Ed Edd n Eddy MMO

Ed Edd n Eddy MMO general thread

Most accurate tier list
Prove me wrong

>Eddy said this game is a ripoff, it's all a big scam

Why didn't you listen to Ed, dorks?

That tier list is misleading, you need to post the individual builds. You can't put Eddy in the top tier when its only the Baron O'Beefdip CC build that's broken.

Because you aren't forced to buy the in game currency

who /waltersobchackconstructionworker/ here?

Super Jawbreakers remove universal action cooldowns, Premiums remove raid timers. What fucking else do you need to know this is pay to win?

That's all that's ever used though. You don't run Eddy otherwise.

Eddy is and always will be intended to be a DPS character. Baronbuild was only, ONLY added because of the Junkyard raid requiring elemental damage rather than pure neutral/physical. That's also the last time a Sarah dps build was useful.

So no, you're not on the up and up, expect major nerfs soon and you'll have to go back to chugging Kanker Special Sauce like the rest of us.

post best alts

>Using skinmods

Enjoy your ban when that hair glitches out and starts letting you see through walls.

>Not doing your paper route dailies.

Enjoy being locked out when Gravy prices go back up again, you'll wish you had the extra quarters.

>Ed Spams Pebble in shoe with Canadian Squirt gun+Ukranian Jawbreaker
>Can't be stunned for the duration and the CSG/Jawbreaker adds a fuck ton of DPS

I know the devs said they don't focus on pvp but this is honestly fucking ridiculous..

Just counter with Johnny you dumb faggot.

How else are you going to DPS as Ed, he's a pure tank otherwise. Do you want more monobuilds?

Remember when Plank was ONLY support/heals with the Growth build? Do you remember the constant bitching?

I'll ask again. What gear should I use for an Edzille Ed build?

>Eddy's Brother
>E tier
>Not 3 tiers above S


>lose at sub 1100 ranking as Plank

Is he shit at pvp or am I just bad?

Rolf is SS-tier without a doubt.
>Almighty Three Shoe Beating
>That's My Horse
>Life Has Many Doors
>Hat of Discipline
He can fill every single role with ease and do better than any specialist.

Ed Edd n Eddy MMO is for filthy muggles that never got invited to Harry Potter Online.

You don't, its not something you can focus an entire build on. It locks out all of Ed's other skills which only seems useful around the level when you unlock it. Once you gain another 10-12 levels you'll need all of his clickable damage reductions. It's a meme build, that's why there are so many OMG SOLO RAIDZILLA videos out there.

If you're insistent on it, you can get the Plank Splinter for rage building and a couple of decent items from the toy store. Anything with skill-based downsides will probably help, but there isn't a full gear selection for building around the one ability.

The knockback is still fun to mess around with, Ed has nothing else that knocks that far.

Because he's a raid boss from 4 Expansions ago, you can level him but he doesn't benefit from sockets or team buffs. His top end stats are worse than everyone else late game, even Sarah. Half of Sarah's abilities simply don't work.

Both. Plank can only play support in PVP without bleeding edge PVE gear for the movement speed buffs.

>tfw rolled Double D and can't solo the trailer park for my Bob bath robe

This game is so unbalanced.

>all the Eds
It's like you didn't even play the game.

>Half of Sarah's abilities simply don't work.

This nigga gets it. I pretty much just write off Sarah players as newbies since she's so unplayably broken at this point. And even if she wasn't, a properly played Professor Scam Eddy can do everything Sarah can but better.

The devs obviously prefer the Eds since they never get nerfed. Hell, they even get all of the best items (Not including Rolf) There are some rumors of them finally getting nerfed

I keep saying this, but people keep insisting infinite-stacking post-it note buffs on Double D makes him top tier.

>Hue hue he can one shot Three-Headed Rolf

Ya, if you don't fucking move and have an entire group covering for you, otherwise good luck not getting sent to another dimension fuck boi.

>have a +12 jawbreaker and the cologne buff as eddy
>kevinbabs still try to gank me at the culdesac

Kevin mains lmao. When will they learn?

>that Stump reference in Plank's questline

Angry Beavers crossover when?

Are the servers down? I can log in and spawn into the trailer park but I'm seeing literally NO players and I can't talk to any of the sister trainers. I just click on them and nothing. I can't type anything into chat either.

>The knockback is still fun to mess around with, Ed has nothing else that knocks that far.

Boy that is WHY you do the build. With the proper gear you can knock shit back far enough that by the time the gap is closed you can just knock them back again. Kind of shitty against long-range things, but melee classes can't do shit against it.

Use one of your character slots to make a new character, spawn in, log out, log back in, and then select your old character again. This should fix the glitch.

Every end-game raid boss three or four shots you, you're slower than balls, and you get stun locked by literally every Johnny and Bike Kevin in ranked arenas. He's useless.

You can just hang around by the creek and roar-fear randos into it, but you can't loot any of their gear and you don't get Kanker favor for it.

I filled all my slots a couple nights ago testing Jimmy builds. Am I fucked until the 72 hour timer is up or is there something else I can do?

I'm rolling Jimmy and speccing mischievous, but I need an Eddy to mentor me in scam arts. Can anyone help me out? Paying 3 quarters. And no, not speccing friendship, so don't even suggest it.

Yeah but it's fucking hilarious, and is that not reason enough?

An NPC behind the school will teach you, its more expensive but you run no risk of getting scammed yourself.

Are all your save files stuck in that state? If so, you'll have to delete one.

WHY DO YOU NEED GEAR THEN?!? Just make sure you're hitting your Super/Premium JB cooldowns and you run like no risk of dying.

How do I pass the "That's my Horse" event as Jimmy?

Because if you're not going to shitpost in an MMO the best you can, why shitpost at fucking all. And 1v1 PVP is the true endgame and that's where the gear comes in. I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree .

>tfw can no longer scam jimmy retards as eddy and make mad quarters

Fuck the school expansion and fuck the casuals that cried for it. Food fights at the cafeteria aren't even that fun anymore.

Is, is this a real MMO?

You're literally just memeing. 1v1 end-game pebble-in-shoe Ed will kill anyone more consistently than Edzilla, it's just not viable.

You can play but you can't win unless you're on a quest as Ed or Rolf, it's how you learn the move in the first place.

Need a geared ed player on EU to recapture the retro van. Up against a kanker party, we're a max lvl eddy, and a double d with a +13 yo-yo.

>Jimmy that low
>Double D that high
>when Jimmy has a 9-1 matchup to Double D


Alright, here's a guide for anyone trying to get into the attic at Double D's house. I keep hearing rumors that its a secret Admin room, but its not, it's just part of the class quest when you hit level 45.

First, be Double D, this is the only way to get into the attic.

Finish the class quest as normal.

PICK UP THE SCISSORS. I know everyone has told you you can't drop them and they just waste space, but there's a reason.

You need to use the scissors on the comic book collection. If you can't it's because you didn't get high enough on your last report card (there's actually a post it note in the room saying no comics until your grades get better, its just not next to the shelf).

If you need to, redo the exam event at the school, don't just rush through it for the buff, you need to get atleast a 98 on it (look up answers online, don't waste time remembering them yourself).

Now you should be able to use the scissors on the comic book shelf, wallah, no more bound scissors, and you have an X-Ray goggle coupon.

You need a whole dollar bill to mail in for the goggles. If you used up all the ones you got as quest rewards, you can play the Penny fishing minigame or just score the highest in a game of Kick-the-can, you have about a 1/32 chance of a dollar dropping.

Use X ray goggles on attic door (which is now s electable).

Enjoy a shitty tye-dyed t shirt drop that you could have also gotten from the garage sale.

But hey, no more scissors, right?

NA? Meet me at the pond in Ed's back yard pussy, you wont. I'll show you a 9-1 matchup.

>bragging about a high matchup against a character whose only viable builds are support

Oh dear.




>playing tenderizer

No one cares about your meme game. Go buy more Playstation network time, faggot.

>about to win at hide and seek
>finally manage to get to the metal bush
>one other faggot manages to get in at the last second
>give me 3 jaw breakers or else
>pops all the soda cans

Why do people do this? Fuck off.


:D I LOOOOOVe the new Chicken spells ;D

Edd was pretty B-tier for a while, but the recent patch helped him a lot. Not to mention with the Eds having a bonus when all three are in a group, you'd be an idiot to have at least one of each in raids.

The real issue is they buffed Nazz so that the waifufags would stop crying.


Your shit posting is actual somewhat clever, keep going. How many sickening food webms do you actually have?

:P THAnks i Love the new expanison for GRKNO:TCWJE :D

I have ALL the new expansion features :D

*not to have one of each

Angry kevin main detected.

:D *Cheese Knife Attack*'s you


Kevin Main i get it LOL cause the game doesnt exist and hes the antagonist :))))) Funny guy :D

Haha I love the class of "Butcher"" in "GRKMP:TCWJE" game :D

Ignore him. Angry gook is mad that the game isn't available in China. Go play The Jimmy Neutron MMO, faggot.


*Crafts pie powerup*

The fucking balance in that game was ruined once they brought in the cheese ray.