Berseria is actually good. What is the future of this franchise?

The more mature aesthetics, story, and characters really elevated this series.
Will they continue with the edge?
Or will the go back to baba's moe moe kyu kyu daijobu bullshit?
Why is Baba so shit anyway?

During the hype it was OMG AMAZING
Its good to say the least
Unfortunately the japs thought the story was depressing as shit so no more edge or sad Tales

your joking right?
why can't they handle anything other than the power of friendship? fucking hell, the darkness was a nice change

It;s terrible. Even Famitsu gave the game a lower score because of it.
It was actually good to boot.

Japs panned the game because of its relationship to Zestiria more than anything.

Next Tales Of will be Graces 2, with extra mamoru

That mostly reflected in the sales which lowered dramatically but picked up as weeks when on

What is that outfit, any game that needs to resort to fanservice pandering is an instant turn off

I actually liked Graces combat despite having crap ideas like Iron Stance and not being to combo artes well
They will need to make it better while avoiding another Zestiria

Would have been much better were it not a prequel. A lot better.

She's a pirate wearing clothing deteriorated by seawater.

It's a good thing this game hasn't resorted to fanservice pandering, then.

japan doesn't know whats good for them. zesty was shit yeah, but berseria is great. god forbid anything ever changes over there. they won't even let dragon quest get a new battle system despite it being archaic and boring as fuck because if "muh traditions"

guess next Tales protagonist will be another 15 year old boy from a quiet grassy village with a love interest medic childhood friend who stumble across a magical loli and have to fight a god to save the world... again

I would call DQ archaic
Why change that isn't broken?
It's the last traditional jrpg on the market at least in gameplay

Who is you're favorite tales villain

Which game is bottom guy(?) from?


If Tales games are allowed to be great, I need Vesperia 2 quick in case they drop off in quality again.


>The more mature aesthetics, story, and characters really elevated this series.
Too bad western politically correct world censored it

I'd have to give it up for Dhaos.

lads what do you think of the 3DS version of Abyss?

I'd buy in all honesty.

I pirated it but never played it. I saw a video comparing load times and 3ds was WAY faster. So I think putting up with jaggies will be worth it for that. Abyss load times were rather bad.

Can someone realtalk me on what Tales game is actually not trash.

Loved Phantasia but the story was really not there at all.

What's the best thing for me to get a proper taste for the series?

-Loads faster

-No multiplayer

Pretty much all of them pre-Xillia. Destiny PS1 is redundant though.

Which one hands down has the strongest story?


what about gameplaywise and the battle system?

That's convienant. Thanks user, will load it up on the 3ds.

Literally the same.

They didn't actually change ANYTHING.

I have played Graces F and both Xillia and I enjoyed both, I enjoyed the battles, but well maybe i have lower standards than the average Sup Forums user

They did. 3DS version is 30FPS in battles and it follows different sidequest guidelines from the PS2 version.

The best Tales game is Star Ocean 2

no loli no buy

They just pretty much removed side-quest cut-offs, made it widescreen, and fixed bugs.

So how did an ugly, outsourced piece of shit like Hearts R end up having the best gameplay in the series?

It didn't, that's how.

Innocence R is better.

Kor is an insufferable little bitch

Convince me to get this. Only Tales game I ever played was Symphonia about 10 years ago.


looks like a girl anyway


>removed side-quest cut-offs
What? No they didn't, some of them are still retardedly obscure and impossible to do without a guide.


Van seriously made me go from "holy shit dude why are you doing this to me" through "I wish I could fuck you up right now" to "It didn't have to end like this"

>You will never again get to play abyss for the first time

Either Dhaos or Mithos