Who is your favorite villain in video games?
Who is your favorite villain in video games?
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Didn't ganondorf want to help his people or something?
Delete this
>Not a force of nature type villain
On another topic, where would Dagoth Ur go? He's a mad god, or described as one, but is pretty affable and wants to sway Nerevarine to his side thanks to the past shared. Even though he's going for complete global saturation with his blight and corprus
Whos is the top guy?
High tier perfectly suits Dagoth Ur.
Tier lists are always shit and I hate this "le ''''''villian is akchually da real hero!@@!!!xD" meme trash.
Probably not my favorite but he was pretty cool. Best post-Wrath villain, if you ask me.
High tier but he brings in aspects of some of the other tiers.
Peter Griffin
This is honestly wrong though. It doesn't really matter what the motive is if the villain is a boring piece of shit, what matters is their presence and impact throughout the story.
Guys: Luca Blight and Damon Gant
Girls: Junko Enoshima and Dahlia Hawthorne
Deranged and manipulative motherfuckers are my favorite.
>The less villain they are the better villain they are
You're a fucking retard, throw yourself into a meat grinder.
>Understandable motives
So basically the ideal villain isn't actually a villain at all
this pic is stupid and needs to not be posted ever again
he's my lover, smashin that boipucci all night
a brilliant tactician and the saviour of midland, arguably the greatest man to have been ever born.
Casca enjoyed it
>Dagoth Ur
Legitimately did nothing wrong.
>Luca Blight
Mah brother.
The most well written villain is a thought provoking villain who long after having finished the game, makes the player rethink everything he thought because he realizes that in actuality, everything he believed in wasn't the whole truth, and it inspires a change in philosophy and a desire to replay it to the point where the game became an experience well outside actually experiencing the story once.
ie. Solidus Snake.
Antanas from Lords of the Fallen.
>Takes the evil out of men.
>God gets pissed.
>God sends monsters to kill him.
>Creates his own monsters to defend humanity.
>Sends Harkyn to fight God.
>Harkyn meets God.
>God convinces Harkyn to kill Antanas.
>Turns into a monster to fight Harkyn.
>favorite villain
I cant wait to see guts chop his head off
True love
I am Yours
Where would Handsome Jack be in this chart?
fixed your shitty image
That list is shit.
It says here the sun goddess is a crazy bitch that wants to live forever by stealing the bodies of hot young babes.
According to that list, they would be someone who believes they are elder god/high, but are really meh.
yeah, the power hungry gerudo chicks
High tiers are classed based on what they believe to be the case, so wouldn't he go there unless he's objectively just a whiny bitch?
i really liked this guy
Ill take a good old fashioned monster over morally ambiguous villains.
Is "The Boss" a villain?
I too, hate having to think while playing games.
t. console dudebro press X to awesome
Thanks for your non argument
Gears of war is on PC boyo
back to rebbit with you
>no supreme god emperor tier
>petty villains that do shit just to fuck with the hero
>Black Manta
>Professor Zoom
>gears of war 3 locusts.jpg
Dudebro can't even use his brain for 3 seconds at a time because it already melted from playing too many console games.
>>petty villains that do shit just to fuck with the hero
That's already the meh tier though
Pretty much
What? Their motives aren't a mystery and aren't insane
The biggest piece of shit in fiction.
Yeah, Wind Waker and OoT Ganondorf should be in Great. The problem is that OoT Ganondorf doesn't make this clear in OoT itself. You only learn his motivations in Wind Waker.
Meanwhile, Twilight Princess Ganon is either High or Shit. They attempted to execute him for a crime he hadn't yet committed in their timeline, which is kind of fucked up. But he was just full on evil after the failed execution.
Also, the Darkspawn should be mid, it's just in their nature to murder rape as a horde of monsters. They know nothing else.
Fuck off.
Those games suck dick.
Three year olds could beat them without breaking a sweat. Both games are fucking broken.
Elder God Tier villains according to this list make me drop games/books/whatever because I agree with them more than the hero usually.
That's not a good villain.
AH yes, I forgot the Locust were only in gears of war 3. How foolish of me, I forgot that that in gears 1 you fought the UIR, not the locust. definitely not the locust,
You're a fucking retard.
>hannibal and joker's motives are a mystery
This will never not bother me.
Villains who want more power have a clear motivations so they are better than crazy fucks like the Joker.
>No Gary
Shit thread.
I gain no catharsis from watching the villain lose.
What's the point in that?
I'm a pleb who STILL hasn't watched Hannibal nor Silence of the Lambs, what's his deal.
I know Joker just wants to fuck with Batman. He shut down completely that time when Bruce was """"""dead"""""".
Dude, you're just not intelligent enough to understand it.
This guy gets it.
A good villain is someone you root for, The hero is the one you root against.
Sounds something like leddit would say
>being this plebian
He was just a nut off his meds.
>A good villain is someone you root for
>The hero is the one you root against.
No, it ain't, you retard. What kind of messed up definitions of villain and hero have you been learning?
Eric Sparrow if he was an anime character
What's the point in watching something I root for lose?
If I wanted that I wouldn't be partaking in fiction.
>Was originally stated to not have even been killed, just died of old age
>Compendium retcons this, he died to Uldum's world cleanser
I'm still mad.
is this what people call 10/10 bait?
I always see Mr. Freeze on here. The portrayal of him implied in the list is only featured in 2 episodes of the animated series, then an episode in the new batman adventures that turns him into a shit tier evil because evil retard, then they try to fix it by killing him in Batman Beyond. Then finally a direct to video movie. 4 episodes and a movie.
>its a rogue AI created by aliens drives planets into the sun episode
The concept of good and evil are too simplistic, they are stuff for children. You are a retard.
Hannibal's motivations weren't known, what is known is that he is a cannibal and this comes with layers of psychosis. Any motivations he has listed are simply just there as filler there is no reason for him to not lie after all. It comes with the baggage.
Joker's motivations are simply to fuck with Batman, he's your classic dress up villain, no motivation, all the reasons that are masked with just being insane. You could replace joker with any shit tier villain that acts insane for the sheer factor of it. The thing with Joker is that he is made in a way that even the insane fear him. Which is just about how every villain in his stance is written.
Fucking idiot here that doesn't know a good villain when he sees one.
Does it hurt your brain, retard?
sorry to tell you this user, but we have been waiting around 10 years and we are as far away from that as we can be.
>People these days want 2deep4u "villains"
Might as well quit using the terms hero and villain.
that's Griffith, from the long running and popular manga and anime series, Berserk
Hannibal's got family issues. Had to eat his sister or some shit. Can't remember.
Good movies, though.
Is Wakfu as feels as its cracked up to be or is Sup Forums a bunch of fags?
>I have to emphasize with the villain for him/her to be a respectable villain
No, fuck you. This isn't about you.
All of them, since execution is important for villains to work. I'm tired of games constantly trying to shove in morally grey, 'deep' villains, when sometimes you just need a good jackass villain to get a story going.
I don't even mean good or evil as the way you are defining them.
A well-written villain has ideals that are borderline heroic and are generally for the well-being of their world. What is the point on partaking in something where that force loses?
Seriously though, this. Kreia's lectures always stuck with me.
Probably Junko.
Does it hurt to brain with all of that shit you fill it with thinking "wah!!!! muh sob story iz the reason why I do bad things so I can stop the bad things!' are good villains?
Pic related is elder god tier
>Villains whose motives are hard to find fault in and arguably better than the hero's
this is called bad writing
are you high?
that is actually the point.
the more of a stereotypical evil guy a character is the worse their writing is.
ganondorf is a terrible character with absolutely no substance.
characters with relatable motivations for their evil acts are much higher quality.
i have some feeling you like jrpgs
A lil bitch ass nigga
*well-written according to that list
>wah!!!! muh sob story iz
Holy shit, you really are retarded, huh? No wonder you like those slobbering buffoon villains.
No one is self-consciously evil though. It makes for a bad story unless you're talking about mythology.
What is Griffith's motive that doesn't make him great tier besides "muh dream!"
Thats the point, the concept of hero and villain are too simple, think about something like the crusades, if you live in the western world then Richard Lionheart would probably be the hero and Saladin would be the villain but in reality it wasn't so simple. Fantasy who just says "this guy is the hero because he is handsome and loves kittens and this other guy is the villain because he eats the last slice of pizza without asking" is BORING.
Every single one of those categories has amazing and horrible villains.
This is one of the few good posts in this shit show of a thread. The quality of writing and characterization is what matters. 2deep4u villains can be good and despicable pieces of shit can be good. Both are shit in the hands of a shit writer.
Both of those sound pretty boring tbqh. The best villain is one who is ultimately wrong.
A kind, gentle, loving human being that did nothing wrong but save Midland from destruction.