Sup Forums pretends to like Doom

>Sup Forums pretends to like Doom
>pic related is basically Doom but with proper aim, more blood and body parts flying all over the place. It's literally what the devs wanted Doom to be but couldn't do it because of tech limitations
>Sup Forums hates it


But user, there are sourceports that do all of that without the shitty weapons and reloading.



>basically Doom but with proper aim
>It's literally what the devs wanted Doom to be but couldn't do it because of tech limitations

nobody hates the mod itself who gives a fuck it's a mod, everyone just hates you ignorant dumbfucks that go around praising it like you are right now

Ok, so you hate it just because other mods are also good? What kind of retarded logic is that?
Not an answer tho.

Because t/v/mblr has a problem with the creator being a shitlord and telling someone to kill themselves, which Anons then pretend they don't post the exact same shit every other day.

How's it going OP?

You can turn off the reloading though.

How the fuck am I praising the game?

I'm just asking why do people on Sup Forums hate it considering it's the same as the base game which they love but with free aim instead of only horizontal, and more blood/dismemberment that wasn't possible before.

So they dislike a mod not because of the mod itself but the creator? What kind of retarded logic is this?

If Pewdipie directed the greatest game ever, a literal 10/10 masterpiece, will Sup Forums dislike it just because it was made by PDP even tho the game is everything they ever wanted?

you are a fucking idiot, also those things are possible because of gzdoom

Nice stale bait, OP.
Tl;dr- there's dozens of other mods that are better than BD and Sgt Mark is a total shitter that can't code for crap.
>It's literally what the devs wanted Doom to be but couldn't do it because of tech limitations
[Citations literally required]
The only good thing from BD is the BDCME add-on, but even then Mark fucked up the feel of some of the tracks like making high-intensity tracks soft and quiet, or vice versa.

It's popular, therefore they can't like it

Why? This isn't CoD

It has completely different dynamic from original - enemies are more lethal, but so are your guns, especially taking the headshots into consideration. You can one-shot revenant tier monsters with the regular shotgun. It's fine if you prefer that, but I don't.

Most of the mods you're thinking of probably came out after BD and had the luxury of having newer ZDoom functions to support their features instead of having to rely on hacky shit

>How the fuck am I praising the game?
With the intense, succulent blowjob you gave the mod in the OP.

>people love vanilla doom
>mod plays differently from the original
>people dont like the mod
>somehow this confuses op

I mean without using the Classic choice when you pick a new game, because I like the new actually useful chaingun.

brutal doom was made to be like cod
doom is doom
and fuck nudoom

>brutal doom was made to be like cod
no, that's Real Weapons Hardcore

>Call of Duty invented aiming and jumping


This was a videogame forum once.

Project Brutality is better.

Prove me wrong

>Most of the mods you're thinking of probably came out after BD and had the luxury of having newer ZDoom functions to support their features instead of having to rely on hacky shit
Are you fucking serious, nigger? Fine, allow me to name a few good mods that came out before BD.
>Project MSX - 2010 (same year as BD)
>Hideous Destructor - 2007
>Psychic - 2009
>Special mentions to Real Guns Hardcore - 2011
And then you've got ones like DemonSteele, Samsara, DoomRL Arsenal, Russian Overkill, and many others. Hell, some people even like BDSE more than BD itself, and that's a spin-off mod of it.
Want gore? Ketchup mod. Want realistic modern shooting? Hideous Destructor. Want the Call of Duty audience? Real Guns Hardcore. Want modern/futuristic shooting with powerful guns and enemies? Project MSX. Want to play as fucking Samus? Metroid Dreadnought. There's plenty of mods out there that are better than BD, regardless of when they were made, and BD doesn't even have solid coding despite the advantages to using (G)ZDoom. Have you seen the way the headshot system is constructed? It's retarded.
BD is basically the gateway drug of Doom mods; it's widely known, easily accessible, and everyone wants to try it out, but the difference is made in whether or not someone tries it and only plays it, becoming an annoying fanboy for it, or if they move on to try out other mods and develop some new tastes and try new things out.
Now shut the fuck up, retard.

Yet Mark is still technically incompetent if BD64 and the 0.l debacle is anything to go by

Smooth Doom is the only mod you will ever need.

The mods an obnoxious messy piece of shit. Every gun sounds like its clipping the speakers, the gore effects look like utter trash and do not fit with the style of anything else in the game, the constant screenshake is beyond obnoxious, some enemy attack hitboxes are janky, monsters not dying randomly is idiotic, headshots trivialize a lot of the enemies and other small annoyances all over the place in addition to a huge list of useless features, lack of customization and an awful fanbase. Its fun for a bit but I would rather just load up SmoothDoom, some nice challenging wads and maybe enable fast monsters to get the gore and fast pace without any of the other shit.

>no mention of Guncaster anywhere

There's three kinds of people who dislike BD:

1 - the ones who don't like it, they prefer other mods or just the original and move on

2 - the butthurt contrarians who keep shitting on it for the most dumbfuck reasons such as toggleable taunts and some internet drama that happened between the mod developer and other asshats years ago

3 - the /vr/ faggots who mass report you just for mentioning BD in their sekret clubz doom threads

If you're not the first one you're a cancer to the doom and modding communities.

People still go on /vr/?

I thought that boring board was empty by now.


I've played all of those mods (except the Metroid thing) and many more and they're all very different from BD. None of the mods you cited have a headshot or location based gore system. I don't know why you're all hopping mad and quick to accuse anyone who says something even neutral about BD like I just did to be someone who hasn't played any other Doom mod in his life. I haven't even played BD in years.

I can understand if people complained about the BD dev's unwillingness to refactor his code to use newer ZDoom functions, but no, it's just endless smug bitching with you guys and since BD is no longer being developed (I think) you've gotten to the point where you have to take out your vindictiveness for the mod and its developer on anyone that says anything about it.

>becoming an annoying fanboy for it

Now that's some smug bigotry.

It's not the mod itself, more like every wad has to be compatible with the damn thing, meaning you have to work out his Spaghetti code.

It fucks up the game's pacing to the point that most maps aren't playable with it. You basically can't fight more than three things at a time with BD running.

>also those things are possible because of gzdoom
Literally, so what?
Any change, no matter what it is is bad? Are you bitching about GTA going from top down view to third person?
You know, you can appreciate something without prefering it to another. Why does it have to be EITHER Doom OR BD?

>you can appreciate something without prefering it to another
Um, what?
>Why does it have to be EITHER Doom OR BD?
I don't know, why do BD fans make outrageous statements like "BD is the way Doom should be played" or "BD is what Doom developers would do if they had the technology"?

BD is not bad, in fact it's damn good but I find myself going back to the vanilla after a while.
Nothing bad with the excessive blood, swearing and all the other stuff it has but if you want to play the true enhanced Doom experience play Smooth Doom.

Why do all that when you can lewd the demons in HDoom?

>It's literally what the devs wanted Doom to be
>Why does it have to be EITHER Doom OR BD?
Entirely tone deaf here.

But to seriously answer that question (even though it doesn't deserve it), you can only physically play the game one way at a time. By virtue of having more than one option, preferences will be made. People think BD is shit by comparison because they feel as though they have better choices when it comes to playing DOOM. That's really it.

name one game Sup Forums likes

>Um, what?
If thing A is good, but thing B is better, that doesn't mean A becomes bad. Both things are good. On Sup Forums it's like only one thing can be good.

>I don't know, why do BD fans make outrageous statements like "BD is the way Doom should be played"
Who the fuck said that? Doom should be played like Doom. BD, just like every mod ever made is just a mod, a new approach to the game that doesn't replace the original.

>BD is what Doom developers would do if they had the technology
Well kinda. There was no aiming because of the tech. There was less blood and splashes on the wall because of the tech.

There any Doom mods out there that let me be a level 250 psi monk with cyberlegs that let me fly through the air?

I know there were some videos on youtube of some EYE weapons but I'm not sure if those were ever released.

some vn shit like steins gate

>If thing A is good, but thing B is better
This means that you prefer thing B to thing A. That's what having a preference literally means.
>Who the fuck said that?
Plenty of people do.
>Well kinda.
You might have a point with aiming, which isn't actually a BD feature but a (G)ZDoom feature, but over-the-top gore that covers switches and everything? Finishing moves? Enemies not dying and just screaming there loud as fuck, blocking your shots? Screwed up balance?

>>you can appreciate something without prefering it to another
>Um, what?

Jesus fucking christ

brutal doom doesn't drastically change the gameplay, so there's nothing wrong with it

and I can't imagine what it's like to experience doom for the first time now

it was actually cutting edge shit when it came out, too realistic to be believed almost, and was part of the reason why I rolled my eyes at people who liked (the greatly inferior) goldeneye

You have to know that the average Doom player doesn't actually want to play an FPS game, because having to do shit like aim is too much work, they just want a first person version of those facebook clicker games, so as soon as you do anything to make the game less shit they will complain. It's the main reason they still played Doom in the late 90s instead of moving on to proper FPS games like Quake.

I wasn't aware the doombabby /vr/ shitposter ventured this far away from his home

I dont understand this post, the quake rocket launcher (and lightning, and nailgun) was so easy to hit things with that it had to be heavily nerfed in future versions

it didn't even do full damage to the player, you could fire right on top of a monster or enemy player and you would only take 60 damage, so it was much simpler and scrubbier than doom

aiming with doom's plasma gun and rockets was slightly challenging in doom by comparison, and even the SSG required a good setup to be a one shot kill

You should honestly kill yourself.

The new guns from nudoom can be turned off by picking classic weapons. And the chaingun DOES NOT changes in classic. The chaingun has been in BD since it's launch, you still get the assault rifle instead of the pistol in classic mode.