How do you play Dota 2? Is it even worth grinding at this point?

How do you play Dota 2? Is it even worth grinding at this point?

You don't, all mobas are cancer.

>How do you play Dota 2?
There's an uninstall button somewhere

What do you mean by this?

>it's a Sup Forums hates games that actually require skill so they can fit in with other shitposters episode

stop playing ranked and play to have fun instead.
do weird and nonmeta builds.

>all mobas are cancer.
He's talking about Dota 2 though

Fuck off.

Honestly don't. The only thing keeping it going now are faggots like , BRs, and Ruskies.

The new update more or less killed it, and it was already sliding before then. Monkey King is literally Riot-tier unbalanced. Lots of newer shit is borderline stupid.

Just don't get into ranked or All Pick. Go Single Draft. Single Draft is one of the few ways to have fun.


Fuck ranked in team games. Just grab some friends, fuck around, try some wacky synergies, melt some heath bars, have fun.

Dota is a fantastic game but trying to play solo queue ranked and getting all tryhardy is a guaranteed way to ruin it for yourself.

What do you mean "and?" It's not a moba

Do you really want to learn how to play an MMO battleground game? Because thats all it is. You'll play for years and then come to the realization that all you've been stressing over was a shitty battleground and that all that "fun" was simply skinner box treats and their effects on your mind. Its a hollow kind of fun that more often than not ends with stress, butt hurt or just plain boredom or anger.

No. Its huge shitty timesink, and its not fun or rewarding. I played this shit since wc3 and i am glad i dropped it 2 years ago

Then what the fuck is it? It's damn sure not an RTS.

You guys realize that's OP's screenshot, right?

assfaggots are mobas


Climbing to 5k was the most rewarding experience I ever had in video games. Ranked is fun but you actually need to get good to get that enjoyment.

There is nothing that compares to completely dominating high leveled matches.

Dota 2 has been awful after 6.84. I stopped playing a while back and now I question why I played it in the first place.

Team fights are fun tho.

Op here.

I only got worse the longer I played.

Because it gets more difficult.

I dont feel rewarding when i win just because enemy team has literal retards or leavers. Only 1 of 10 feels hard and exiting. Its great feeling, but occurs too rare

This. The hours upon hours of bullshit aren't worth the small nuggets of joy.

>tfw these times will never come back because of icefraud

Mobas are LoL and its shitty clone.
Name a single game that calls itself a "moba" and isn't a LoL clone. You can't, because one doesn't exist.

It's dota.
If dota is a moba, Wolfenstein 3D is a CoD clone.

nigger it's tagged as a moba on steam's own fucking store

>community-set tags

the developers chose which tags they want displayed
If they didn't think it was a moba they would have removed it
i hope you're just memeing at this point because this level of delusion is unreal

That's not how it works. The developers can't take tags off, and Valve only removes tags when they're offensive.
If the community wants to call it that, they can but they're still wrong.

I'm still waiting for you to show me a game that calls itself a moba and isn't a LoL clone.


then i'm going to shit in your mouth and say it's yoghurt so, you better not say it tastes like shit

>lose argument
>wet your diaper and start shitposting instead

>monkey dude


pick skywrath

buy veil of discord and rod of atos

press R for kills

I miss old rod of atos on skywrath

If you can only make a difference in one out of ten games then you don't deserve it.

>old rod of atos

what was the difference

new one roots instead of retard slow

Root got a heavy upgrade and completely fucks over storm and friends now.

It slowed before, now it roots

Going by that logic then omniknight has always been the most broken character since the game began.

pick chen

>1 mmr

did none of you faggots notice this?

kek, wtf did you do op

It was never worth grinding in the first place. You literally get nothing but bragging points for playing Ranked DOTA 2. At least League awards shit at the end of seasons for hitting certain goals.

>it's a giant shitpost to defend my delusion episode

and you get basically everything worthwhile by being gold (literally 2k). If you're the toppest of the bunch you get a hoodie or some shit you can never wear in public

do not play ranked

just play unranked and enjoy

if you play ranked youll hate yourself and the game

Why would you grind in Dota?

why would anyone want to play this fucking shit game anymore?
it was ruined in 700

I'm so glad I quit DOTA years ago. Poor skelly.

He's literally just a Chinese Ursa with stupid amounts of AoE. It's not like WK doesn't get shat on by 99% of the cast anyways.

>Something that proc on 3rd hit
>some poke ability
Literary Lol tier

LoL doesn't have abilities that only affect players because such abilities wouldn't do anything since interaction between players is nonexistent in that game.

Trolling trench is more satisfying.

At least you're playing a real game for gamers! Not some stupid archaic garbage like bloodborne. Did you know they don't even take velocity into account when dodging? And that it actually punishes you for making mistakes

ursa doesn't have a built in blink dagger and lifesteal and 600 damage impale with 1000 range

I've never gotten into mobas simply because of how you have to kill creeps. It's so unbelievably unfun spending however fucking long early game is spamming click and trying to last hit.

Smite is the only moba I've even slightly enjoyed because it doesn't have that bullshit.

Yes, he is.

Well now roaming is pretty strong so you can do that all game instead

I bet there is

Also nu-dota is literally lol on crack don't deny it

>nu-dota is literally lol on crack
It's not LoL then