Why do people who don't know anything about videogames...

Why do people who don't know anything about videogames.................................................................................................................................................................


Really makes me wonder why Ubisoft has been going downhill over the past years, to the point if being a joke meme.

Name one good game they've released recently.

Trials Fusion

I remember now. They were a prestigious 3rd party developer around 10 years ago.

>people fall for this bait

Youre retarded to think they fired all males, bottom pic is just all female staffers taking a pic together

Good heavens, I'm glad I'm mostly avoiding any Ubisoft shit.

Reminder that ctrl+s after highlighting text spoilers your shit

But yeah, this isn't new and it's going to continue on for quite some time so you might as well get used to it
Idiots trying to make video games "mature" and "progressive" will die out
Just be patient

I said good game, not some forgettable joke mobile tire game.

SO wait, why does Ubisoft have so much woman now?

can someone tell me exactly what the problem is with the bottom image?
without using memes or buzzwords please

Rainbow Six Siege.

That picture explains why Ubisoft started sucking so hard


>“This game was developed by a multicultural team of various faiths and beliefs"
>what they actually mean is a bunch of white tumblrinas


Equality doesn't equate to replacing every male from a previously diverse photo with a white woman.

That bottom pic is such BS, lel. Ubisoft has like 4 billion people working for them. If that is literally all of the females that work for them, then that's pretty much nothing.

what's the problem though?

Is that real? No, not the fucking "they fired the men??? wtf". I mean the text. In 2007 they HIRED BASED ON GENDER. That's literally the problem where gender MATTERS when hiring. And what the fuck does it even mean to get a diverse group, not a talented group? Someone actually wrote this text and thought it sounded smart and progressive? I'm at total loss for words (...expect the ones I just wrote).


It's not like women are incapable of creative work but hiring someone based on her gender is probably the reason why most people at Ubisoft are talentless hacks. Just think about naughty dogs. They have very diverse team and do spout out progressive bullshit but they do choose the team based on who are talented and who they like. And they make kickass games.

You write posts like a fucking dweeb
Gimme your milk money, dweeb

Well in the first picture you see a mix of white people, some black people, men and women.
In the bottom one it's almost only white women. It just shows the hypocricy of the "equal" left:

A lot of white men on the team? Thats so racist, sexist, etc. oesn't matter that there are also women and black people, if there are mostly white men, it's bad.

A team that is basically completely white women is hailed as the pinacle of "equality".

>Mostly female.
>All of their games have been worthless garbage since 2012.


They're not all white, there's lot of asians and hispanics.

You sound like the guy working for me for minimum wage.

>Name one good game they've released recently.

R6: Siege, Grow Home.

Really though, it looks like Ubi is finally starting to move away from their canned open world games.

>Prince of Persia Sands of Time
>A few good Tom Clancy games
>Sunny Garcia Surfing
ehh not that bad of a loss

anyone else hate fucking women, how would anyone want to have a gf


How can I sound like anything when you're only reading what I've written?
Now gimme your fucking lunch money dweeb before I make you a girl in more than just mind

welcome to 2016

>mfw I've seen that same pic talking about Bioware
>mfw people take satire seriously

slut bucket

They started to go down hill, but the reputation was still all time high, mid 00s.

t would be better if we could just be two dudes, you know?

I have no idea of where that came from but if that's what you want to do now
douchewaffle guzzler

what are you ? fag ?

>narcissistic obese cocksucker who wrote a story about herself and called it a game.jpg
this is bait.

I literally see no males in the picture.

Don't make me get a fan.

The bottom pic is just of all their female staff, you're all retarded. Ubisoft hasn't been good in over a decade, and even then they were only ever okay.

>being this bad at reading comprehension

Reread the last bit of that user's post

Literally none. Zero. Nada.
There is not a single male/person of color in that meeting. Fuck off with your excuses.


The worst thing about this pic is how they just have the white girl front and center, did anyone blast them on that in the FB post?

shhh , no tears only dreams now

There's spics and asians.

Rayman Legends.

Lol rekt

Tbh it's the way to respond to these kinda pics. Call them out on racism and just completely ignore that it's about women all together.

The people on top are fit, well dressed to okay dressed and decent looking.
The bottom is full of fatties and the slovenly.
The top is superior, no contest, you cannot dispute this.

>fit, well dressed to okay dressed and decent looking

So not real nerds?