Overwatch babies get bootyblasted from 'gg ez'

>Overwatch babies get bootyblasted from 'gg ez'
What an age we live in

1 (one) post by this ID

>making a thread for 3 month old news that everyone has discussed to death.

The best part? People just type "gg easy" now.

>change it to a fun word filter
>bantzfags get so fannyflustered they cry censorship and petitions and boycotts while insisting they're not mad

>Blizzard's attempt at humor being fun in any way

>fun filter

Really dude? Fucking hell you overwatch drones will actually defend anything, seen some dude in a thread last night talking about how loot boxes should cost more cos it would encourage blizzard to make more skins


>fun word filter
Yeah, maybe if you're 12.
Oh wait.

>he doesn't bm spray in his potgs

There's nothing Blizzard can do to censor that.

>Hear about this
>Think it's a joke
>It actually isn't
What a time to be alive indeed

Maybe but I'm not the one who throws a hissy fit when someone on the other team tells you how easy it was

Are you that mad that you cannot type your spicy meme of "gg ez"? Really now?

>It's not funny, ggez was the height of witty bantz fuck u blizzard ;_;


you can still ggez in a myriad of ways and sometimes the filter doesn't even work

>oh noes, now I cannot be funny online le epiXXX tr0ll??????? fucking censoring my right to speak, I FEEL OFFENDED AND OPPRESSED AGAIN BY THE WHITE MAN!!!

>trying this hard

The reason why I would play any game professionaly such as cs or dota is to to trash talk people. The fact blizzard are censoring trash talk makes me thinknow that in competitive overwatch tournaments they probably also give everyone a runners up prize and a big hug


>ggez was the height of witty bantz
I didn't say that, though.

trying what hard?

"Wishing you all the best."
"Well played, I salute you all."
"For glory and honor! Huzzah comrades!"
"It was an honor to play with you all. Thank you."
"Great game, everyone!
"I feel very, very small... someone please hold me..."
"I'm wrestling with some insecurity issues in my life but thank you all for playing with me."
"Good game! Best of luck to you all!"
"C'mon, Mom! One more game before you tuck me in. Oops mistell."
"Gee whiz! That was fun. Good playing."
"Ah shucks... you guys are the best!"
"I'm trying to be a nicer person. It's hard, but I am trying, guys."
"Mommy says people my age shouldn't suck their thumbs."
"I could really use a hug right now."

>mfw low energy banzfags get upset
>mfw soft cunts get even more upset by "gg too easy"

Anyone getting upset about """"""(((toxic)))"""""" behavior in competitive gaming shouldn't be playing competitive games. If your speshuw snowfwake feewings get hurt because someone trash talked you in a fucking video game you should just stop fucking playing that game, not try to ruin the fun for everyone else by getting mean words censored.

This, I spray "tea bag" and start teabagging right after I drop a nice Death Blossom, salty faggots get so mad.

M-M-M-muh BM...m-m-muh toxic players....

Blizzard games have the worst communities so Blizzard devs have to address it.

>The reason why I would play any game professionaly such as cs or dota is to to trash talk people.

Oh shit guys, we got a professional troll here. Careful not to cut on his edge, it's very pointy this time of year when mommy and daddy don't give him presents

You can still trashtalk, I do it. Only now you can't kneejerk at the end of every match with a phrase you can barely call "banter".

>The best part? People just type "gg easy" now.
I play every day and I've literally never seen somebody say "gg easy". They'll find other ways to, sure, but that specific way definitely isn't common.

You don' even need to bypass the filter though, the phrases have basically just taken the place of the term. If you see one of them, you know exactly what that person is trying to say. Doesn't reduce the BM at all.

I still see people get mad/upset over the word filters.

If people on your team, even two of you, spam "gg ez" you can get about 10 filter messages out in like 2seconds. People still get mad over it, not as much as a real gg ez, but still.

There is no winning. These people are whiny faggots who have their "feelings" hurt. Soon they will clamor to have the entire voice/text removed from the game because their hugbox isn't protecting them.

I do potg sprays but I never mean it as BM, and I've never experienced somebody taking it that way. Are you sure you're upsetting anybody?

>someone on my team types "ez"
>reply with "dont be rude"
>they shut up
every time


literally fucking no one even asked for a gg ez filter
you're worse than gamergaters playing the victim card all the time

>avoid saying "ez" so as to not get banned
>quickly type out "lmao you faggots fucking sucked, delete this game" instead
>still get banned

No pleasing some people.

Gg ez

Are you like this with (((real people))) too?

You faggots are edgier than Reaper


Except it did happen, you dumb cunt. People on reddit/etc complained about people saying "gg ez" or other things to upset them in game after they lost the match quickly. "gg ez" being the leader in terms of words they got upset about.

They claimed it was "unsportsmanlike" and other bullshit like that. All they did was whine and say that made their experience less fun overall because they couldn't handle some words being said at them.

Kill yourself.

>half of the word filters have something to do with mommy tucking you in at night

What is with the overwatch community's weird obsession with parental issues?
>all those fucking pics online of all the heroes as baby's and soldier 76 tucking them in


What's with people who do the word filter on games they lose? I don't get that. Also people who say "ez" when the game reached the last point and went into overtime, what do you mean by that?

>gg ez gets censored
>people type in gg2easy4me and ggezpztittiesqueezy now
>rage twice more produced

kek, what has Blizzard done

I'm so glad I'm not you.

>both teams are an even match
>it's a really close call that the other team wins
>someone from them says gg ez
I actually find that funny. He's trying to stir shit up even though they didn't even play it good. I find it even more funny when someone on my team gets all bootyflustered about it. I mean, nigger, it's just a monitor, lol, just, like, walk away from it.

On the other hand when my team gets completely obliterated and someone else says gg ez, well, the ez part is true when my team was acting full retard nonstop, but I find it sad that the gg ez guy thought it was an actual good game. I don't enjoy steamrolling enemies, tnat's a bad and bpting game, I want some fucking tension. Best games are those won by a hairs thread.

any evidence to support that claim, bud?

who the fuck even cares if they did, is this really what matters to you? is this your great struggle, is this your world war, is this your life?
get a grip

You have to go back

>literally fucking no one even asked for a gg ez filter

It doesn't exactly matter. Which is the entire point. Who the fuck gets so mad at someone typing "gg ez" in a video game that they need to complain online to the company until it's changed?

If a person is getting mad at phrases being said to them to imply they're bad at games, so mad at they petition to get it changed, they have larger problems in life than "gg ez". At that point, they should definitely just stop playing games altogether.

it is poor sportsmanship though

play league or dota if it's that important to you

>I play autism

Fuck off,

dota isn't autism kiddo
it's one of the only games that take incredible mental discipline - something you'll never acquire

>poor sportsmanship in a fucking video game
End your life

I guess it's different because the game is on a computer
makes sense

This, it's poor sportsmanship, but it's hilarious to see how people react to it.

normies faggots discover multiplayer community gaming moba fps in 2016

This isn't a professional sport. This isn't a pick-up game with friends. This is playing a fucking video game with random people on the internet. If you're expecting sportsmanship from random strangers, expecting people you've *never met* to conform to your specific set of behaviors, you need a bloody reality check.


My only problem with the game is there is no way to block specific players. Some players are just annoying as fuck like syms that put their teleporter at the edge of a cliff so when you use it you die.

>can't handle the Sym bantz
Teleporter trolling is hilarious

There was, they removed it
I understand that it can be abused on high tier, but it was still good. Maybe they should have done it so you can't block master and GM players in competitive.

I heard about that. My solution is to bring it back but make the blocks temporary. Say for a day. Or to only have so many blocks active at a time. New blocks over the limit take the place of the oldest block.

They could have easily fixed it so that good players weren't punished and to give players a way of avoiding other players they dont want to play with.

ppl are spoonfed idiots these days. played some gengu in defense (100hrs on gengu, 4.3k) and a teammate started flaming and trolling cuz "NO GENJI IN DEF WTF U TROLL?!?!?!"

>tfw playing widow just to troll my asshole team, everyones trolling
>tfw actually carried the game with widow trolling


also, what I noticed, people in general are sensitive little pussys. the tiniest bit of flame and people start losing their shit, as if you just raped their mother. whats wrong with these cucks?

>Playing as Lucio
>Push a Tracer off the map
>They rewind
>Push them off the map again
>(Player has disconnected)

Nigger, you're like top 500, I really doubt that anyone would flame on one of the best players in the world
Post your acc

>you should be an asshole on the internet because people on the internet are assholes
really made me think

Are people ITT actually upset over this?

It's a joke they put in for fun, you babies will complain about anything won't you?

Want to type GG EZ so badly? Then do


There, problem solved

Where the fuck did he say that?
He said not to expect every encounter with a stranger on the internet to be sunshine and rainbows.

>Not spamming GG EZ to flood the chatbox with the filters

I feel very... very small. Please hold me...

Who the fuck gets so mad at not being able to type "gg ez" that they need to complain online to anonymous?

If you want to be a bantzfag, come up with something creative. No one is impressed by your buzzword.

>There are people ITT that get offended and complain because their text was changed to something else calling them a baby

It's more insult to injury, kicking you while you're down and all that. You won, that should be enough.

Plus you can't carry shitters no matter how good you are.

Neo reddit at its finest

>mfw playing whatever I want in ranked while all those pissbabies cry
The tears are delicious.

Is Overwatch fun


its fun if you don't take it too seriously

>Thread is full of people who get triggered by gg ez
>They're all acting like the people who say it are the babies

Being so much of a pussy

>baby is triggered that GG EZ gets censored
>Acts like he isn't a baby

Is it worth it to practice McCree or should I just stick with 76 for dps

It's enough having to deal with your own team constantly not shutting the fuck up spamming OMG CHANGE CHARACTER YOU'RE NOT HELPING THE TEAM every second of the match without the enemy team also spouting bullshit.

Overwatch is the worst multiplayer game ever.

>children can't act civil
>company has to force them to not be little shits

If you play exclusively with friends for the express purpose of having fun, or if you play for the express purpose of trolling your own team.

God help you if you actually try to just play the game, CHANGE OMG CHANGE YOUR CHARACTER IS SHIT CHANGE CHANGE WE'RE GONNA LOSE even though you just killed 3 people in the past 5 seconds. Worst community in gaming hands down.

wait, those are actual filter sentences?
I thought they were just some macro like texts people just spam

mccree has a shit ult and a meh lshift, I personally prefer 76 unless you can really 360 no scope headshot all the time

obviously not you twat

so they fixed the potg

too bad blizzard is shilling it as a competitive shooter

even casual mode is just practice for competitive
barely anyone plays casually

Every single game I win I complain that it was a waste of time because it was too easy, and I tell the other team to uninstall the game.

Every single game I lose I insult everyone on my team, tell them to fuck off, and unisntall the game.

And that's the best way to play the game. I you wanna feel good go hug your mommy's booty. Games' chat are of rage ony.

I always spam these filters with easy wins

They know what I'm saying and it's great when the whole team joins in

>Soon they will clamor to have the entire voice/text removed from the game because their hugbox isn't protecting them.

literally hearthstone already

Doesn't matter anyway the filters just replaced them