He doesn't have a PS4

>he doesn't have a PS4

Other urls found in this thread:


but i do

Why would I, though?

I have two

I got a pro for christmas

pretty nice desu

bought an og ps4 for $200

it's pretty good senpai

You're right, I just like to buy PS4 games to make Sup Forums mad.

desu, paid online is the only thing keeping me from buying it

Why does nobody ever makes these threads but for the Xbox One?

>Wanting a garbage tin can bloodborne machine. Please, I have some self-respect

literally no games

>buying a hard copy of any game in the digital age
Good luck when you're wanting to play that bitch 20 years later and can't find the disk cause you were a lazy cunt and didn't put it back in the box.

Do you guys think there's a chance Horizon and Last of Us: Motorcycle Diaries will be good?

So what happens to the games you delete to make space on your console and 20 years later they shut down the online? Lose your money forever?

>hey guys, why aren't you eating shit?

Horizon will be good

INB4 no one cares man pic.

I have a PS4 and it's legit going to be considered the 8th get winner by a country mile with da best gaymes.

exclusives, redditor

Horizon will probably be a 5/10 and Last of Us: Sons of Anarchy Edition will probably be a 7/10 depending on how it actually handles.

Horizon is one of my most anticipated games

>f-fuck off R-reddit!
Name your exclusives.

>owning ONE platform

Everything in OP's pic

>I just like to buy PS4 games to make Sup Forums mad.
I know that feel. I still should have waited until Christmas. The 2016 laughingstocks eventually hit $9.99 on Best Buy.

Is Builders any good?

I only played DQVIII and don't know where to jump back into the series. I've been told "VIII is the exception, not the rule."

I don't get why sonyggers are hyping spiderman, you literally don't know shit about it outside of the brand. An since it's capeshit it literally can't be good.

can i borrow some games bro?

>platformer for toddler
>literally the capeshit character #1 in todder toys sales
>soul rehash
>walking sim at 10 fps
>movie with "press X to end game cinematic" """gameplay"""
>a vita port
>a ps3 jrpg
wew lad

>you literally don't know shit about it outside of the brand.


Spiderman is notorious with boring skateboarding tricks.

>vita port

Gravity rush 2 isn't a vita port

Weren't all those games considered terrible though? Besides Bloodborne, of course.
I'm not into weeb games so that doesn't help either.
The techno-prehistoric game who's name I forgot looks interesting but it seems like it'll be yet another survival game among thousands.
I liked ICO and SOTC, so the Last Guardian could be great but people complain about framerate issues. But even ignoring that 1 game is not enough for me to buy a console.

I consider myself a "collector" in the sense that I buy physical copies of games that I am interested. As a result, I've amassed a rather sizable collection of games that is well above the average, casual gamer's library, but slightly smaller than a hardcore collector's library.

I am not attacking your tastes here, but do you play each and every one of those games? I consider stuff like Lichdom, Evolve, Duck Dynasty, and MLB to be "bin garbage" that I probabaly wouldn't buy unless it was like $1.

Also, if you've played Odin Sphere, did you enjoy it? I played the original PS2 one and I've been eyeing it as one of my next purchases.

Uncharted 4
Ratchet and Clank
The Last Guardian
I could go on, but I'm sure I'm wasting my breath against a drakeposting redditor. Kill yourself, really.

Yes, but just pick up DQIV-IX. Builders is just a great game, but really doesn't do anything to get you into the main games.

All the games are self contained with IV-VI having nothing more than a place with the same name and VI referencing IV with no impact on plot or anything.

I have a PS4 and it's really nothing to be a huge faggot about.
Why is it that you don't see other console users acting like this?
Why is it that sony has such a (I hate using this word) toxic fanbase?
What do they have that attracts these spergs?
Some suspect the nogaems meme destroyed their mind and they all went insane, which honestly doesn't seem too far fetched.

>sports games
>call of duty
well you did your job

Odin Sphere is great and worth the pickup.

i'm really hoping that Horizon is going to be good. I want to hunt large beasts with a recurve bow, that's it

>Weren't all those games considered terrible though

No, only TLG was shitted on for its performance

Good thing I'm not a lazy cunt and take care of my games then.

On the internet people exaggerate and take the piss out of things.
Especially on Sup Forums.

Here's a helpful tip: Form your own opinions by doing your own research and testing.

I mean this in the most sincere way possible. If you only want to get others opinions on something it most likely means that you are not fully invested in it yourself.

Another tip is a personal rule I follow: "Never buy a console unless you can name 5 games that you would play for it."

If you are on the fence about purchasing a console, and, after having looked into exclusives or multiplats that you have not purchased, decide that you personally do not find them interesting enough or do not feel hyped enough about them, then just move on and reevaluate it later.

Dark Souls is better
rest is outside of my interest

So again, why would I need another dust-catcher and support shitty marketing practices like exclusivity?

>do you play each and every one of those games?
I definitely try. It's pretty wild going from a game like The Technomancer to Final Fantasy XV, but it's fun.

>sugests a SJW-filled game like Uncharted 4
>complains about Reddit
You're what's wrong with the site.

I wouldn't count too much on "the thrill of the hunt" to sell the game, all trailers show really short game segment with a list of objective, so far I'm expecting a story driven, mission based game full of invisible walls and empty space were the script ain't supposed to happen.

The master cuck crowd started this shit and literally no other console is worth owning.

Oh, don't worry. I would never buy a PS4, not at its current state at least. There isn't a single exclusive I'm interested to play, and that's okay I guess.
I use the 5 games rule myself too. Thanks for not being a faggot.

>It's mr internet and his kid Sup Forums faut!
Stop that shillary mentality, retard. sites aren't people. You being angry at other's opinions don't make them wrong nor "loud minority".
Your mom lied, you aren't special nor important.

all right this thread was dead from the start


I got a PS4 a while ago. What can I get for it other than BB? I'm not interested in uncharted or the last guardian. I was thinking about getting RE4 but it'll probably be cheaper on my PC.

let's do this

well shit drizzy, I shoulda opted for a mount and blade and toaster tier indie box or the childern's console