Overwatch pro here

Overwatch pro here.

Please stop making so much porn and projecting your degenerate fetishes onto everything.

You people act like a sexually depraved 12 year old that has sexual fantasies about the girl that made him a sandwich at Subway. Like you seriously can't handle seeing a virtual character wearing spandex and you devolve into making 3D animations where they grope eachother and bury their heads in eachothers asses.

Key word being "please". Yes, I know I can't force you to do something and I wouldn't if I could. But not having to do something doesn't mean you shouldn't and I'm making a polite request that you stop associating a game with 20 million players (many of which are children) with the depraved sexual fantasies of middle aged men that masturbate to cartoons.

Draw and engage in all the pornography you like but please stop trying to make it synonymous with everything Overwatch related. It's just gross, tacky, sleezy, cheap, perverted and absolutely embarrassing.

Thank you.

Post lewd D.Va.

I'm going to bump the bait because someone will fall for it.

>sex is degenerate
>tracer being a lesbian isn't
really activates my almonds

Tracer loving futanari is the worst and therefore the best.


>No comment about Tracer being a lesbian

Wew lad

The porn is a distraction.

Overwatch is actually a secret plot to feminize worthless gamer men who contribute nothing but aggression and harrassment.

Why is it bait, because I don't have your opinion?

You're spending too much time on the internet if you think this is a ridiculous request

there's nothing wrong with tracer being gay

Nah, I like porn and OW was made for it.


>At Overwatch

Degenerate = "having lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal and desirable; showing evidence of decline."

Homosexuality = "Going with the same sex. Not contributing to society by being fruitful and using the functionality of what you were born with between your legs"

I like tracer's ass.

>"Please stop finding sexually attractive things sexually attractive."

I would agree with you if this were cartoon animals but you can't blame anybody for wanting to fondle Roadhog's tits. Doesn't matter if it's fictional.

Come now you knew this would happen.

This. Greasy "MLG" tryhard OP has no moral high ground above some horny weebs.

>literally a meme game
>good for anything except for porn

Am I bad at looking or does most of the stuff featuring Zarya have her as futa

no dum dum :^))))))

A /fit/ meme on Sup Forums... Okay then.