Fallen Heroes


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no fucking way

genetics is a bitch, but you niggers gotta workout and do exercise and eat better if you wanna remain youthful


Wow, something that happens to almost every man is happening to a man!

>hair thining in the front
>still look ABAP
>numale beta bluepilled cuck taking the picure has pasty skin and looks like he's just about to let Chad fuck his gf




Chad no

You were the chosen one...

When will the pubic hair beard being acceptable in public trend, fade away?

When Trump rounds up all the liberals and has them shot

Still looks very similar to how he used to back in the day. Plenty of guys can't hope to age that gracefully

>yfw most men bald over time

why is this note-worthy? he isn't jfmsu status or anything.

Last I heard, the guy went to a pretty good college and is making bank in business right now. I think he's doing fine.

Who let you out of your containment board

his hairline always looked like that

>25 minutes and practically a dead thread

This board is not abap

He's been balding
Look up pictures of Anthony Pinto

chad daddy would still be baller than OP even without a single hair on his head


>the fuckin wiimote looks like a dildoo




Nigga was probably being serious to be quite honestly honest famerinos.

>phrases like chad daddy and ABAP are 10 years old
>at the time the triple was the worst system but now it is looked back on as the best
>he was right

What would Chad Daddy say now?


Guy on the left is hideous looking


>tfw balding

>tfw balding but shave head and look better than I did with hair

>Anthony Pinto

>chad daddy grew up, established a succesful career, became an actual daddy
>we're still shitposting on Sup Forums

>tfw high hairline
>people always think I'm balding
>dad's got the same shitty hairline and he's still got a full set of hair at 70

It blows.

i remember when he showed up again in 2013. wonder if he'll ever come back.

Who gives a fuck?

Only a cuck would be ashamed about something like that.

>Chad went out and made something of his life
>I'm still on Sup Forums arguing with autistic manchildren 10 years later


i dont think any of that has to do with balding

It's not about feeling shame. It makes you feel pissed off because you lost the genetic lottery and your thick crown of beautiful hair is falling out.

>tfw high hairline AND balding

>Only a cuck would be ashamed about something like that.
Only cucks go bald lmao.

>has a Metroid hanging from his neck

B-but I thought he loathed Nintendo.

>you lost the genetic lottery

You and 2/3rds of other men. Male pattern baldness is very common man, yeah it sucks to have it happen in the prime of your life but it happens to most men by their mid 30's anyway. At least you'll have grown apathetic to it and it won't factor into how you spend your midlife crisis.

>its been nearly 10 years since his videos were first uploaded
Where has the time gone anons?


>You know what the Wii should copy?
>Copy how to get good games
Was this the moment where Nintendo truly was doomed?

why are we still here

whats the point

I remember his woman's face looking like it got smashed repeatedly with a spiked bat

Nintendo switch? more like Nintendo switch that shit off nigga

Chad truly is a prophet

He adopted Samus.

Notice he hasn't said shit about her behind her back.

Getting bald is not losing the genetic lottery, having a badly shaped skull/ugly face is.

I'm not balding, but I shave my head to 0 since I was 20, due to more practical/more hygienic.

I actually started being more popular with women since I shaved than before when I had longish hair.

because there is nowhere to go that is better and the oldfags who didnt come here from reddit/9gag/etc are conditioned to operate in the original Sup Forums environment, where staying on topic is not required, and you can call people a stupid nigger faggot muslim kike.

I know it's common, but that doesn't make me feel better.I don't get off on other people suffering. Not everyone looks good with a shaved head, some people need hair to frame their face. I'm not crying about it, but I'll never be happy or ok with it.

Still doesn't change the fact that you're cucked-out beta numale


That should be on us, not Chad

It's Chad Warden's real name.

If you like being bald, good for you. For most people they would rather not lose their hair. I don't do things for the sake of women, I'm already married. I like having hair because I like my hair, I like having options for hair cuts. Being bald for the rest of your life sounds boring.


i dont see how he is balding,his hairline always look to be above his forehead

As I said, I'm not bald, I shave it.
I find taking care of hair an extra hassle I don't really need, but if you enjoy your haird and getting hairdos and the like, good for you.

>I'm already married. I like having hair because I like my hair, I like having options for hair cuts.

Be careful dude, while you're busy doing your hair, your wife might be taking the schlong of a muscular bald black guy


Why is Chad at MagFest? I thought he gave up on video games when he went to college.


just passing by and posting this masterpiece

>growing a beard means you're a liberal

someone is projecting because they cant grow one



nu-males with beards are some disgusting creatures.


C-Wizzy is a prophet of Sony. He did not abandon us. It was merely a ruse to fool Phil Spencer, the false prophet.

Chad Daddy is still ABAP and spreading the holy word of Sony.

Yes you shave your head... bald, you have a choice. Try and find a shred of empathy and imagine if you didn't have the choice to wear your hair as you wanted it. I know understanding human emotion is difficult for some people on this site.

>your wife might be taking the schlong of a muscular bald black guy
Good thing I'm already all of those things then.

You have choices as a man. You can adjust your hair. Balding isn't a big deal.

>Yes you shave your head... bald, you have a choice. Try and find a shred of empathy and imagine if you didn't have the choice to wear your hair as you wanted it.

I wouldn't mind. Not having hair isn't something that affects you in any way other than aesthetically, only little kids freak out with bald guys, for some reason, hence why Sup Forums is constantly going "Omg bald!", but adult people don't mind, in fact how many famous actors, musicians and especially sportsmen shave their head?

Yeah I can understand how not having an option could suck, but really it's not a big deal, you don't really need your hair for anything.

>a prophet of Sony.

>PS3 failed

>Did better when he went away

A prophet of doom more like it.

King of the Hill featuring Chad Warden:


I love the idea that the song We Fly High just follows him whenever he introduces himself.

The ORIGINAL ruse master, can't believe so many ninteniggers fell for his antics.

>having an issue with insulting islam

halal brother


a moment of silence for Chad Daddy's hair..

>and you can call people a stupid nigger faggot muslim kike.
Barely. I've had posts deleted in /lit/ for calling out Marx as the slimy fucking kike he is.

>more hygienic.
do you have AIDS or something why is your immune system so shitty?

>implying it wasn't just sonyggers actually believing his acts

Actually I remember some people doing "response videos" to him, but it was mostly Xbots, back when Xbots were a thing.

AIDS? what?

It's not hard to understand: less hair, less dead cells hanging from your head, less shit getting stuck in said dead cells = more hygienic.

>tfw chad warden (c-wizzy, chad daddy, big papi) will never make a video about the PS Quadruple in your lifetime
yet another reason I have no will to live.

>tfw lucky enough to have been around for the early days of youtube, notably the console warring parts
>tfw remember clowns like samuel teh geek, zephyrnix, spax, etc.
>tfw remember god tier enterainers like silent rob, elpresador, c-wizzy

Do you also spray everything your house with sanitizer before you touch it?

tryna hold on, ya didn't even know

>tfw 19
>pattern starting to show