Ed Edd n Eddy MMO general thread

Ed Edd n Eddy MMO general thread

Remember when someone modded Double D's hat off and a screamer would play?

Hell yeah I remember that, fuck that asshole.

Personally, I think it was funny. I mean, if it doesn't affect gameplay who's getting hurt? No one. Seriously, the devs have done worse shit to this game.

you realize these threads are being deleted for a reason, right?

hahahahaHAHAHAHA you're so FUCKING funny dude wow nice one you really made a great post about VIDEO GAMES because this is a VIDEO GAMES board dude fucking read the top of your browser it even says Sup Forums - video games follow the fucking rules next time or i'll report you to moderators

I remember those pieces of shit that would get little kids to try it.

>Trying to act tough on a coca cola drinking Muricans church meeting board
Reevaluate your life.

I remember when the Lackadaisycathro Disease corrupted blood plague was a thing, every player caught it including me.

Remember when this raid was easy before they nerfed rolf

Friendly reminder that Rolf players are faggots who should be hardware banned.

Fuck you, i bet your a johnny cuckboy main

Anyone got lewds?
Also when is that new year's update supposed to happen?

t. butthurt Jimmyfag.

I love getting hatemail whenever I nail you twinks with the hat of discipline.

No idea but I heard they're buffing Plank again.

Can anyone help me with the kanker sisters. Just can't get past the 2nd transformation.
Playing butter toast aura ed

>Buffing Plank

Seriously?! Plank is already OP as fuck, why does he need ANOTHER buff?

Epic, remember when everybody knows the game doesn't exist so the original reason for these threads is lost and they are now full of retards circlejerking about le Sup Forums maymays.

How about King of the Hill online, that totally exist too.

Kevin's baseform starts are retardedly high
6281 ATK
7638 HP
4798 DEF

Butthurt reddiotr.

Did you eat any matresses before the fight? Don't do that, the STR and END buffs aren't worth the SPD and DEX debuffs. It fucks you over in the fight.

Spotted the newfags.

Seriously, He's just mad because He was never invited.

Man, I can't wait until Winter Break is over

Someone didn't get the beta key.

These threads are fun but only every once in a while. You idiots are overdoing it yet again. Give it a few months.

So, which Double D spec is better? Lizardman or 88 Fingers?

FFFFFFffffffuuuucckkk! I remember that hammer smash super was the shit! But now It can't even take down 6 or 7 people. It use to take almost 15- 17 mobs, even the though ones. And using that on bosses was pretty useful, but just mainly clearing out the trash mobs to focus on the first RB.

Tier list from last thread.
What are your opinions?

>yfw this cartoon was produced in Canada of all places, the home of shitty soulless flash cartoons

Knew a guy who just took trips and trips in this again and again until he maxed out his Double D. I don't think he got much sleep but needless to say he's never used microtransactions for jawbreakers.

>Thinking character choice matters in this game

The only character who significantly differs in playstyle/potential is Nazz, and you need a fucking fibre optic connection to make her worth it. Everything else is gear and consumables, anyone here complaining about buffs/nerfs literally just needs to grind out their kit and getgud.

>Ohhh, I can't outheal Farmfresh Rolf as Marie without 99 x Chocolate Milk.

Then get the fucking Chocolate Milk, FF Rolf literally takes 300 hours to gear right in the first place, stop complaining when someone who knows what they are doing takes your raid spot.

Oh god don't bring up that shit. I bought 100 grab bags and the only decent item I got was kevins bike mount.

What was Dad's stats?

>99 Chocolate Milk
>Instead of Kanker Secret Sauce

well there's your problem.

You can use both, dick fuck, they don't share a cooldown if you've used your Super Jawbreaker for the day.

>B-b-but i don't want to spend money

Go play on Nost then, chink.

I have main'd Plank for like 5 years now, yes he's OP now but you assholes don't know the suffering of being a Plank player in 1.1. So maybe keep your yaps shut (talking about you Edd's) for a couple of weeks and let me enjoy my build for once?

>Eddy's brother
>D tier
Shitter spotted

>buy a grab bag
>Was hoping for Kanker burger secret recipe add on (May main)
>End up getting the shitty Valentine's day broken tennis racket that cuts her speed and pick Pocket skill by 10%
Fuck off

>telling Johnny bedtime stories raid
Goddamn I don't even
Is this one of those unbeatable on purpose things? Because I don't know how am I supposed to even damage the 3-headed Kanker giant.

Sarah was so good, but everyone caught onto her shit and in pvp they just keep ganking Jimmy.

At least she's still good in pve... r-right guys?

>Game Devs
>Thinking that a class based on another class is good


Is Rolf or Ed better for tanking right now? I know the new patch nerfed some of Opera Rolf's damage mitigation but can he still hold aggro better than Rock-In-Shoe Ed?

>Using Chocolate Milk AND Kanker Secret Sauce instead of using Kanker Secret Sauce and Crankshaft No.5

Same output, but Crankshaft lasts way longer than Chocolate Milk.

There's a spot in the game where you have to equip the Kanker poison bow and arrow and hit them in the back of the knee

>implying Plank players had it bad in 1.1
>implying you didn't chuckle your socks off with those disgusting pre-nerf party buffs when you party with a non-Melonhead Johnny

us Double D mains were the ones who really suffered in 1.1, you faggot, i remember when you had to play 88 fingers edward spec or it was literally impossible to fucking level

thank god for the School expansion

Was Sarah going from S to F rank the worst nerf in the history of games?

You get locked out if you don't do certain things earlier in the raid.

If Johnny is still mad at you when you start the fight, you're fucked and you have to start the whole raid over. If you're stuck try finishing the earlier waves faster or just pay for Jawbreakers to grab all the secret keys in time.