E9Z3qUEFCDwBurLTencAd7A7dx3g8mFDW-xB6FGYjRM

>a tad bit

Nobody praises it for the gameplay

Finished it recently myself OP, though I havent' gone back for the additional endings and I think that adds a lot of the depth.

Gameplay was clever but executed poorly. Environments could have been much cooler and more thought out but end up underwhelming but serviceable.

Characters and OST are fucking 10/10 though. Looking forward to Automata too.

Yeah definitely at least do the first NG+. It adds so much depth to what was already covered.

Would you guys say that playing this got you more excited for Automata or no?

The story is actually good, especially when you delve in to the NG+ stuff and listen to the shades suffering. Lots of video games have crap stories akin to B action movies, even when you delve in to old rpg games. But this story is book worthy

I honestly don't think Automata will live up to the hype, especially with the leak... Emil turns out to be the big bad, his memory loss was due to Nier's sacrifice for Kainé, he pretends to be good when you meet him but betrays you akin to the twin sisters in the first Nier. Also he wants to blow up the moon cause moon dust = god dust or something

Finished it a while back too and don't really see the appeal. I got endings A and B is it worth getting the rest?

Any fans that care to explain why you like this game? I really want to understand.

Get all the endings?

>though I havent' gone back for the additional endings and I think that adds a lot of the depth.

You haven't finished shit then.

Nier does not end on one playthrough. You only got half of the story. Actually you only got maybe 30% of it.

The OST and good dialogue between entertaining characters.

The overworld also reminded me of Zelda: Ocarina of Time's in a way that it wouldn't have if it was more detailed and larger.

Anyone here who says they finished the game but only played through one ending has not finished anything.

>Any fans that care to explain why you like this game? I really want to understand.

If you didn't understand why people love it then it's not for you. Simple as that. It happens to all of us. There's nothing wrong in that.

It's only wrong when you attack people about it just because you didn't like it and want to spite people out of it.

You should probably read up on Grimoire Nier and the Yorha stage play if you want to get more backstory and lore for Nier and Automata.

Ending C is exactly the same as route B except Kaine gets AIDS and dies immediately after the final boss. Literally nothing changes until you beat the final boss.

Ending D is the same except Nier wipes himself from existence (somehow) to cure Kaine's AIDS (somehow).

You were memed, there's nothing special about the story.

The soundtrack was definitely unique and great but the dialogue I disagree on. A lot of Kaine and Emil's lines sounded very forced to me, not helped by the dub either.

Normally even if I'm not into something I can at least see the appeal. Here I'm at a loss. The only parts that really stood out to me were the novel sections which I'll admit were surprisingly good. I think I would've liked it more if it had more diversions like that instead of the mediocre combat.

That's disappointing if true.

It's fucking garbage, no-one outside of this hipster cesspool will find it even remotely "fun"

you haven't "finished" this game until you've gone through NG+ and seen all the endings

Read the Grimoire Nier, its easy to find on Google, it really helps with the overall understanding of the game as a whole

thanks will do.

so would you guys move your soul into hibernation if there was an epidemic so you could go on living later on? this is often a "solution" to extinction shown in disaster stories, and I would probably do it irl when faced with the alternative but it's pretty messed up when you think about it. humans aren't meant to go on living for thousands of years

Its either that or oblivion.

It has the best character banter of any game I've ever played.

Also somehow one of the only good english dubs ever made.

>A lot of Kaine and Emil's lines sounded very forced to me, not helped by the dub either.

Nigga, this is the one game were the dub was actually praised by mostly everyone.

Also Kaine and Emil were fine.

>That's disappointing if true.
That user just basically said what was going to happen. Not the content of it.

You are at a loss because it didn't appeal to you. That's it. Stop forcing something that you actually didn't really get or even like. There is no point. Because the more that you do that, you'll turn into the people posting things like "you got meme'd on, there's nothing in it really", "it's garbage really" just to actually spite people.

Basically it's not for you. At least you tried it. That much is appreciated.

Did you get the second ending?

If not go do it right now.

He never said that, fool.

>only finished once.

so what was the biggest "oh shit!" moment for you guys. for me it was running into popola and devola in the shadowlord's mansion

My biggest surprise was when Popola shouted "No one stops!" Whoever was her VA there surprised me a lot. I felt like it was delivered with a lot of real anger, Made me go "oh fuck".

It was this for me too, and also everything with the King of Facade really hit me. What a fucking true bro.

>when yonah says dad and walks past the player
>"the person I love the most above anyone is.... [player name]

Could you or someone else sum up the story? I no longer have a PS3, but I plan on getting Automata.

Hell, might even get the Black Box edition because I'm a foreveralone loser that collects "statues"

>mc is a big bulky man

ehh, no thanks

just follow the links around the wiki

It is fucking overrated. This was the first and last time I would follow Sup Forums's recommendation. After all these years I'm still fucking salty about my decision to buy this.

When you say finished you mean you got all endings right?
>Finished it recently myself OP
>I havent' gone back for the additional endings
Then you haven't finished the game.

You haven't finished Nier until you've gotten all the endings.

>Yorha stage play

Gameplay isn't the only important thing about video games.

Don't even got a 360?

Shit taste

Never had one.

If possible you should try to get a PS3 now that piracy is a thing








>that entire soundtrack


Exactly this moment.

Heard all the remix albums?







i remember this small little moment when you leave their office to go to a mission and after the door closes and you're already gone the camera stays in the room as she says "And be careful."

that was one of my favorite parts of the game for some reason

this whole segment is amazing


feel free to stop, dude.


Sup Forums has gone beyond itself with its hipster contrarian attitude. It's developed a microclimate where its users generally regard what Sup Forums says to be popular opinion, so they choose to disagree with that on principle, regardless of how fucked it is. Eventually it's just a melting pot where nothing anyone says can be trusted to not be a false-flag or sub-90 IQ poster.

Not him but thanks first ive heard of them


One sec bro lets me link you to all of them


>tfw this scene

Got extremely close to crying. Then Emil's "death" scene mad me actually cry.

>mfw "Dad....I...I don't want to do this anymore...."

thanks thatd be great

Dragon falls from sky
Causes super aids
To combat that they separated consciousness(gestalts) and body
When they make the new bodies(replicants) they aren't compatible
Gestalts that don't get in bodies go insane
You are actually killing loads of innocent people who've lost their minds in the game
Replicants develop their own consciousness
Gestalt nier is the key to humanities salvation because plot
Gestalt nier steals back his sister who has her gestalt in her replicant and is so far not bugging out from replicant nier
Emil is gay for nier and has magic eyes
Kaine has a dick because when making her replicant it glitched out
She almost dies
5 year skip
Replicant nier learns about honor, love, and how you can't always get what you want. Also gets stronk
The overseers of the replicants are the twin sisters from the beginning of the game
They are actual robots
They gain their own consciousness at the end, at least one does because you killed her sister, she goes berserk and "kills" emil
Replicant nier goes steals his sister back and kills gestalt nier and fucks humanity

That's about it. From what I remember, which is like a 5 year memory. So probably wrong.

So which sister is better in the sack?

It's crucial for this game to get all the endings. It really is.

I really need to play this but I can't find it anywhere

The one with sexhair

You say that, but the reality is Popola's the one who becomes a freak in bed.

What ever one you have to get drunk to sing. Though you have to get her drunk first.


I got chills when Popola said that.

I'm actually glad to know that I'm not the only one who loved that scene.

Great delivery really. Gestalt & Replicant Jazz Arrange Version Vol.1 and Vol.2.rar
The fantastic jazz arrange albums. Old Timer is the best song in this one IMO.!ygAjEKBZ!pmXNzj1l7pcfCORXEZEjsFFH796tSAZGyEyI2H7vqxs
NieR Gestalt & Replicant 15 Nightmares & Arrange Tracks!68hFmTYQ!5noKeLFjkUgpvK-iuT-HoQmuK_-FJFJKWcA9xnJFLj0
Nier Tribute Album -echo- (the last track is particularly amazing)!C54BnDpY!2ALwSDbEQ5rs5iBJ8OvXhDAYuPj_Ru7x4L3-dbcamo4
DRAG-ON DRAGOON Chips Music (a chiptune collection of songs from Drakengard and Nier)!W1ZVTTYI!E9Z3qUEFCDwBurLTencAd7A7dx3g8mFDW-xB6FGYjRM
Piano Collections NieR Gestalt & Replicant

Happy listening


I think that Nier's biggest gameplay problem is balance. It's way too easy to just Dark Lance everything during the early portion of the game, and Phoenix Spear everything during the late-game. Meanwhile, some of the spells like Dark Wall, and the majority of the weapons you get, are pretty much useless. Hopefully Platinum will make sure that everything is useful without being too OP.




Was there actually a leak? The moon dust shit sounds retarded and Emil being a villain is way too predictable.




There's nothing know about the story other than it takes place long after nier and touching black boxes is like touching dicks. They make nuclear explosions.








